
Dr. Juana Dolores Carrillo Sánchez is a Specialist in Minimally Invasive Surgery in Small Animals graduated as a Veterinarian from the University of Murcia, with extensive knowledge in Animal Medicine and Surgery. 

Her work has been focused on clinical practice and care, but also in scientific research, from numerous clinical cases presented throughout her career, with special interest in anesthesia and its implications, as well as the latest diagnostic methods.  

His studies are published in the official journal of the Spanish Veterinary Association of Small Animal Specialists (AVEPA), of which he is a member. 

  • Specialist in Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery in Small Animals 
  • Veterinarian 
  • Doctor by the University of Murcia  
  • General Practitioner Certificate in Small Animal Surgery  
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Murcia 
  • Accreditation in the Specialty of Soft Tissue Surgery
  • Specialist in Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery in Small Animals by the University of Extremadura
  • Member:
    • Spanish Veterinary Association of Small Animal Specialists (AVEPA)


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