Why study at TECH?

A comprehensive and multidisciplinary educational program that will allow you to learn and integrate into your professional activity the latest advances in the field of water engineering"


The Professional master’s degree in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management is characterized by the deepening in these areas, from a comprehensive perspective, considering all the advances and interrelationships between both disciplines, including the most relevant aspects in legislation and circular economy.

In this way, the section on legislation offers the student a repository with all the legislation applicable to the topics covered during the Professional Master's Degree, facilitating its sectorial application. At the same time, the study of the circular economy is necessary because of its direct influence on water and waste management, a subject that is not covered by most of the master's degrees offered on the market.

One of the most interesting aspects of this Professional Master's Degree is the block dedicated to water management, in which the complete traceability of water is analyzed, from a chemical vision to its treatment as drinking water or wastewater. It also includes the use as an energy resource, through biogas or hydrogen vectors, an aspect to be taken into account in the coming years.

To conclude the study on waste, after a first module that covers from the classification and determination of waste, to the particularities of solid urban waste, industrial waste and hazardous waste, an in-depth analysis of all these types of waste is also necessary, given their coexistence in both urban and business environments.

It should be noted that as it is a 100% online Progessional Master's Degree, the student is not conditioned by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, but can access the contents at any time of the day, balancing their work or personal life with their academic life.

A comprehensive study, covering knowledge of procedures for dealing with different types of urban waste"

This Professional master’s degree in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management contains the most complete and updated program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in water engineering and urban waste management
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents, with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information, on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning.
  • Special focus on innovative methodologies in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Incorporate into your intervention and management capacity in the water sector, the most interesting innovations, through a high-quality and high-impact qualification"

It includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of and the management of Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management, who pour into this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training, designed for training oneself in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system, created by renowned and experienced experts in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management.

With a specific approach, including interdisciplinary learning, it uses the synergies between Water Engineering and Urban Resource Management"


This 100% online Professional master’s degree will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work. You choose where and when to train"


The syllabus has been designed based on educational effectiveness, carefully selecting the contents to offer a complete course that includes all the essential fields of study and allows to reach the real knowledge of the subject. With the latest updates and aspects of the sector. 


The most complete and up-to-date program on the market, which includes all the up-to-date knowledge that the professional needs to acquire in order to compete in this sector" 

Module 1. Legislation

1.1. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

1.1.1. SDG 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
1.1.2. SDG 12. Responsible Production and Consumption

1.2. European Strategy

1.2.1. Municipal Waste Target
1.2.2. Target Waste of Greatest Generation/Impact
1.2.3. Circular Economy

1.3. Main European Legislation

1.3.1. European Directives on Waste and Circular Economy
1.3.2. European Drinking Water Directives
1.3.3. Europe Residual Water Directives

1.4. Waste Producer Proceedings

1.4.1. Registration Procedures
1.4.2. Generation Control Declarations
1.4.3. Minimization

1.5. Waste Manager Procedures

1.5.1. Manager Types and Registration Procedures
1.5.2. Transportation Control and Management
1.5.3. Final Destination of Waste Declarations

1.6. International Regulations

1.6.1. Environmental Management systems
1.6.2. ISO 14001
1.6.3. EMAS

Module 2. Circular Economy

2.1. Aspects and Characteristics of Circular Economy

2.1.1. Origin of Circular Economy
2.1.2. Principles of Circular Economy
2.1.3. Key Features

2.2. Adaptation to Climate Change

2.2.1. Circular Economy as a Strategy
2.2.2. Economic Advantages
2.2.3. Social Benefits
2.2.4. Business Benefits
2.2.5. Environmental Benefits

2.3. Efficient and Sustainable Water Use

2.3.1. Rainwater
2.3.2. Gray Water
2.3.3. Irrigation Water Agriculture and Gardening
2.3.4. Process Water Agrifood Industry

2.4. Revaluation of Wastes and By-Products

2.4.1. Waste Water Footprint
2.4.2. From Waste to By-Product
2.4.3. Classification According to Production Sector
2.4.4. Revaluation Undertakings

2.5. Life Cycle Analysis

2.5.1. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
2.5.2. Stages
2.5.3. Reference Standards
2.5.4. Methodology
2.5.5. Tools

2.6. Ecodesign

2.6.1. Ecodesign Principles and Criteria
2.6.2. Characteristics of the Products
2.6.3. Ecodesign Methodologies
2.6.4. Ecodesign Tools
2.6.5. Success Stories

2.7. Zero Discharge

2.7.1. Principles of Zero Discharge
2.7.2. Benefits
2.7.3. Systems and Processes
2.7.4. Success Stories

2.8. Environmental Accounting

2.8.1. Best Available Environmental Technologies (BAT)
2.8.2. Ecotaxes
2.8.3. Ecological Account
2.8.4. Environmental Cost

Module 3. Wastewater Treatment

3.1. Water Pollution Assessment

3.1.1. Water Transparency
3.1.2. Water Pollution
3.1.3. Water Pollution Effects
3.1.4. Pollution Parameters

3.2. Sample Collection

3.2.1. Collection Procedure and Conditions
3.2.2. Sample Size
3.2.3. Frequency of Sampling
3.2.4. Sampling Program

3.3. WWTP Pretreatment

3.3.1. Water Reception
3.3.2. Dimensioning
3.3.3. Physical Processes

3.4. WWTP Primary Treatment

3.4.1. Sedimentation
3.4.2. Flocculation-Coagulation
3.4.3. Types of Decanters
3.4.4. Decanter Design

3.5. WWTP Secondary Treatment (I)

3.5.1. Biological Processes
3.5.2. Factors Affecting the Biological Process
3.5.3. Active Sludge
3.5.4. Percolating Sludge
3.5.5. Rotary Biological Contact Reactor

3.6. WWTP Secondary Treatment (II)

3.6.1. Biofilters
3.6.2. Digesters
3.6.3. Agitation Systems
3.6.4. Aerobic Digesters: Perfect Mixing and Piston Flow
3.6.5. Activated Sludge Digester
3.6.6. Secondary Decanter
3.6.7. Activated Sludge Systems

3.7. Tertiary Treatment (I)

3.7.1. Nitrogen Elimination
3.7.2. Phosphorus Elimination
3.7.3. Membrane Technology
3.7.4. Oxidation Technologies Applied to Generated Wastes
3.7.5. Disinfection

3.8. Tertiary Treatment (II)

3.8.1. Adsorption with Activated Carbon
3.8.2. Steam or Air Entrainment
3.8.3. Gas Washing: Stripping
3.8.4. Ion Exchange
3.8.5. pH Regulation

3.9. Sludge Study

3.9.1. Sludge Treatment
3.9.2. Flotation
3.9.3. Assisted Flotation
3.9.4. Dosing and Mixing Tank for Coagulants and Flocculants
3.9.5. Sludge Stabilization
3.9.6. High-Load Digester
3.9.7. Low-Load Digester
3.9.8. Biogas

3.10. Low-Cost Purification Technologies

3.10.1. Septic Tanks
3.10.2. Digester-Decanter Tank
3.10.3. Aerobic Lagooning
3.10.4. Anaerobic Lagooning
3.10.5. Green Filter
3.10.6. Sand Filter
3.10.7. Peat Bed

Module 4. Energy Production

4.1. Biogas Production

4.1.1. Products from the Activated Sludge Process
4.1.2. Anaerobic Digestion
4.1.3. Fermentation Stage
4.1.4. Biodigestor
4.1.5. Production and Characterization of the Biogas Generated

4.2. Biogas Conditioning

4.2.1. Elimination of Hydrogen Sulfide
4.2.2. Elimination of Humidity
4.2.3. Elimination of CO2
4.2.4. Elimination of Siloxanes
4.2.5. Elimination of Oxygen and Halogenated Organic Compounds

4.3. Biogas Storage

4.3.1. Gasometer
4.3.2. Biogas Storage
4.3.3. High-Pressure Systems
4.3.4. Low-Pressure Systems

4.4. Biogas Burning

4.4.1. Burners
4.4.2. Burner Characteristics
4.4.3. Installation of Burners
4.4.4. Flame Control
4.4.5. Low-Cost Burners

4.5. Uses of Biogas

4.5.1. Biogas Boiler
4.5.2. Gas Motor Generator
4.5.3. Turbine
4.5.4. Gas Rotating Machine
4.5.5. Injection into the Natural Gas Grid
4.5.6. Energy Calculations from the Use of Natural Gas

4.6. Current Energy Scenario

4.6.1. Use of Fossil Fuels
4.6.2. Nuclear Energy
4.6.3. Renewable Energies

4.7. Renewable Energies

4.7.1. Photovoltaic Solar Power
4.7.2. Wind Energy
4.7.3. Hydraulic Energy
4.7.4. Geothermal Energy
4.7.5. Energy Storage

4.8. Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier

4.8.1. Integration of Renewable Energies
4.8.2. Hydrogen Economy
4.8.3. Hydrogen Production
4.8.4. Use of Hydrogen
4.8.5. Electricity Production

4.9. Fuel Cells

4.9.1. Operation
4.9.2. Types of Fuel Cells
4.9.3. Microbial Fuel Cells

4.10. Gas Handling Safety

4.10.1. Risks: Biogas and Hydrogen
4.10.2. Explosion Safety
4.10.3. Security Measures
4.10.4. Inspection

Module 5. Water Chemistry

5.1. Water Chemistry

5.1.1. Alchemy
5.1.2. Evolution of Chemistry

5.2. The Water Molecule

5.2.1. Crystallography
5.2.2. Crystalline Structure of Water
5.2.3. Aggregation States
5.2.4. Links and Properties

5.3. Physicochemical Properties of Water

5.3.1. Physical Properties of Water
5.3.2. Chemical Properties of Water

5.4. Water as a Solvent

5.4.1. Ion Solubility
5.4.2. Solubility of Neutral Molecules
5.4.3. Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Interactions

5.5. Organic Chemistry of Water

5.5.1. The Water Molecule in Organic Reactions
5.5.2. Hydration Reactions
5.5.3. Hydrolysis Reactions
5.5.4. Hydrolysis of Amides and Esters
5.5.5. Other Water Reactions Enzymatic Hydrolysis

5.6. Inorganic Water Chemistry

5.6.1. Hydrogen Reactions
5.6.2. Oxygen Reactions
5.6.3. Reactions to Obtain Hydroxides
5.6.4. Reactions to Obtain Acids
5.6.5. Reactions to Obtain Salts

5.7. Analytical Chemistry of Water

5.7.1. Analytical Techniques
5.7.2. Water Analysis

5.8. Thermodynamics of Water Phases

5.8.1. Laws of Thermodynamics
5.8.2. Phase Diagram Phase Equilibrium
5.8.3. Water Triple Point

5.9. Water Quality

5.9.1. Organoleptic Characteristics
5.9.2. Physical-Chemical Characteristics
5.9.3. Anions and Cations
5.9.4. Undesirable Components
5.9.5. Toxic Components
5.9.6. Radioactivity

5.10. Chemical Water Purification Processes

5.10.1. Water Demineralization
5.10.2. Reverse Osmosis
5.10.3. Decalcification
5.10.4. Distillation
5.10.5. Ozone and UV Disinfection
5.10.6. Filtration

Module 6. Drinking and Process Water Treatment

6.1. The Water Cycle

6.1.1. The Water Cycle
6.1.2. Drinking Water Contamination Chemical Contamination Biological Contamination

6.1.3. Effects of Drinking Water Contamination

6.2. Drinking Water Treatment Plants (DWTP)

6.2.1. The Water Purification Process
6.2.2. Diagram of a DWTP Stages and Processes
6.2.3. Functional Calculations and Process Design
6.2.4. Environmental Impact Study

6.3. Flocculation and Coagulation in DWTPs

6.3.1. Flocculation and Coagulation
6.3.2. Types of Flocculants and Coagulants
6.3.3. Mixing Plant Design
6.3.4. Control Parameters and Strategies

6.4. Chlorine-Derived Treatments

6.4.1. Chlorine Treatment Residual Products
6.4.2. Disinfection Products
6.4.3. Chlorine Application Points in DWTP
6.4.4. Other Ways of Disinfection

6.5. Water Purification Equipment

6.5.1. Demineralization Equipment
6.5.2. Reverse Osmosis Equipment
6.5.3. Decalcification Equipment
6.5.4. Filtration Equipment

6.6. Water Desalination

6.6.1. Types of Desalination
6.6.2. Choosing the Desalination Method
6.6.3. Design of a Desalination Plant
6.6.4. Economic Study

6.7. Methods of Analysis of Drinking Water and Wastewater

6.7.1. Sample Collection
6.7.2. Description of Analysis Methods
6.7.3. Frequency of Analysis
6.7.4. Quality Control
6.7.5. Representation of Results

6.8. Water in Industrial Processes

6.8.1. Water in the Food Industry
6.8.2. Water in the Pharmaceutical Industry
6.8.3. Water in the Mining Industry
6.8.4. Water in the Agricultural Industry

6.9. Drinking Water Management

6.9.1. Infrastructures Used for Water Collection
6.9.2. Costs of Drinking Water Production
6.9.3. Drinking Water Storage and Distribution Technology
6.9.4. Management Tools for Water Scarcity

6.10. Drinking Water Economy

6.10.1. Economic Considerations
6.10.2. Service Costs
6.10.3. Freshwater Scarcity
6.10.4. The 2030 Agenda

Module 7. Waste Management

7.1. What Is Considered Waste

7.1.1. Evolution of Waste
7.1.2. Current Situation
7.1.3. Future Perspectives

7.2. Existing Waste Streams

7.2.1. Analysis of Waste Streams
7.2.2. Grouping Streams
7.2.3. Characteristics of the Streams

7.3. Classification of Waste and Characteristics

7.3.1. Classification According to Standards
7.3.2. Classification According to Management
7.3.3. Classification According to Origin

7.4. Characteristics and Properties

7.4.1. Chemical Characteristics
7.4.2. Physical Characteristics Humidity Specific Weight Granulometry

7.4.3. Hazard Characteristics

7.5. Waste Problems. Origin and Types of Waste

7.5.1. Main Problems of Waste Management
7.5.2. Generation Problems
7.5.3. Problems with Transport and Final Treatment

7.6. Environmental Liabilities

7.6.1. Liabilities for Environmental Damage
7.6.2. Damage Prevention, Mitigation and Remediation
7.6.3. Financial Guarantees
7.6.4. Environmental Requirement Procedures

7.7. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

7.7.1. Fundamental Aspects
7.7.2. Environmental Requirement Procedures
7.7.3. Information and Communication

7.8. European Emission Source Inventory

7.8.1. Emission Inventory Background
7.8.2. European Pollutant Emission Inventory
7.8.3. European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)

7.9. Environmental Impact Assessment

7.9.1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
7.9.2. Administrative Procedures of EIA
7.9.3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
7.9.4. Abbreviated Procedures

7.10. Climate Change and the Fight against Climate Change

7.10.1. Elements and Factors that Determine the Climate
7.10.2. Definition of Climate Change Climate Change Effects
7.10.3. Actions Against Climate Change
7.10.4. Organizations Facing Climate Change
7.10.5. Predictions about Climate Change
7.10.6. Bibliographical References

Module 8. Urban Solid Waste Management

8.1. Sources and Production

8.1.1. Sources of Origin
8.1.2. Analysis of Composition
8.1.3. Evolution of Production

8.2. Urban Solid Waste Management

8.2.1. Classification According to Standards
8.2.2. Urban Solid Waste Features

8.3. Effects on Public Health and the Environment

8.3.1. Health Effects of Air Pollution
8.3.2. Health Effects of Chemical Substances
8.3.3. Effects on Wildlife

8.4. Importance of Minimization

8.4.1. Reducing Waste
8.4.2. The 5Rs and Their Benefits
8.4.3. Fractionation and Problems

8.5. Phases of Operational Waste Management

8.5.1. Waste Containerization
8.5.2. Waste Collection Types and Systems
8.5.3. Transfer and Transportation

8.6. Types of Urban Waste Treatment I

8.6.1. Classification Plants
8.6.2. Composting
8.6.3. Biomethanization
8.6.4. Energy Value

8.7. Types of Urban Waste Treatment II

8.7.1. Landfill
8.7.2. Environmental Impact of Landfills
8.7.3. Sealing Landfill

8.8. Municipal Management of USW Landfills

8.8.1. Social Perception and Physical Situation
8.8.2. Management Models of USW Landfills
8.8.3. Current Problems of USW Landfills

8.9. The Waste as a Source of Business

8.9.1. From Health Protection to Circular Economy
8.9.2. Economic Activity of Waste Management
8.9.3. From Waste to Resource
8.9.4. Waste as a Substitute for Raw Materials

8.10. Digitization in the Management Process

8.10.1. Classification Based on Deep Learning
8.10.2. Container Sensing
8.10.3. Smart Bins

Module 9. Industrial Waste Management

9.1. Industrial Waste Characterization

9.1.1. Classification According to Regulation 1357/2014, Based on the Amendments Introduced by Regulation 1272/08 (CLP) and Regulation 1907/06 (REACH)
9.1.2. Classification According to the European Waste List

9.2. Industrial Waste Management

9.2.1. Industrial Waste Producer
9.2.2. Industrial Waste Management
9.2.3. Fines

9.3. Internal Management of Industrial Waste

9.3.1. Compatibility and Initial Segregation
9.3.2. Internal Transport of Waste
9.3.3. Internal Storage of Waste

9.4. Minimization of Waste

9.4.1. Minimization Methods and Techniques
9.4.2. Minimization Plan

9.5. Fines

9.5.1. Enforcement of Environmental Legislation According to the Nature of the Waste

9.6. Waste Stream I

9.6.1. Management of Used Oils
9.6.2. Packaging Waste Management
9.6.3. Construction and Demolition Waste Management

9.7. Waste Stream II

9.7.1. Batteries and Accumulators Management
9.7.2. Packaging Waste Management

9.8. Waste Stream III

9.8.1. End-of-Life Vehicle Management
9.8.2. Decontamination, Treatment and Management Methods

9.9. Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste

9.9.1. Typology and Characterization of Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste
9.9.2. Transportation of Goods According to Their Volume

9.10. By-Products Market

9.10.1. Industrial By-Products
9.10.2. National and European Situation Analysis
9.10.3. By-Product Exchange

Module 10. Dangerous Waste

10.1. Agriculture and Livestock

10.1.1. Agricultural Waste
10.1.2. Types of Agricultural Waste
10.1.3. Types of Livestock Waste
10.1.4. Valuation of Agricultural Waste
10.1.5. Valuation of Livestock Waste

10.2. Trade, Office and Related Activities

10.2.1. Commercial, Office and Related Waste
10.2.2. Types of Commercial, Office and Related Waste
10.2.3. Valuation of Commercial, Office and Related Waste

10.3. Construction and Civil Works

10.3.1. Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW)
10.3.2. Types of CDW
10.3.3. Valuation  of CDW

10.4. Integrated Water Cycle

10.4.1. Waste Integrated Water Cycle
10.4.2. Types of Waste Integrated Water Cycle
10.4.3. Valuation of Waste Integrated Water Cycle

10.5. Chemical and Plastics Industry

10.5.1. Chemical and Plastics Industry Waste
10.5.2. Types of Chemical and Plastics Industry Waste
10.5.3. Valuation of Waste from the Chemical and Plastics Industry

10.6. Metal-Mechanical Industry

10.6.1. Metal-Mechanical Industry Waste
10.6.2. Types of Metal-Mechanical Industry Waste
10.6.3. Valuation of Metal-Mechanical Industry Waste

10.7. Healthcare

10.7.1. Healthcare Waste
10.7.2. Types of Healthcare Waste
10.7.3. Valuation of Healthcare Waste

10.8. IT and Telecommunications

10.8.1. IT and Telecommunications Waste
10.8.2. Types of IT and Telecommunications Waste
10.8.3. Valuation IT and Telecommunications Waste

10.9. Energy Industry

10.9.1. Energy Industry Waste
10.9.2. Types of Energy Industry Waste
10.9.3. Valuation of Energy Industry Waste

10.10. Transport

10.10.1. Transport Waste
10.10.2. Types of Transport Waste
10.10.3. Valuation of Transport Waste


This training will allow you to advance in your career in a comfortable way”

Professional Master's Degree in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management

It is the responsibility of engineers to supervise the potabilization processes in water treatment plants. However, in order to achieve this objective, while complying with the premise of sustainability, it is necessary for professionals to have specialized education. At this point, the Professional Master's Degree in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management of TECH Global University is an extraordinary opportunity to obtain this knowledge (circular economy in water resource management systems) through the most up-to-date and experienced teaching staff in this area of engineering.

A 100% online Professional Master's Degree in Urban Waste

.Among the advantages of the Professional Master's Degree in Water Engineering and Urban Waste Management of TECH's Faculty of Engineering is its fully online learning methodology known as Relearning. Through its application, students will be able to learn about the latest legislation supporting drinking water treatment plants, address the relation of water with the environment, perform a description of the physicochemical processes involved in wastewater treatment, identify the costs of drinking water service, understand the potential effects of waste in the landfill and master the latest techniques for the elimination of elements toxic to humans and the environment, among other objectives.