
Psychologists should be trained in the major developments in hypnosis, which will help them offer more personalized treatments’’


The advanced master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis offers the psychologists a complete and specific specialization in these areas, which will allow them to make more accurate and effective diagnoses to their patients. 

This program has been designed to achieve the necessary knowledge to be able to intervene as a specialist in Clinical Psychology, with a special knowledge of clinical hypnosis.  

Due to the changes occurring in our society, the role of the psychologist more than ever needs to be recycled and conceptually renewed. Therefore, despite having to learn the classical approaches and techniques, a whole range of new fields of exciting intervention opens up. 

By taking this advanced master’s degree you will learn to analyze the current state of psychology in general in our society, as well as to prepare for immediate future, since, in the coming decades, new knowledge and tools will be needed to achieve the best possible quality of life for our patients. 

In addition, numerous studies indicate that any psychotherapy procedure is more effective if performed in a hypnotic state. Therefore, with this specialization the professionals will learn to hypnotize their patients in real time, which will allow them to include clinical hypnosis in their daily work, and in this way, not only to be more effective, but also to achieve this effectiveness in less time. 

Throughout this specialization, the students will go through all the current approaches in the work of the psychologist in the different challenges that their profession poses. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. 

This challenge is one of TECH's social commitments: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and develop their personal, social and work skills during the course of their training.  

Not only is it carried through the theoretical knowledge offered, but it shows another way of studying and learning: more organic, simple and efficient. We will work to keep you motivated and to create a passion for learning. We will encorauge you to think and develop critical thinking.  

This advanced master’s degree is designed to provide access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional.  

Clinical Psychology relies on hypnosis to change traumatic memories. Here we offer you all the necessary information that will take you to a higher level in your profession’’

This advanced master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software   
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts   
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems   
  • Teaching supported by remote training    
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems   
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations   
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion forums and knowledge   
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work   
  • Content that is accessible from any, fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program 

A high level scientific specialization, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals’’ 

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, TECH ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date education we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of qualified and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will provide the specialization with the practical knowledge derived from their own experience: one of the differential qualities of this Advanced Master's Degree.   

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Advanced Master’s Degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that give you the operability you need in your specialization.   

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as an eminently practical process. To achieve this remotely, telepractice is used. With the help of an innovative, interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, students will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were dealing with the case in real time. A concept that will make it possible to integrate and fix learning in a realistic and permanent way.  

A training program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way"


A deep and complete immersion into the strategies and approaches in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis"


The objective is to enable highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you can take for granted, with a high-intensity and high-precision specialization.   


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further: welcome to TECH’’

General objectives

  • Acquire complete and comprehensive training in Clinical and Health Psychology
  • Provide the student with the conceptual and theoretical knowledge of Clinical and Health Psychology 
  • Differentiate illness from health 
  • Know the psychological models in Clinical and Health Psychology 
  • Conduct psychological evaluations 
  • Perform psychological interventions 
  • Design prevention protocols for health psychology and health promotion 
  • Know the aspects that affect clinical practice
  • Manage the knowledge, skills, techniques, resources, and strategies needed to perform clinical practice 
  • Understand professional guidelines for good practice within the psychology profession
  • Explain the reality of clinical hypnosis 
  • Describe the use of clinical hypnosis in the practice of psychotherapy 
  • Describe the procedure for settling into brain structures far removed from will and cognitive awareness 
  • Describe how to establish an essential therapeutic link through the techniques of clinical hypnosis 
  • Develop intervention programs based on emotional change rather than cognitive change 
  • Describe the research implication of technology impacting biochemistry and neuroanatomy with psychic tools 

Specific objectives

Module 1. Historical Evolution of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology 

  • Understand the beginnings of psychology and the historical evolution of cognitive psychology
  • Learn about each of the most famous theories within Psychology
  • Synthesize notions of the historical chronology of psychology
  • Know the importance of viewing psychology as a scientific discipline

Module 2. Clinical Evaluation and Therapeutic Treatment

  • Know the basics of clinical pharmacology
  • Identify the characteristics of the different therapeutic treatments
  • Know the importance of correctly carrying out an assessment

Module 3. Anxiety Disorders

  • Understand the bases of anxiety and other disorders stemming from it
  • Know and internalize the basis of their treatment
  • Learn the fundamentals of evaluation of this type of disorders

Module 4. Depressive Disorders

  • Know the bases and characteristics of depressive disorders
  • Identify the profile of the patient
  • Know the basics and the treatments for patients with depressive disorders

Module 5. Personality Disorders

  • Know the characteristics of personality disorders
  • Know how to carry out an intervention within personality disorders
  • Learn the fundamentals of the evaluation of personality disorders

Module 6. Pain a Core Problem in Psychophysiological Disorders

  • Know and internalize the basis of pain in physiological disorders
  • Analyze the assessment and treatment of physiological disorders
  • Know how to apply techniques to decentralize the pain

Module 7. Cognitive-Behavioral Model applied in Health Psychology Intervention

  • Know and contextualize the emergence of health psychology
  • Understand the importance of the birth of other theories and explanatory models
  • Analyze the application of this model in specific disorders and diseases

Module 8. Psychotic Psychopathology

  • Know and contextualize the first studies on psychotic psychopathology
  • Describe the basis of the disease and the characteristics of the patient
  • Classify the disorders on the spectrum

Module 9. Strategies and Psychological Intervention for Health Promotion

  • Know the basis of strategies and intervention to promote health
  • Contextualize the birth of health psychology
  • Identify the different factors that can change the promotion of health

Module 10. Latest Breakthroughs in Clinical Hypnosis  

  • Place the professional in the scientific reality of Clinical Hypnosis
  • Describe the phases to be able to hypnotize from the different levels of classical, conversational and selective dissociation focusing techniques
  • Master the jargon and liturgy of hypnotic induction

Module 11. Mental Relaxation  

  • Controlling prosody and the laws that regulate hypnotic dialogues
  • Developing control of silences in hypnotic induction
  • Establish a therapeutic alliance while the patient is hypnotized

Module 12. Clinical Hypnosis  

  • Identify when hypnotic induction cannot be performed
  • Implement classic techniques to achieve the hypnotic state
  • Master the language of conversational techniques
  • Handle metaphor, analogy and syntactic mutation as central bases of conversational inductions

Module 13. Neurology and Biochemistry of the Hypnotic State  

  • Gain in-depth understanding of how our brain works
  • Describe the therapeutic setting of psychological technology that influences brain activity and the individual’s perception
  • Establish hemispheric differentiation in brain functioning
  • Differentiate brain evolution: reptilian, mammalian and cognitive
  • Establish interhemispheric, frontal lobe and orbital specialization
  • Understand and apply pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Module 14. Basic Emotional Universes as an Intervention Protocol with Clinical Hypnosis in Mental Disorders  

  • Expand knowledge in introduction and framing of the emotional world in disease
  • Understand the terminology of emotions within hypnosis and mental disorders
  • Describe the basic emotional universes as an intervention protocol in hypnosis for the main emotions: fear, anger, guilt, disgust, sadness, surprise and curiosity

Module 15. Classical Hypnotic Induction Procedures  

  • Describe how to adjust the induction to the patient's mind
  • Establish a differential diagnosis before applying hypnotic induction, so as not to create iatrogenic reactions
  • Identify the neurological axes and planes involved in performing IHM techniques
  • Substantiate, based on scientific knowledge, the dynamics that occur in induction and hypnotic state
  • Implement techniques to give an induction back to the patient in his or her own words
  • Implement techniques to disconnect the current neurological circuits for others that allow for a healthier position
  • Succeed, through regression, in removing the patient from the emotional sequestration that has trapped him/her
  • Working with traumatic emotional memory from a bonding and emotional anesthesia that allows the restructuring of the memory
  • Manage the laws of energetic control that regulate the ascending reticular system

Module 16. Conversational or Post-Hericksonian Hypnotic Induction Procedures  

  • Establish the position of the patient and the therapist, as well as the use of silence in conversation procedures in hypnotic induction
  • Differentiate Selective Dissociation Targeting from classical and conversational techniques
  • Establish the rationale for a case treated with Selective Dissociation Focusing versus Time-Limited Psychotherapy

Module 17. Procedures of Selective Dissociation Focusing (SDF)  

  • Understand what intrapersonal intelligence is, how it is formed and which brain areas are involved in its creation
  • Develop self-knowledge: the importance of self-knowledge
  • Know the differences between empathy, sympathy and mirror neurons
  • Define Neurolinguistic Programming and study its most common submodalities

Module 18. The Emotional Wellness Therapist  

  • Understand the importance of early bonds in the development of self-concept
  • Master the basic emotions, their biochemistry and platform of action
  • Manage the concepts of empathy and sympathy and control techniques for a correct bonding with the patient
  • Develop effective communication with the patient

Module 19. A Multifactorial View of Health. Psychoneuroimmunology   

  • Master the concept of Psychoneuroimmunology as a biopsychosocial model of health
  • Identify the role of Psychoneuroimmunology and its correct application for emotional well-being

Module 20. Mindfulness 

  • Learn about the emergence of Mindfulness-Based Therapies
  • Become familiar with the most common techniques and practices of Mindfulness-Based Therapy
  • Understand the benefits associated with the therapy

We seek to achieve success and help you achieve it"

Advanced Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis


Due to the development of its processes and the involvement of new methodologies and tools in improving the effectiveness of its practices, hypnosis stands out as one of the most evolving and modernizing psychological intervention techniques in recent years. This constant development leads professionals specialized in the field to the continuous search for academic updating programs that allow them to remain abreast of new implementations and innovations in the sector. Understanding this fact, at TECH Global University we have prepared our Advanced Master's Degree program in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis, focused on the training of professionals in the development of new hypnotic induction techniques applied to children. In this postgraduate program, in addition, we will delve into the modernization of the following aspects: the identification of the new fields of application of clinical hypnosis in psychotherapy; and the knowledge of the particularities and implications of the hypnosis processes developed around the techniques of selective dissociation focus.

Study an online Advanced Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Hypnosis


The multiple factors, aspects and situations that intervene in the success or failure of a hypnosis process highlight this specialty of psychology as one of the most demanding areas with respect to the degree of skill and expertise of its professionals. In our Advanced Master's Degree program you will learn about the new practical and methodological trends that determine the guidelines for the current and future development of hypnosis. Likewise, in this postgraduate program you will deepen in the updating of the following topics: the particularities to be considered in the approach to feelings of guilt, through clinical hypnosis procedures, in the management of cases of obsessive-compulsive disorders and endogenous depressions; and the knowledge of the various techniques used in the deepening of the hypnotic state.""