
Smart City Projects are increasingly in demand and, therefore, it is necessary to have trained professionals for their development”


Cities constitute a new paradigm in the 21st century, facing great challenges of humanity such as overpopulation of cities, important technological transformations and greater citizen accessibility to all services. 

Within this postgraduate diploma, digital platforms and their impact on different application areas, such as industry, energy, education and cybersecurity, will be discussed first hand, to end up focusing on their use within public services: Smart Cities.

The international approach to smart cities, the most practical aspects of the implementation of Smart City projects or the specific features of working with the public administration in an intrinsically complex environment are just some of the topics covered in this training, with special emphasis on the characteristics of the public sector and the different actors (Stakeholders) of the city ecosystem, and the need to integrate them for the achievement of successful projects.

In this area, it is also important to know the future challenges that cities will gradually face in digital transformation, not only technologically, but also in terms of governance, security, sustainability and alignment with the 2030 Agenda.

To achieve the objective of professional improvement and specialization, TECH offers cutting-edge training adapted to the latest developments in this field, with an up to date syllabus developed by experienced professionals who are willing to put all their knowledge at their students’ disposal. It should be noted that as this is a 100% online postgraduate diploma, the student is not conditioned by fixed schedules or the need to move to another physical location, but can access the contents at any time of the day, balancing their work or personal life with their academic life.

The completion of this postgraduate diploma will place engineering and architecture professionals at the forefront of the latest developments in the sector"

The postgraduate diploma in Smart City Projects contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Smart Cities
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Smart Cities
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program in the field of Smart Cities. We offer you quality and free access to content"

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the fields of engineering and architecture, who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from prestigious universities and leading societies.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts in Smart City Projects and with great experience.  

This program comes with the best educational material, providing you with a contextual approach that will facilitate your learning”


This 100% online postgraduate diploma will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work. You choose where and when to train”


The program in Smart City Projects is aimed at facilitating the performance of the professional to acquire and learn the main developments in this field, which will allow them to practice their profession with the highest quality and professionalism.   


Our goal is for you to become the best professional in your sector. And for this we have the best methodology and content"

General Objectives

  • Recognize Smart City projects as particular use cases of digitalization projects through platforms, to know their main particularities and the state of the art of these projects in an international context
  • Value the two essential elements in any smart city project, data as the main asset and the citizen as the main motivator of such projects
  • Analyze the different technologies and models to address the digital transformation of cities in depth and understand the advantages and opportunities that a model based on integration platforms offers
  • Delve into the general architecture of Smart Cities Platforms and the applicable reference legislation, using international standards
  • Identify the role that new digital technologies play in the construction of the smart city model: LPWAN, 5G, Cloud and Edge
  • Computing, IoT, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
  • Know the functionalities of the different layers that constitute the digital platforms for cities in detail: support layer, acquisition layer, knowledge layer and interoperability layer
  • Differentiate between digital government services and Smart city services, the possibilities of integration between the two worlds and the resulting new services for citizens, public administration services 4.0
  • Differentiate between the two types of solutions offered within the Smart Cities smart services layer: vertical solutions and transversal solutions
  • In depth breakdown of the main vertical solutions applied in cities: waste management, parks and gardens, parking, public transport management, urban traffic control, environment, security and emergencies, water consumption and energy management
  • Know the transversal solutions of the smart services layer that can be implemented in smart city projects in detail
  • Delve into the difference between city management and nation management, and identify their main challenges and lines of activity
  • Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for the design of technological solutions in the fields of tourism, home care, agriculture, ecosystemic spaces and urban service provision
  • Have a global perspective of Smart Cities projects, identifying the most useful tools in each phase of the project
  • Recognize the keys to success and how to deal with the possible difficulties that a Smart City project may present
  • Identify the main trends and paradigms that will serve as leverage for the future transformation of Smart Cities
  • Conceptually design plans and solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda

Specific Objectives 

Module 1. The Smart Cities Paradigm  

  • Delve into the evolution of Smart Cities, what have been the main changes that have led to the need to create Smart Cities and what are the challenges we face
  • Understand how digital platforms work, and their different fields of action (industry, education, energy, etc.)
  • Perform an exhaustive analysis of two of the key axes in the definition of Smart Cities projects: data as a lever and the citizen as a motivating element of the projects
  • Differentiate, according to the size of impact, smart city, nation and campus projects
  • Have an overview of the status and differences in the approach to Smart Cities projects around the world

Module 2. Smart City Projects  

  • Identify the existing ecosystem of stakeholders in cities and the need for their integration in Smart City projects
  • Delve into the different sources of funding for Smart City projects, from the most classic to the public-private partnership (PPP) models
  • Perform a comprehensive analysis of the most useful tools in the implementation of Smart City projects at different stages of the project
  • Recognize the keys to success and how to deal with the possible difficulties that a Smart City project may present

Module 3. The Future of Smart Cities  

  • Identify the state of maturity and level of service transformation in the cities
  • Understand the value of data and the importance of establishing a Data Governance Strategy through a Public Management Entity
  • Analyze different city management models based on the generation of an ecosystem of solutions and use cases from the combination of multiple sectorial platforms
  • Define new use cases that help cities become more agile, flexible and resilient to chronic stresses or acute shocks that may weaken their structure
  • Conceptually design plans and solutions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda

Join us and we will help you achieve professional excellence"

Postgraduate Diploma in Smart City Projects /h1>.

The world is in a constant change and adaptation to new technologies that arise every day. In this sense, Smart Cities projects have become very important in the search for sustainable development in cities. Thus, there is a need for professionals who know how to plan and manage such projects. That is why the academic program Postgraduate Diploma in Smart City Projects is presented as an excellent option for those who want to train in this area. This Postgraduate Diploma in Smart City Projects of TECH Global University is aimed at professionals in the areas of engineering, architecture, urban planning, information technology, among others. It will address topics such as project planning, energy management, the use of technologies to optimize the functioning of the city, waste management and the economic impact on society. All this, with the aim of training professionals capable of innovating, creating sustainable projects and improving the quality of life of citizens.

The impact on climate change


Professionals who complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Smart City Projects program will be able to lead projects and work teams for the development of smart cities, both locally and internationally. They will be able to apply the knowledge acquired to design innovative and sustainable solutions that allow cities to adapt to the challenges presented by technology and climate change. This specialization offered by TECH Global University, has a duration of 6 months with 450 hours at the complete disposal of students, thanks to our 100% online classes. This specialization is an excellent opportunity for those professionals seeking to develop their skills and competencies in the management of sustainable and technological projects. A training oriented to meet the current and future needs of our cities, contributing to a sustainable and safe present and future.