
Get up-to-date with TECH! The most comprehensive content to get you up-to-date on the Initial Care of the Severe Trauma Patient in the ICU”


Medicine lives in a context in which its specialists are required to keep up-to-date and renew their skills by incorporating the latest therapeutic strategies. The notorious development in the

Initial Care of Severe Trauma Patients in ICU has prevailed when it comes to recruiting professionals adapted to the new times.
This postgraduate diploma will address the immediate medical care of trauma patients prior to arrival at the hospital, as well as emergency response protocols, assessment of injury severity, stabilization techniques, immobilization and safe transport. The physician will be up-to-date on critical decision making, effective team communication and optimal prehospital management.

Likewise, students will delve into the immediate response and management of these injuries in the ICU, from rapid assessment, prioritization, stabilization and initial treatment of critical conditions. In this way, students will be able to interpret vital signs, perform essential interventions and coordinate multidisciplinary teams. In short, they will develop the necessary skills to take quick and accurate measures in acute trauma situations.

Finally, time will be dedicated to the diagnosis and integral treatment of shock, recognizing the different types that exist and evaluating vital signs, hemodynamic parameters and biomarkers. The graduate will be able to restore hemodynamic stability, including the use of fluids and vasoactive drugs. In addition, continuous monitoring and adaptation of treatments will be analyzed, depending on the patient's response.

The program will provide the graduate with a theoretical foundation, but will also allow them to adequately face practical situations. A postgraduate diploma that is supported by the extensive experience of TECH's outstanding teaching team, and which is supported by an innovative and cutting-edge teaching methodology. This is Relearning, based on the repetition of essential concepts to achieve a more effective acquisition of knowledge.

Update your practice in the management of trauma patients before and after arrival at the hospital”

This postgraduate diploma in Initial Care of the Severe Trauma Patient in the ICU contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Initial Care of Severe Trauma Patients in the ICU
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Keep up-to-date in the care and evacuation of the injured outside the hospital thanks to this postgraduate diploma” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Perfect your skills in primary assessment and initial resuscitation of the patient with traumatic injuries in ICU"


Benefit from the best Traumatology program! Analyze the different types of shock to be treated in ICU"


This program will provide students with the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to keep up-to-date in their field, delving into the essential aspects of the Initial Care of the Severe Trauma Patient in the ICU. The knowledge acquired throughout the program will boost the professional's career, providing them with comprehensive and updated preparation. This university program will foster the development of solid competencies in a medical field that is increasingly in demand, with the confidence of obtaining the best results backed by TECH. 


Develop a professional profile and open the door to new job opportunities thanks to this postgraduate diploma”  

General Objectives

  • Delve into a thorough understanding of the anatomophysiological, pathophysiological, and clinical basis of severe traumatic injuries, as well as associated complications and comorbidities
  • Effectively communicate injury prevention information to different audiences and utilize health promotion strategies
  • Delve into protocols for the prehospital management of specific trauma, such as head, chest, and orthopedic trauma
  • Integrate quality and safety practices in the management of trauma patients, minimizing risks and optimizing outcomes.
  • Be aware of the specific nutritional requirements of severe trauma patients and develop appropriate nutrition plans.
  • Implement triage protocols in mass trauma situations and prioritize care

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Prehospital Trauma Management

  • Be aware of rapid and systematic assessments of trauma patients in prehospital settings.
  • Identify and prioritize prehospital management interventions according to patient severity and condition
  • Establish strategies to ensure adequate ventilation
  • Refresh techniques for controlling external and internal bleeding and minimizing blood loss in trauma situations
  • Master safe immobilization techniques to prevent further damage and ensure adequate mobilization of trauma patients
  • Update the medications used in prehospital management, their dosage and appropriate routes of administration.

Module 2. Initial Trauma Care in the ICU Hospital

  • Rapidly assess the severity and extent of traumatic injuries in patients admitted to the ICU.
  • Identify and prioritize medical and surgical interventions according to the urgency and stability of the patient
  • Delve into techniques to restore hemodynamic stability and control shock in trauma patients
  • Apply methods to control active bleeding and prevent excessive blood loss
  • Interpret radiographs and other medical images to identify injuries and guide care
  • Delve into strategies for pain management and sedation in trauma patients, considering their individual needs

Module 3. Management of shock in ICU trauma

  • Delve into the different types of shock in trauma patients in the ICU.
  • Delve into the interpretation of vital signs and hemodynamic parameters to assess the severity and progression of shock.
  • Learn the principles of intravenous fluid administration and its proper use to maintain perfusion.
  • Update knowledge of vasoactive medications and their mechanisms of action to correct hemodynamic imbalance
  • Identify and address coagulation disorders associated with traumatic shock
  • Develop strategies for recognizing and treating septic shock, a common complication in trauma patients

Delve into triage protocols in mass trauma situations, so that patient care is appropriately prioritized”  

Postgraduate Diploma in Initial Care of the Severe Trauma Patient in ICU

If you are looking to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of initial care of the severe trauma patient in ICU, you have come to the right place. At TECH we offer a Postgraduate Diploma academic program in this area, which will provide you with all the necessary tools to become a highly qualified professional in the management of emergency situations, best of all, is that the study is 100% online. The program focuses on providing comprehensive and up-to-date training on the procedures and protocols for the initial care of the severe trauma patient in the ICU. Throughout the Postgraduate Certificate, students will learn the fundamental concepts of the anatomy and physiology of the human body, as well as the different types of trauma and the possible complications that may arise.

Learn with hands-on experience

One of the main advantages of this program is the combination of theory with distance practice. Students will have the opportunity to participate in real cases within a clinical setting, under the supervision of highly qualified professors with extensive experience in the field. This practical experience will allow participants to acquire the necessary skills and abilities to make quick and efficient decisions in emergency situations, thus ensuring the best patient care. In addition, this academic program has a multidisciplinary approach, as we collaborate with different medical specialties and health professionals. This guarantees a comprehensive and complete vision of the initial care of the patient with severe trauma in ICU, allowing participants to develop teamwork skills and improve their communication skills. Don't wait any longer to become an expert in the initial care of the critically ill ICU trauma patient. Enroll in our academic program and start developing a successful career in healthcare. Your professional future awaits you.