
Advances in diagnosis and intervention in traumatology make it possible to improve the health of animals in an effective way" 


The teaching team of this advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Traumatology has made a careful selection of the different state-of-the-art surgical techniques for experienced professionals working in the veterinary field, focusing also on medical history, physical examination of the patient, complementary medical tests and interpretation, differential diagnoses and treatment.

In addition to the techniques most commonly used in small animals, which are those found in traditional practices, this program also places special emphasis on larger species, so a careful selection of techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of lameness in ruminants, camelids, suidos and equids has been programmed, including the description of musculoskeletal surgery and rehabilitation.

Throughout this specialization, the student will learn all of the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. Additionally, at TECH we have a social commitment: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and to develop their personal, social and professional skills throughout the course of their studies. 

We will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge we offer, but we will introduce you to another way of studying and learning, one which is simpler, more organic, and efficient. We will work to keep you motivated and to develop your passion for learning, helping you to think and develop critical thinking skills. And we will push you to think and develop critical thinking.   

This advanced master’s degree is designed to give you access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional. 

In addition, as it is a 100% online specialization, it is the student himself who decides where and when to study. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life.

Veterinarians need to update their knowledge of traumatology, as a high number of consultations pertain to this field" 

This advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Traumatology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software 
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts 
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems 
  • Teaching supported by telepractice 
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems 
  • Self-regulated learning that allows full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification 
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion and knowledge forums  
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A high-level scientific program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way we ensure that we deliver the educational update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professionals trained and experienced in different fields, who will develop the theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will put at the service of the study the practical knowledge derived from their own experience.

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this grand master. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operability you need in your training.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system andlearning from an expert, to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the scenario you are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

We give you the opportunity to experience a deep and complete immersion in the strategies and approaches in advanced master’s degree"


A program created for professionals who aspire to excellence and that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a fluid and effective way"


Our objective is to train highly qualified professionals for the working An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you can take for granted, with high-intensity and precise education.


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further: Welcome to TECH” 

General Objectives

  • Substantiate knowledge of cytology and bone histology
  • Develop bone physiology and its influence on the hormonal system governing bone in a patient with bone disease
  • Determine how to carry out bone repair, clinical radiographic assessment and fracture
  • Analyze the forces acting on the skeletal body causing stress and the absorption of that force depending on the magnitude and direction of the force absorbed by the body
  • Examine the different types of bone repair that exist in a bone depending on the method of fixation 
  • Perform a physical examination of a patient in dynamics and statistics
  • Differentiate the different orthopaedic diseases depending on the different symptoms found at the time of physical examination 
  • Use audiovisual methods to make an assessment for an orthopaedic physical examination such as normal speed video cameras, slow motion video, metric measurements and use of a goniometer
  • Compile the different configurations of the Kirschner-Ehmer external tutor
  • Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using external fixators
  • Establish post-surgical care for external tutors
  • Develop a discussion regarding nailing technique
  • Identify and apply the basic principles in the use of the intramedullary and locked nails used in fractures in dogs and cats
  • Establish the methods of insertion and analyze the biomechanics and forces controlling the intramedullary nail in long bone fractures in dogs and cats
  • Establish the methods of insertion, types and sizes of intramedullary nails used in fractures in dogs and cats 
  • Identify the advantages, disadvantages and complications of the use of the intramedullary nail in fractures in dogs and cats
  • Analyse and understand the principles and uses of the locking nail in long bone fractures in dogs and cats
  • Identify other uses of the intramedullary nail and ancillary methods applied to bone fractures in dogs and cats
  • Examine the evolution of internal fixation with plates over the last 50 years
  • Determine the characteristics of each of the most important systems used in the world
  • Classify the different plate fixation systems for osteosynthesis in dogs and cats, in terms of form, size and function
  • Detail the anatomy of the pelvic region as well as closely related regions
  • Identify "candidate patients" for conservative or surgical treatment following a pelvic fracture
  • Specialize in the various fixation systems for pelvic fractures
  • Establish the main complications associated with pelvic fractures 
  • Assess the immediate post-surgical needs of patients with pelvic fractures, as well as their medium and long-term evolution
  • Develop a theoretical and practical knowledge of osteosynthesis in specific fractures of the femur, tibia and patella
  • Foster specialist judgement for decision making in specific fractures with specific repairs in each of the clinical situations in femur, patella and tibia
  • Develop specialist knowledge of osteosynthesis of complicated fractures of the scapula, humerus, radius and ulna
  • Develop specialized decision-making criteria for "specific" fractures with "specific" repairs in each of the existing fractures of the scapula, humerus, radius and ulna
  • Analyze arthroscopy techniques in different joints
  • Examine arthroscopic visualization
  • Evaluate arthroscopic instrumentation
  • Develop surgical techniques guided by arthroscopy
  • Identify the three possible orthopedic conditions in each clinical case
  • Identify the definitive orthopaedic disease after ruling out those that do not apply
  • Analyse the differences between the two diseases in order to avoid misdiagnosis
  • Examine state-of-the-art diagnostic methods 
  • Develop specialized knowledge in order to carry out the best treatment for each of these diseases
  • Establish the basic system and procedures in a lameness examination
  • Identify the means available to locate an anatomical site as the cause of a claudication 
  • Establish the indications for the use of the different imaging techniques in the presence of an orthopedic problem
  • Examine the main therapeutic options currently available on the market
  • Examine the main pathological entities of the musculoskeletal system 
  • Analyze the main lesions of the axial skeleton
  • Define the etiology of palmar hoof pain or podotrochlear pathology
  • Compile the main findings in the diagnosis of bone, joint and soft tissue pathologies
  • Present the different therapeutic options in the management of these pathologies
  • Gain advanced knowledge of the angular deformities, flexural deformities, osteochondrosis, and subchondral cysts 
  • Determine the different treatments for angular and flexural deformities
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for the identification, treatment and prognostication of osteochondral lesions 
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the etiopathogenesis, identification, treatment and prognosis of subchondral cysts 
  • Propose therapeutic strategies to limit the negative consequences of these pathologies
  • Develop the fundamentals of bone physiology and bone healing
  • Systematically approach the care of an animal with a fracture
  • Present the implants and materials used for fracture fixation
  • Present the different fracture reduction and fixation techniques
  • Gain fundamental knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries and infections
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for its exploration, diagnosis and treatment
  • Generate specialized knowledge of the different materials and techniques used for the treatment of these pathologies
  • Propose therapeutic strategies in wound management alternative to the conventional ones
  • Evaluate the equipment and instruments used in synovial cavity surgery
  • Gain fundamental knowledge of arthroscopy, tenoscopy and bursoscopy techniques 
  • Develop synovial cavity exploration techniques
  • Establish endoscopy as a method of surgical treatment of synovial pathologies
  • Develop specialized knowledge to correctly plan surgery 
  • Examine the necessary general pharmacological, anesthesia and equipment to deal surgically with the different pathologies
  • Analyze the most frequent anesthetic complications in the large animal clinic, particularly those related to orthopedic surgery
  • Examine the most frequent surgical complications in orthopedic surgery and provide useful protocols to solve or avoid them
  • Establish surgical methodology for the resolution of musculoskeletal problems in large animals
  • Examine each surgical technique in detail for each commonly occurring muscle and tendon pathology
  • Determine each surgical technique in detail for each commonly occurring bone pathology
  • Establish survival, sports and productive prognoses for the pathologies described
  • Establish the most appropriate surgical methodology for the resolution of musculoskeletal problems in large animals
  • Examine each surgical technique in detail for each commonly occurring forelimb and hind limb bone pathology and for each commonly occurring axial skeletal bone pathology
  • Establish survival, sports and productive prognoses for the pathologies described
  • Examine the importance of musculoskeletal injury rehabilitation in horses
  • Establish the basis of the techniques used in rehabilitation
  • Analyze the main musculoskeletal rehabilitation techniques in sport horses
  • Present rehabilitation plans based on the location of the injury

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Osteogenesis

  • Develop knowledge of bone cytology
  • Determine the formation of the structures and the difference between immature bone and genuine bone
  • Examine the hormonal influence on bone development
  • Detail the resistance of the bone to trauma, differentiate between a stable fracture and an unstable fracture by the appearance of the callus in an X-ray

Module 2. Orthopedic Physical Examination

  • Identify abnormalities in the patient by means of the medical history review
  • Establish the management of a patient on arrival at the hospital for a static and dynamic orthopaedic physical examination
  • Determine the importance in the orthopaedic physical examination of observation, inspection, palpation, tenderness and listening for joint crepitus, as well as measurement of joint range of motion
  • Develop the 20 most commonly encountered diseases in dogs
  • Develop the necessary skills and ability to perform a good orthopaedic clinical examination in order to make a decisive diagnosis
  • Develop the ability to establish possible diagnoses by detailing the supporting diagnostic methods to obtain a definitive diagnosis

Module 3. Diagnosis of Lameness in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids

  • Specialize the student in the collection of essential data to obtain a complete anamnesis
  • Differentiate between the different conformations that are predisposed to developing injuries in the musculoskeletal system
  • Recognize the symptoms presented by a patient with thoracic limb claudication
  • Recognize the symptoms presented by a patient with pelvic limb claudication
  • Interpret the results of local or regional anesthesia as diagnostic tools
  • Generate criteria that allows for the appropriate selection of imaging diagnostic techniques in each case
  • Assess in detail the indications and considerations of each pharmacological group in the therapeutic management of a musculoskeletal injury

Module 4. Main Musculoskeletal Pathologies in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids

  • Gain specialized knowledge for diagnosing and treating an articular pathology
  • Recognize the symptoms of tendon and ligament injuries
  • Analyze the etiology and pathogenesis of lesions associated with biomechanical maladaptation processes
  • Present the most frequent acute and subclinical myopathies
  • Identify and recognize pathologies of the axial skeleton that are involved in a drop in sports performance
  • Analyze the different differential diagnoses related to podotrochlear pathology and their therapeutic management
  • Examine the different treatment strategies based on biological therapy

Module 5. Developmental Diseases: Angular and Flexural Deformities, Osteochondrosis and Subchondral Cyst in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equines

  • Develop specialized knowledge on the etiopathogenesis of angular deformities, flexural deformities, osteochondrosis and subchondral cysts
  • Carry out a correct diagnosis of the different alterations presented
  • Specify the techniques for delaying and stimulating bone growth used in the surgical treatment of angular deformities
  • Determine the medical treatments and application of resins, splints and orthopedic tools used in the treatment of angular and flexural deformities
  • Specify the demotomy and tenotomy techniques used in the treatment of flexural deformities
  • Establish the specificities in the treatment of deformities according to the age of the patient and the anatomical area affected
  • Determine the prevalence, predisposing factors, diagnosis, localization, treatment and prognosis of osteochondral lesions and subchondral cysts

Module 6. Skeletal External Fixators and Circular Fixators

  • Analyze the behaviour of different configurations of linear, hybrid and circular stakes
  • Compile the use of external tutors in cases of non-unions
  • Propose the use of external fixation as the first option for tibia and radius fractures
  • Concretize the use of tutors as a first option for open or infected fractures
  • Demonstrate that external tutors can be used in felines
  • Establish guidelines for the choice of use of each of the configurations
  • Assess the importance of the quality of materials
  • Examine the behaviour of the use of acrylic for long bone fractures
  • Justify the advantages of the use of circular arthrodesis tutors
  • Generate curiosity about the use of external tutors

Module 7. Intramedullary Nailing

  • Establish the uses of intramedullary and locking nail applications in fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus
  • Define the biomechanics and rotational stability of the intramedullary nail applied to the long bones of the dog and cat
  • Identify the normograde and retrograde insertion forms for intramedullary nailing of long bones in dogs and cats
  • Identify the use of intramedullary nailing and auxiliary fixation as cerclages and external fixators in fractures in dogs and cats
  • Establish fracture repair times, radiographic follow-up and removal of intramedullary nails and ancillary methods used in fractures in dogs and cats
  • Identify the use of the tension band applied to avulsion fractures in dogs and cats
  • Evaluate the use of cross pins in metaphyseal, supracondylar and physial fractures of the long bones of dogs and cats

Module 8. Bone Plates and Screws

  • Develop specialist judgement in the use of any of the systems covered in this module to decide which is the optimal fracture verification system for daily practice in dogs and cats
  • Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of each of the plate fixation methods
  • Evaluate the rope or conical locking systems in each of the plate fastening systems
  • Determine the instrumentation required for the application of each implant
  • Make the best decision for each of the most common fractures on the best plate fixation system
  • Decide on the optimal system to be used for different developmental conditions that cause angulations or abnormalities of bones and joints

Module 9. Pelvis Fractures

  • Analyze and identify the clinical features associated with a pelvic fracture
  • Recognize and evaluate the different factors in patients with pelvic fractures that allow us to make an accurate prognosis
  • Perform surgical approaches in the various anatomical regions where therapeutic procedures are carried out
  • Apply the various conservative therapies in patients with pelvic fractures, both in the initial stages and in the subsequent weeks of recovery
  • Specialize the veterinary professional in the performance of standard and proper manoeuvres in the reduction of pelvic fractures
  • Select the appropriate surgical implant for each type of pelvic pathology, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each case
  • Specialize the veterinary professional in the surgical techniques characteristic of specific pelvic pathologies
  • Perform a correct analgesic management of patients in their immediate and medium- and long-term post-surgery
  • Develop the main methods of rehabilitation and return to function of patients with pelvic fractures

Module 10. Pelvic Limb Fractures

  • Establish the classification of proximal femoral fractures and develop expertise on the most recommended fixation methods for successful fracture repair
  • Compile the different systems and combinations of osteosynthesis systems in the repair of mid-femoral weight-bearing fractures
  • Analyze the different methods of fixation and specialize in those that offer the highest success rate of fixation of knee fractures
  • Determine the different fractures involving the tibia and specialise in the most recommended fixation methods for the solution of their fractures
  • Examine the most common fractures encountered in daily practice, their diagnosis and surgical resolution

Module 11. Thoracic Limb Fractures

  • Analyze the fractures of the scapula and how to fix each one of them
  • Examine the classification of distal humerus fractures
  • Determine the most recommended methods of fixation for successful fracture repair
  • Develop specialized education in the different combinations of osteosynthesis systems for the repair of mid-humeral fractures
  • Study the different methods of fixation and refine knowledge in those methods that have the highest success rate among the different methods of elbow fracture fixation
  • Specify the different fractures involving the radius and ulna
  • Analyze the different methods of fixation most recommended for the solution of fractures of the radius and ulna
  • Detail the most common fractures of the region, diagnosis and surgical resolution
  • Examine fractures and dislocations of the carpus and phalanges and the most effective fixation of these
  • Determine forelimb growth abnormalities, origin and treatment by means of angular corrections through osteotomies and associated treatment methods
  • Determine the most common fractures of the mandible and maxilla, as well as the different ways of solving them

Module 12. Reparation of Fractures in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids

  • Gather the necessary information in order to develop knowledge of the physiology of bone metabolism and its healing
  • Analyze the biomechanics of the bone and classify the fractures
  • Stabilize a patient with a fracture
  • Generate specialized knowledge on how to reduce fractures
  • Specify the most common materials for the manufacturing of implants
  • Establish the instruments and implants used to fix fractures
  • Determine the use of screws and the use of plates and screws
  • Analyze the technical complications in the use of implants

Module 13. Musculoskeletal Injuries and Infections in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equids

  • Develop knowledge of the different phases of skin healing
  • Specify the different types of wounds that can occur in large animal clinics
  • Indicate the tests to be performed on a patient with a musculoskeletal injury or infection to determine the significance of the injury
  • Determine the techniques of tissue management, hemostasis, suturing, reconstruction and skin grafting
  • Set guidelines for the choice of different types of sutures, needles and drains
  • Select the appropriate dressing or bandage for each clinical situation
  • Expose the importance and application of the fiberglass technique
  • Apply the different therapeutic guidelines in acute and chronic wounds
  • Carry out a correct diagnosis and treatment of synovial and bone infections
  • Specify the use of the different tenorrhaphy techniques
  • Present the different causes of exuberant granulation and its treatment
  • Apply the different therapeutic guidelines in burns

Module 14. Arthroscopy, Bursoscopy and Tenoscopy in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids

  • Develop specialized knowledge of materials used in endoscopy surgery of synovial cavities
  • Specify the indications of endoscopy for the treatment of synovial pathologies
  • Specify the techniques of endoscopic surgery in joint cavities, bursae and synovial sheaths
  • Perform correct endoscopic treatment of synovial pathologies
  • Justify the use of endoscopy in the treatment of joint fractures
  • Expose the possible complications associated with the arthroscopy, bursoscopy and tenoscopy techniques
  • Present the different postoperative care and rehabilitation guidelines

Module 15. Orthopedic Diseases

  • Examine and analyze each of the diseases
  • Carry out a correct assessment process in order to reach a definitive diagnosis for each of the diseases mentioned
  • Improve therapeutic practice in each of these diseases
  • Assess how best to prevent these diseases
  • Identify early symptoms of diseases for early treatment
  • Methodically analyze the main developmental diseases taking into account differences of age, sex, size, forelimb and hind limb

Module 16. Preoperative Aspects in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids

  • Analyze the importance of patient acceptance for surgery, operative risks and pre-surgical evaluation of the patient
  • Fundamentals of the basic principles of general anesthesia and sedation for orthopedic surgical procedures
  • Recognize the general material necessary for general orthopedic surgery in large animals
  • Establish correct disinfection protocols for surgical material
  • Differentiate the diagnostic imaging techniques available as an intra-surgical aid
  • Establish a scheme of work for the preparation of the patient, the surgeon and the surgical field
  • Develop post-operative treatment protocols for major orthopedic surgeries in the large animal clinics

Module 17. Common Orthopedic Surgeries of the Musculoskeletal System in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids Part I

  • Discuss the surgical techniques for each particular problem
  • Analyze the surgical techniques related to the common muscle-tendon injuries of the forelimb and hind limb
  • Determine the surgical techniques related to common bone injuries of the forelimb and hind limb including hoof, phalanges and metacarpo-metatarsus
  • Justify surgery for each particular problem described
  • Propose surgical alternatives for some procedures
  • Specify the equipment needed for each procedure
  • Examine the prognosis of each procedure 

Module 18. Common Orthopedic Surgeries of the Musculoskeletal System in Major Species: Ruminants, Swine and Equids Part II

  • Provide a rationale for the surgical techniques to be described for each particular problem
  • Determine the surgical techniques related to common bone injuries of the forelimb and hind limb including and adjacent to the carpus and tarsus
  • Examine the surgical techniques related to bone injuries of the axial skeleton in large animals
  • Justify surgery for each particular problem described
  • Propose surgical alternatives for some procedures
  • Specify the equipment needed for each procedure
  • Examine the prognosis of each procedure

Module 19. Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Sport Horses

  • Analyze the significance of musculoskeletal injuries and the correct recovery needed
  • Gain knowledge of the basic principles of physiotherapeutic examination in horses
  • Evaluate the physical restrictions and physiological adaptations that occur as a consequence of an injury
  • Examine the different physiotherapeutic techniques available to the equine veterinarian
  • Determine the physical properties of each one of the therapies available in veterinary medicine
  • Create prevention plans for equine athletes
  • Propose rehabilitation plans depending on the musculoskeletal injury

Quality specialization programs for outstanding students. At TECH, we offer the perfect education for high level specialization in your field”

Advanced Master's Degree in Veterinary Traumatology


In the field of veterinary medicine, new and less invasive techniques have emerged, which allow the execution of interventions for minor and/or serious injuries. Every day, animal health professionals receive cases of trauma that require urgent, definitive and quality solutions to preserve the life of large animal species such as camelids or swine, or domestic animals. That is why at TECH Global University we designed an Advanced Master's Degree in Veterinary Traumatology for students to understand various surgical techniques. In addition to having a comprehensive approach in which medical tests can be performed, differential diagnoses and generate a treatment according to the clinical difficulty presented.

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This program has a duration for completion of two years, in which you can see more than fifteen modules covering the topics of osteogenesis, physical examination, diagnosis of lameness in older species, major musculoskeletal pathologies in older species, developmental diseases such as deformities and flexural among others, skeletal external fixators and circular fixators, intramedullary nailing, fractures, wounds and infections and other topics developed in depth throughout the academic course. All of the above is necessary to be able to understand from the fundamental concepts, the identification and differentiation between the types of procedures that can be performed in the sector.

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The contents were created by qualified and outstanding teachers in this area of veterinary medicine, through the methodology created by TECH you will be able to fully understand the theory and practical exercises. This program is completely online and asynchronous, thus, allowing greater freedom in time and place for students to access the curriculum, either from a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. The method used in the classroom is simple and efficient to build critical thinking and obtain the best tools for the development of the profession, and thus stand out in the workplace. Finally, both individual assignments, discussion forums, questions to experts and complementary readings will help to boost assertive learning.