
The prestigious professional career of Mr. Ángel Manual Puértolas Salañer has led him to hold positions such as surveyor for the study and reconstruction of roads and access to towns in the Ministry of Defense as part of the UN forces in Lebanon. 

As a Technical Engineer specializing in Surveying and Cybersecurity, he has dedicated his work experience to the development of applications in Net Environment, SQL Server management, software support, web management, server administration and development and automation of tasks, among other jobs.  

An extensive career that has established him as a reference in the sector, combining his practice with the dissemination as the author of numerous specialized articles. 

  • Full Satck Developer at Alkemy Enabling Evolution
  • Application developer in Entorno Net, Python development, SQL Server database management and system administration at ASISPA
  • Surveyor of study and reconstruction of roads and access to towns in the Ministry of Defense
  • Surveyor of georeferencing of the old cadastre of the province of Murcia in Geoinformación y Sistemas SL.
  • Web management, server administration and development and automation of tasks in Python in Milcom 
  • Application development in Entorno Net, SQL Server management and own software support in Ecomputer
  • Technical Engineer in Topography by the Polytechnic University of Valencia
  • Master's Degree in Cybersecurity from MF Business School and Camilo José Cela University
Programmes in collaboration with

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