
With extensive experience in the educational sector, Luis Velasco, International Doctor in Contemporary History and Specialist in Nationalist Movements and National Construction Processes, has focused his career in the academic sector, delving into the aspects of Security, Peace and Conflict to better understand the current context.  

He is also a fervent enthusiast of new models of education, as well as one of the pioneers of striking methodologies. He is passionate about research sciences, which has allowed him to better understand his role as an educator and his influence on future generations.  

  • Specialist in History of Nationalist Movements and National Construction Processes. 
  • Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for War Studies, University College Dublin 
  • International PhD in Contemporary History 
  • Coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Security, Peace and International Conflicts at USC and the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies. 
  • Professional Master's Degree in Contemporary History, University of Santiago de Compostela. 
  • Professor of History and International Relations at the University of Vigo.
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