
You will design any type of Web Application from scratch. Enroll now in the best digital university in the world according to Forbes!" 


Long gone are the days when companies only needed a developer to design a basic, easy-to-use website. The vast world is now much more complex, as are the applications and pages that are hosted on it.  Now, it requires a computer scientist who has a deep understanding of the intricate process of creating applications, from the first sketch to its publication and monetization in a Marketplace, or to its approval by a company's top management.  The important thing, in either case, is to possess outstanding skills for the development of this type of projects.

With this postgraduate certificate, the student will master the latest techniques to design, develop and manage secure and robust web applications.  In other words, this postgraduate certificate offers the IT professional a unique opportunity to put their skills into practice, through the step-by-step guided creation of a web application.

The graduate will delve into the analysis of the requirements, the design of the architecture and the working environment, and will develop the application components using the best tools at his disposal. In this way, they will face the tasks of testing, deploying, maintaining and evolving the application in real environments, consolidating and expanding their skills. At the end of the course, the professional will be able to develop advanced web applications for their own projects or as part of a team.

A 100% online postgraduate certificate that will allow students to comfortably set their study schedule, wherever and whenever they want. You will only need an electronic device with internet access to access this academic proposal. All with the innovative Relearning system, based on the reiteration and repetition of key concepts to successfully internalize the knowledge.

This is an academic proposal with an eminently practical approach that will allow you to take part in Advanced Web Applications projects"

This postgraduate certificate in Complete Web Application Practical Development contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Computer, 
    Software, Systems
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide theoretical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will learn faster thanks to the innovative Relearning methodology, based on the repetition of key concepts" 

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will master the latest techniques in design, development and management of the best web applications on the market"


You will work with the best companies in the IT industry. Bet on yourself and develop your own projects thanks to TECH!"


The main objective of this exclusive postgraduate certificate is the complete and simple updating of the student in terms of Web Applications Practical Development. In this way, the student will deepen in the key aspects of planning and design of this type of projects and, in addition, will master the most useful tools for the maintenance and evolution of the application. All thanks to TECH's latest pedagogical technology, which includes the best didactic material and innovative multimedia content.


The case studies will allow you to test the different strategies used for successful Web Application Development"

General Objectives

  • Generate specialized knowledge on advanced web architecture 
  • Address the development of the Back-end part of the web application, reviewing the available technologies, integration mechanisms such as APIs, message and event queues, deployment and optimization processes
  • Develop the necessary steps for the creation of the Front-end of the web application, taking into account programming aspects as well as accessibility requirements, multi-language and multi-platform support
  • Create personalized experiences, monitor and monetize the use of the website 
  • Consolidate application design and development best practices with a project management that favors continuous iteration, integration and deployment
  • Analyze in depth the aspects related to the security of web applications, with special applications, with a special focus on the most common attacks and the prevention, detection and mitigation prevention, detection and mitigation mechanisms 
  • Review security recommendations and regulations 
  • Address security as one of the pillars of advanced web architectures
  • Establish cloud computing as a growing alternative for the development and deployment of web applications
  • Review key features and vendors, planning migration scenarios and incorporating new roles and processes into project management

Specific Objectives

  • Practice the complete process of developing a web application 
  • Analyze requirements and make technological and managerial decisions 
  • Set up a development platform that can also be used for future projects 
  • Discover, through trial and error, the challenges of real work with web applications
  • Validate the advantages of resiliency and observability-oriented design 
  • Monitor and maintain a real application 
  • Have a reference project for future projects

TECH has selected for you an excellent teaching team specialized in Software, Computing and Systems"

Postgraduate Certificate in Complete Web Application Practical Development

Are you looking to broaden your academic horizons and acquire cutting-edge skills, are you ready to elevate your knowledge in the world of technology? If so, the Faculty of Computer Science at TECH Global University has the Postgraduate Certificate in Complete Web Application Practical Development. This prestigious university program is taught in online mode, which allows you to access a high quality education from anywhere in the world. Our faculty, recognized for academic excellence, provides you with the opportunity to acquire practical skills and advanced knowledge that will prepare you to excel in the competitive field. One of the highlights is the team of highly qualified faculty that will accompany you on your educational journey. These professionals with extensive experience in application development will guide you through a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum, where you will learn the latest trends and technologies in the field.

They will guide you through a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum, where you will learn the latest trends and technologies in the field.

Acquire knowledge in the practical development of a complete web application

By joining this program, you'll immerse yourself in a fascinating world of programming, web design, databases, computer security and much more. As you progress, you'll develop a complete application from scratch, allowing you to apply your knowledge to practical and challenging projects. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate that will open doors to a wide range of career opportunities where you can work as a developer, user interface designer, database administrator and more. This online Postgraduate Certificate program gives you the unique opportunity to gain advanced skills in full-featured web application development, with guidance from experts in the field. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to advance your career and achieve your career goals - enroll today and begin your journey to a promising future in IT!!!