
Enroll in this Professional master’s degree and improve your knowledge on Environmental Management"


Environmental pollution is one of the main problems currently existing on the planet. In all countries, the poor quality of air, water and waste affecting the soil is generating not only problems with the natural environment, but also causing the proliferation of diseases or side effects that significantly aggravate people's health. Engineering provides, from its technical knowledge, great solutions to reduce and even eliminate these consequences.  

However, in this scenario, Environmental Management is essential from the very conception of the project, where the landscape itself, land management, as well as an adequate planning in all processes, must be taken into account. This knowledge has been advancing in recent years, thanks to a great extent to new technologies and to the professionals of the sector themselves. In view of this reality, there is an unquestionable need for increasingly qualified engineers with a global and technical vision. For all these reasons, TECH Global University has created this Professional master’s degree with the main objective of providing the graduate with the most comprehensive and current knowledge in this field. 

In this way, the professional has a program with a theoretical and practical approach that will allow them to delve into the proper organization and management of projects, the processes of assessment and environmental impact, the tools most commonly used to perform an audit and waste management. All this in a much more visual and dynamic way thanks to the video summaries, videos in detail or specialized readings that are part of the resource library of this program. 

In addition, this academic institution uses the Relearning system, which allows students to progress through the syllabus in a more natural way, reducing even the long hours of study so frequent in other methodologies.

The engineer is has an excellent opportunity to advance in their professional career through a 100% online university qualification, flexible and adaptable to the needs of the students. In order to study this Professional master’s degree, all that is needed is an electronic device with an Internet connection to access the syllabus on the Virtual Campus at any time of the day. In addition, the graduate has the freedom to distribute the teaching load according to their needs, making this university education easily compatible with the most demanding responsibilities. 

Enroll in a university program in which you will be able to delve into the treatment of contaminants and control strategies"

This Professional master’s degree in Environmental Management contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Environmental Management
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Acquire the most comprehensive knowledge on Environmental Management and progress in your professional career as an engineer"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

TECH will boost you in your sector through this Professional master’s degree in Environmental Management"


If you have an engineering project in mind, this diploma will allow you to maintain quality at all levels"


The Relearning, method, based on the reiteration of content, will allow the engineering professional to advance in an agile way through the syllabus of this Professional master’s degree in Environmental Management. In addition, you will have at your disposal the latest didactic tools of academic teaching so that you can delve into the analysis of pollutants, the environmental impact on landscape, as well as the different processes for the creation of an Engineering project in accordance with proper Environmental Management. 


Connect to the learning resources library 24 hours a day easily from your computer or Tablet"

Module 1. Contaminant Analysis

1.1. Introduction to Analytical Chemistry in the Environmental Field

1.1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. Evolution Over Time
1.1.3. Environmental Analysis
1.1.4. Concepts and Analytical Process

1.2. Sampling

1.2.1. Sampling Plan and Collections
1.2.2. Types of Samples
1.2.3. Sample Transport and Storage

1.3. Sample Treatment

1.3.1. Introduction
1.3.2. Sample Preparation Homogenization Drying Screening Milling Filtering Weighing

1.3.3. Treatment of Solid and Liquid Samples for the Analysis of Inorganic Compounds Dry Combustion Acid Digestion Fusion

1.3.4. Treatment of Solid and Liquid Samples for the Analysis of Organic Compounds Extraction Solid phase extraction Solid Phase Microextraction Purging and Trapping

1.3.5. Elemental Analysis

1.4. Instrumental Analysis

1.4.1. Molecular Spectroscopy
1.4.2. Atomic Spectroscopy
1.4.3. Gas Chromatography and Detectors
1.4.4. Liquid Chromatography and Detectors

1.5. Data Processing

1.5.1. Introduction
1.5.2. Basic Accuracy Concepts Accuracy, Limits of Detection and Quantification

1.5.3. Types of Calibration External Internal Standard Additions

1.5.4. Representation of Results Confidence Intervals Standard Deviation

1.5.5. Suspect Values

1.6. Water Characterization

1.6.1. Introduction
1.6.2. Quality Parameters Organoleptic Properties Dissolved Solids Decantable Solids Conductivity Redox Potential pH Dissolved Oxygen Biological Oxygen Demand Total Organic Carbon

1.6.3. Anions, Metals and Metalloids

1.7. Atmospheric Pollutants

1.7.1. Introduction
1.7.2. Primary and Secondary Pollutants
1.7.3. Inorganic Pollutants in the Atmosphere
1.7.4. Organic Pollutants in the Atmosphere
1.7.5. Suspended Particles
1.7.6. Effects and Analysis

1.8. Soil Pollution

1.8.1. Introduction
1.8.2. Phenomena and Chemical Composition of Soils pH, Total Organic Carbon Ion Exchange Capacity Redox Potential

1.8.3. Organic and Inorganic Pollutants

1.9. Noise Pollution

1.9.1. Sound
1.9.2. Quantification of Sound and Its Effects
1.9.3. Environmental Problems of Sound

1.10. Environmental Radioactivity

1.10.1. Types of Radioactivity
1.10.2. Quantification of Radioactivity and Its Effects
1.10.3. Environmental Disasters Related to Radioactivity

Module 2. Environmental Law and Management

2.1. Environmental Law

2.1.1. Introduction
2.1.2. What Is It?
2.1.3. What Is Environmental Law?
2.1.4. Characteristics of Environmental Law
2.1.5. Legal Nature
2.1.6. Background
2.1.7. History
2.1.8. Objective of Environmental Law
2.1.9. Principles
2.1.10. Purposes

2.2. Environmental Rights

2.2.1. What Do We Understand as Environment?
2.2.2. What Are Our Environmental Rights?
2.2.3. Right to Enjoy a Healthy Environment
2.2.4. Right of Access to Information
2.2.5. Right to Participation in Environmental Management
2.2.6. Right of Access to Environmental Justice
2.2.7. General Principles of Environmental Law
2.2.8. International Conferences and Agreements
2.2.9. Rules Protecting Environmental Rights
2.2.10. Conclusions

2.3. Environmental Law Duties

2.3.1. Introduction
2.3.2. What Are Environmental Duties?
2.3.3. What Are the Environmental Rights?
2.3.4. Duty to Conserve the Environment
2.3.5. Duty to Comply with Environmental Regulations
2.3.6. Duty of Citizen Watch
2.3.7. Duty to Inform
2.3.8. Duty for Environmental Damage
2.3.9. Conclusions

2.4. Citizen Participation in Environmental Protection

2.4.1. Introduction
2.4.2. Participatory Environmental Monitoring
2.4.3. Introduction
2.4.4. Monitoring Concept
2.4.5. What Is Participatory Environmental Monitoring?
2.4.6. What is it for?
2.4.7. Who Can Participate?
2.4.8. Participatory Environmental Monitoring Plan
2.4.9. Area of Influence of a Project or Activity
2.4.10. Stages of Participatory Environmental Monitoring
2.4.11. Phases

2.5. United Nations Environment Programme UNEP

2.5.1. Introduction
2.5.2. Definition and Concept
2.5.3. UNEP Goals
2.5.4. History & Evolution
2.5.5. UNEP Mission
2.5.6. Activities
2.5.7. UNEP Location
2.5.8. Fourth Montevideo Program for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law
2.5.9. Conclusions

2.6. Global Environment and Climate Change

2.6.1. Introduction
2.6.2. Global Environment
2.6.3. Climate Change
2.6.4. Evolution of Climate Change Theory
2.6.5. Global Environmental Change
2.6.6. Characteristics of Global Environmental Change
2.6.7. Consequences of Global Environmental Change
2.6.8. Dangers, Risks and Future Vulnerability
2.6.9. Climate Change and Impact on Agriculture
2.6.10. Survival Strategies and Dilemmas

2.7. Environmental Rights in the World

2.7.1. Introduction
2.7.2. Countries Fighting for Environmental Rights
2.7.3. Ecuador
2.7.4. Mexico
2.7.5. Peru
2.7.6. Sustainable Development
2.7.7. History & Evolution
2.7.8. Sustainable Development Optics (SD)

Module 3. Landscape Diagnosis and Restoration

3.1. Landscape Concept and Method

3.1.1. Conceptual Background and Current Dimensions of Landscape
3.1.2. Landscape: Conservation and Land Use Planning
3.1.3. Objectives and Methods of Work in Landscape: Types of Analysis

3.2. Landscape Analysis

3.2.1. Landscape Diversity Factors
3.2.2. Landscape Units
3.2.3. Landscape Delimitation

3.3. Landscape Classification

3.3.1. Natural Landscape
3.3.2. Cultural Landscape
3.3.3. Rural Landscape
3.3.4. Urban Landscape

3.4. Landscape Structure

3.4.1. Landscape Elements
3.4.2. Landscape Coverage
3.4.3. Landscape Geoform

3.5. Landscape Dynamics

3.5.1. Changes and Evolution of the Landscape
3.5.2. Natural Changes and Ecological Sequences
3.5.3. Environmental Problems in Landscape Dynamics

3.6. Landscape Diagnosis

3.6.1. Environmental Assessment of the Landscape
3.6.2. Environmental problems
3.6.3. Solutions to the Environmental Impact of the Landscape

3.7. Assessment of Visual Fragility

3.7.1. Definition of the Concept of Fragility
3.7.2. Elements Influencing Visual Fragility
3.7.3. Use of Tools in the Assessment of Visual Fragility The Use of GIS

3.8. Landscape Capacity

3.8.1. Concept of Capacity
3.8.2. Landscape Capacity to Buffer Environmental Impact
3.8.3. Landscaping Development

3.9. Fragility in Management

3.9.1. Concept of Fragility
3.9.2. Environmental Fragility of the Landscape
3.9.3. Environmental Problems Affecting Fragility

3.10. Environmental Impact of the Landscape

3.10.1. Consequences of Environmental Problems
3.10.2. Landscape Restoration Methods
3.10.3. Landscape Care in the Future

Module 4. Project Organization and Management  

4.1. Fundamental Concepts of Project Management and the Project Management Lifecycle
4.2. Start-Up and Planning
4.3. Stakeholders and Outreach Management
4.4. The Development of the Time-Schedule
4.5. Budget Development and Risk Response
4.6. Quality Management
4.7. Communication and Human Resources
4.8. Procurement
4.9. Execution, Monitoring and Control and Closure
4.10. Professional Responsibility

Module 5. Environmental Impact Assessment and Management System

5.1. Business Strategies for Climate Change

5.1.1. Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change. Causes and Consequences
5.1.2. Climate Change Projections
5.1.3. Corporate Action against Climate Change. Roadmap for the Integration of Climate Change in Companies

5.2. Identification and Classification of Environmental Factors

5.2.1. Environmental Catalog. Environmental Variables
5.2.2. Search for Environmental Information and Inventory
5.2.3. Inventory Valuation

5.3. Evaluation and Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of a Project

5.3.1. Environmental Analysis of a Project
5.3.2. Pre-Operational Status
5.3.3. Construction, Operation and Abandonment Phase
5.3.4. Quantitative Methods

5.4. Preventive and Corrective Measures

5.4.1. Preventative Actions
5.4.2. Corrective actions
5.4.3. Compensatory Actions

5.5. Environmental Monitoring Program

5.5.1. EMP
5.5.2. Objectives and Structure of an EMP
5.5.3. Phases in the Development of an EMP

5.6. Strategic Environmental Assessment

5.6.1. European Regulatory Context (Directive 2001/42/EC)
5.6.2. Modalities for Integrating the Environmental Dimension
5.6.3. Environmental Assessment in the Phases of the Program
5.6.4. Objectives by Areas of Work

5.7. Analysis of Climate Change Risks and Opportunities

5.7.1. Regulations related to Environmental Risks
5.7.2. Environmental Risk Analysis and Assessment
5.7.3. Risk Management

5.8. Development of Climate Change Adaptation Plans for Organizations

5.8.1. Adaptation to Climate Change
5.8.2. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
5.8.3. Methodology for Prioritizing Climate Change Adaptation Measures

Module 6. Environmental Auditing

6.1. Introduction to ISO-14001

6.1.1. What Is ISO 14001?
6.1.2. ISO 14001 Model
6.1.3. Description of ISO 14000 Standards

6.2. Audits of Environmental Management Systems

6.2.1. The Audit Process
6.2.2. The Audit Process
6.2.3. General Principles of Environmental Auditing
6.2.4. General Principles of Environmental Auditing
6.2.5. Elements of an Auditing Protocol
6.2.6. EMS Audits and Compliance Audits: Relationship

6.3. Responsibilities in an EMS Audit

6.3.1. Auditor's Responsibilities
6.3.2. Responsibility of the Auditee

6.4. Guidance for Planning and Conducting an Internal EMS Audit

6.4.1. EMS Internal Audit Program and Procedures
6.4.2. Conducting an Internal EMS Audit
6.4.3. Objectives and Instructions
6.4.4. Environmental Management Program
6.4.5. Structure and Responsibility Training, Knowledge and Competence
6.4.6. Communication. EMS Documentation
6.4.7. Documentary Control Operations Control
6.4.8. Emergency Preparation and Response
6.4.9. Monitoring and Measurement. Non-Conformity, Preventive and Corrective Action
6.4.10. Records. EMS Audit Management Review Exercises

6.5. Development of Registration Audit

6.5.1. The Process Maintenance. Recorder
6.5.2. Preparation of the Registration Audit. Self-Declaration

6.6. Value of ISO 14001

6.6.1. Benefits of Implementing ISO 14001 in a Company
6.6.2. Benefits of a Company's Registration to ISO 14001
6.6.3. Continuous Improvement Activities

6.7. Keys to the Correct Implementation of an EMS Audit Program

6.7.1. Necessary Elements of an Effective and Efficient Audit Program

Module 7. Environmental Education and Social Practices

7.1. Organizational and Business Fundamentals

7.1.1. Organization Management
7.1.2. Types and Structure of an Organization
7.1.3. Standardization of Business Management

7.2. Sustainable Development: Business and Environment

7.2.1. Sustainable Development. Objectives and Goals
7.2.2. Economic Activity and Its Impact on the Environment
7.2.3. Corporate Social Responsibility

7.3. Environmental and Energy Issues Scope and Current Framework

7.3.1. Major Current Environmental Problems: Waste, Water and Food
7.3.2. Energy Issues Demand, Consumption and Source Distributions
7.3.3. Current Energy Projections
7.3.4. Legal framework, The Five Producing Levels of Environmental Regulations
7.3.5. Competence Framework: the Distribution of Competencies in Environmental Matters
7.3.6. Public Actions and Competencies in Environmental Matters and Regulation of Classified Activities

7.5. European Summits and the Paris Agreement

7.5.1. EU Climate Targets
7.5.2. European Summits
7.5.3. The Paris Agreement

7.6. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals

7.6.1. The 2030 Agenda: Background, Approval Process and Content
7.6.2. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
7.6.3. SDG Compass Guide

7.7. Circular Economy

7.7.1. The Circular Economy
7.7.2. Circular Economy System Diagrams

7.8. Sustainability Reports

7.8.1. Communication of Social Responsibility Management
7.8.2. The Process of Preparing a Sustainability Report according to GRI

Module 8. Waste Management

8.1. What Qualifies as Waste?

8.1.1. Evolution of Waste
8.1.2. Current Situation
8.1.3. Future Perspectives

8.2. Existing Waste Streams

8.2.1. Analysis of Waste Streams
8.2.2. Grouping Streams
8.2.3. Characteristics of the Streams

8.3. Classification of Waste and Characteristics

8.3.1. Classification According to Standards
8.3.2. Classification According to Management
8.3.3. Classification According to Origin

8.4. Characteristics and Properties

8.4.1. Chemical Characteristics
8.4.2. Physical Characteristics Humidity Specific Weight Granulometry

8.4.3. Hazard Characteristics

8.5. Waste Problems. Origin and Types of Waste

8.5.1. Main Problems of Waste Management
8.5.2. Generation Problems
8.5.3. Problems with Transport and Final Treatment

8.6. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

8.6.1. Fundamental Aspects
8.6.2. Environmental Requirement Procedures
8.6.3. Integrated Environmental Authorization (IEA) and Review of IEA
8.6.4. Information and Communication
8.6.5. Best Available Techniques (BAT)

8.7. European Emission Source Inventory

8.7.1. Emission Inventory Background
8.7.2. European Pollutant Emission Inventory
8.7.3. European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)

8.8. Environmental Impact Assessment

8.8.1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
8.8.2. Administrative Procedures of EIA
8.8.3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
8.8.4. Abbreviated Procedures

8.9. Climate Change and the Fight against Climate Change

8.9.1. Elements and Factors that Determine the Climate
8.9.2. Definition of Climate Change Climate Change Effects
8.9.3. Actions Against Climate Change
8.9.4. Organizations Facing Climate Change
8.9.5. Predictions about Climate Change
8.9.6. Bibliographical References

Module 9. Environmental Policy

9.1. Principles of Environmental Planning

9.1.1. Introduction
9.1.2. Environmental Planning of the Territory

9.2. Right to Information and Environmental Public Participation

9.2.1. Introduction
9.2.2. Right to Environmental Information
9.2.3. Citizen Participation in Environmental Policy Issues

9.3. Land Use and Urban Organization

9.3.1. Spatial Planning as a Policy Tool
9.3.2. Policy and Urban Planning

9.4. Environmental Policy Regulations

9.4.1. European Regulations
9.4.2. Regulations in Latin America
9.4.3. U.S. Environmental Regulations

9.5. Environmental Impact Assessment

9.5.1. Historical Background
9.5.2. Environmental Impact Assessment Analysis and Consequences

9.6. Scope of Application of the Environmental Policy

9.6.1. Introduction to the Application of the Environmental Policy
9.6.2. History of Environmental Policy
9.6.3. Application of Environmental Policy

9.7. Environmental Impact Statement

9.7.1. Introduction
9.7.2. Environmental Impact
9.7.3. Repercussions of Environmental Impact

9.8. Environmental Impact Assessment

9.8.1. Introduction to EIA
9.8.2. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
9.8.3. EIA Phases

9.9. Strategic Environmental Assessment

9.9.1. Introduction to SEA
9.9.2. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
9.9.3. Phases of an SEA

Module 10. Environmental Contamination Treatment

10.1. Environmental Contamination

10.1.1. Introduction to the Concept of Contamination
10.1.2. History of Environmental Contamination
10.1.3. Current Environmental Issues

10.2. Air Pollution

10.2.1. Introduction to Air Pollution
10.2.2. Air Pollution Problems
10.2.3. Solutions to Air Pollution

10.3. Soil Pollution

10.3.1. Introduction to Soil Pollution
10.3.2. Soil Pollution Problems
10.3.3. Solutions to Soil Pollution

10.4. Water Pollution

10.4.1. Introduction to Water Pollution
10.4.2. Ocean Pollution
10.4.3. River and Lake Pollution

10.5. Soil Decontamination

10.5.1. Introduction
10.5.2. Soil Decontamination Techniques
10.5.3. Results of Soil Decontamination Techniques

10.6. Water Decontamination

10.6.1. Water Potabilization
10.6.2. Water Purification
10.6.3. Results of Water Decontamination

10.7. Solid Waste

10.7.1. Introduction to the USW Problem
10.7.2. Concept of Solid Urban Waste
10.7.3. Types of USW

10.8. USW Management

10.8.1. Landfills and Collection System
10.8.2. Recycling
10.8.3. Other Management Techniques

10.9. Dangerous Waste

10.9.1. Introduction
10.9.2. Radioactive Waste
10.9.3. Waste from Medical Activity

10.10. New Environmental Problems: The Impact of Microplastics

10.10.1. What Is Plastic?
10.10.2. Plastic and Recycling
10.10.3. Microplastics and their Interaction with the Environment
10.10.4. Brief Review of the PM Problem


Make the most of this opportunity to surround yourself with expert professionals and learn from their work methodology"

Professional Master's Degree in Environmental Management

Environmental pollution is one of the main problems worldwide, affecting the quality of air, water and soil, which negatively impacts the planet and people's health. Engineering offers technical solutions to reduce and eliminate these consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to have great competences in the consideration of the landscape, land management and proper planning, in order to develop large environmental management projects. For this reason, the Professional Master's Degree in Environmental Management is born, which offers a comprehensive learning in this field, deepening in the organization of projects, environmental impact assessment, audits and waste management. All this, through a 100% online mode that will favor a teaching adapted to your personal needs.

Increase your knowledge and skills anytime, anywhere

The Professional Master's Degree in Environmental Management is based on a Relearning methodology, which facilitates natural learning and reduces the long hours of study. The syllabus includes video summaries, videos in detail and specialized readings. With just an electronic device with an Internet connection, you can access the Virtual Campus and distribute the course load according to your own needs. This program is, therefore, an excellent opportunity to develop your career as an environmental engineer enjoying unparalleled study facilities.