Luna Correa, Paulo Andrés
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, National University of Rio Cuarto URC, Córdoba, Argentina.
كلية العلاج الطبيعي
كلية الطب البيطري
الخبرة العلمية والعملية
- Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, National University of Rio Cuarto URC, Córdoba, Argentina.
- Postgraduate in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of the Sports Equine, at IACES, with Equidinamia in charge of the MV Marta García Piqueres, Madrid, Spain
- M a ster Equine Medicine Deportortiva, UCO Univiersidad of Cordoba, Spain.
- Associate professor in the Department of Domestic Animal Anatomy at the National University of Rio Cuarto, UNRC, Córdoba, Argentina - 2019.
- 2018-2020 Exercise of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation or n horse on my personal venture: Ekine.