
This postgraduate diploma in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care will give you the boost you need in your professional career. Click and enroll now”


Education and health professionals are responsible for addressing individuals with High Abilities. These students are characterized by having specific intelligence conditions, developing giftedness, precocity or high talent in some specific subjects or in each and every one of them. Therefore, the professionals in charge of this special care require up-to-date and advanced knowledge in the field. 

That is the reason why TECH Global University has developed a program in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care with which it seeks to provide students with the necessary skills and competencies to be able to perform their support and guidance work with the highest possible efficiency and quality in their work. In this way, throughout the syllabus we delve into family models and their influence on the development of High Abilities, social foundations, the most frequent diagnostic confusions and integrated clinical diagnosis, among other issues. 

All this, in a comfortable 100% online mode that allows the student to advance in their studies, combining them with their other day-to-day activities, without interfering with them. In addition, with the full availability of the most dynamic and innovative theoretical and practical materials in the educational market.

Assimilate all the keys and techniques needed to work with students with High Abilities, thanks to TECH and a 100% online modality”

This postgraduate diploma in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

A university program that will show you the best strategies for families and the most effective guidelines for the educational response”

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this training the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the educational year. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Enroll now and access with your tablet, mobile or computer to all the content, 24 hours a day"


Face a multidisciplinary program that will enhance your profile in indicators and signs for diagnosis or school orientations"


The objective of this postgraduate diploma in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care is to enhance and provide the students with new skills and advanced knowledge, so that they can work in this field as efficiently as possible. All this, through comprehensive multimedia materials, information extracted from the most rigorous sources and the latest teaching technologies. 


Update your knowledge in High Abilities with the use of the latest educational technology applied to educational teaching”

General Objectives

  • Train the participant to recognize and initiate the detection of students who present characteristics compatible with the High Abilities spectrum
  • Make known the main characteristics of High Abilities, as well as the pedagogical, scientific, and legal framework in which this reality is framed 
  • Show students the main assessment tools, as well as the criteria to complete the process of indentifying the specific educational needs required for High Abilities 
  • Enable students to use techniques and strategies for educational intervention, as well as guide the response in different extracurricular areas
  • Develop in students the capacity to elaborate specific adaptations, as well as to collaborate or to promote integral programs within the educational project and the attention plan for diversity at a center 
  • Value the multidimensionality of High Abilities and the need for multiprofessional interventions with flexible and adaptive methodologies from an inclusive vision
  • Consolidate innovation and the application of new technologies as a central and useful element in the educational process 
  • Awaken in the student the necessary sensitivity and initiative to become a catalyst for the paradigmatic change that will make an inclusive educational system possible

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Definition and Classification of High Abilities  

  • Differentiate between special and specific educational needs  
  • Understand the criteria of maximum normality behind inclusive education  
  • Know how attention to diversity is vertically structured throughout the educational stages  
  • Understand the structure of the educational system and how educational projects and plans are developed  
  • Understand the bases of the organization of the curriculum at the center and classroom level  
  • Know the different possibilities of classroom organization within the framework of personalized, adaptive or inclusive attention  
  • Understand the functioning and expertise of educational guidance teams and their role in the attention to diversity and High Abilities  
  • Analyze the historical background of High Abilities   
  • Compare the evolution of the concept of High Abilities in the international framework 

Module 2. Identification of High Abilities  

  • Describe the evolution of the concept of intelligence through different models and theories  
  • Critically analyze the definitions of intelligence that have emerged throughout history 
  • Justify the current definitions of human intelligence  
  • Know the current definitions of High Abilities  
  • Review the educational changes and the direction taken by education in our legislative framework  
  • Critically analyze the actions of the different educational administrations in High Abilities  
  • Know the differential cortical development of High Abilities both at a structural and functional level  
  • Analyze the differential diagnosis model as a basis for any type of intervention  

Module 3. Clinical Aspects and Educational Needs of High Abilities  

  • Describe the non-pathological clinical aspects of High Abilities   
  • Critique reference manuals and their applicability to the area of High Abilities  
  • Know the biological, psychological and social foundations of clinical models  
  • Analyze the different types of dyssynchrony that accompany High Abilities  
  • Compare from a clinical-educational point of view  internal dyssynchrony with external dyssynchrony  
  • Interpret the presence of the Pygmalion effect in the classroom both positive and negative  
  • Anticipate the potential for identity difusion syndrome in adolescents  
  • Understand overexcitability and its probable incidence in High Abilities  
  • Differentiate between the different types of overexcitability and their manifestations  

Module 4. High Abilities and Health 

  • Know the legal-health framework regarding High Abilities   
  • Understand the new technologies that help to interpret the most specific diagnoses according to the different clinical features presented 
  • Define the action plan for primary care in clinical complications
  • Identify the best clinical tools for primary care 
  • Analyze the clinical processes for primary school care and their effectiveness from the required follow-up and control in a multidisciplinary context

A unique training experience, key and decisive to boost your professional development”

Postgraduate Diploma in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care

Expand your knowledge and skills in the care of people with high abilities in the field of health in primary care with our Postgraduate Diploma program in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care at TECH Global University. Take advantage of our online classes to acquire the necessary tools to provide comprehensive and specialized care to this population. People with high abilities have an above average intellectual potential and present specific cognitive, emotional and social characteristics. It is essential that health professionals are prepared to understand and address their needs appropriately. In the Postgraduate Diploma in High Abilities and Health in Primary Care, you will explore the theoretical and practical foundations of high abilities and their relationship to health. You will learn to identify and assess people with high abilities, as well as to understand the peculiarities of their development and functioning at different stages of life. You will also acquire knowledge in the management of emotional and social difficulties that people with high abilities may present, as well as in the detection and care of possible comorbid disorders. You will learn intervention and support strategies to promote the well-being and optimal development of these individuals in the primary care setting.

Learn with the best digital university in the world

TECH is proud to offer innovative programs, backed by our reputation as a leading online education institution. Join our Primary Postgraduate Diploma and gain the knowledge and skills you need to provide specialized, quality care to people with high abilities in healthcare. By choosing our online classes, you will enjoy a number of notable benefits. You will have access to quality educational material, taught by experts in high abilities and primary care health. Our practical approach will allow you to apply your knowledge through case studies and hands-on activities. In addition, you will have the flexibility to study at your own pace, adapting your learning to your schedule and personal commitments.