
Thanks to this qualification, master the implementation protocols of the TEACCH and INMER programs in the educational field"


At present, approximately 1 out of every ten children suffers from Autism, as estimated by a recent study prepared by the World Health Organization. In the educational field, these youngsters need specific attention to make their learning possible and to guarantee their psychological well-being in their daily life. In this sense, a series of methodologies have been developed to achieve these objectives, based on the use of new technologies, which education professionals must master to preserve the development of students with Autism spectrum disorders.

For this reason, TECH has created this postgraduate certificate, with the primary objective of enabling students to expand their skills in dealing with people with Autism to perform their profession with maximum solvency. Throughout this academic itinerary, the student will delve into the use of resources that favor learning mediated by ICT or assimilate the protocols for the implementation of educational programs aimed at promoting education in young people with this disorder. Additionally, they will adopt the skills required to deal with families and offer them advice that favors the child's development.

All this, through a 100% online methodology, which will enable the student to obtain an efficient learning thanks to the management of their study schedules as they wish. Likewise, the didactic contents available in this program have been elaborated by the best experts in the intervention with young people suffering from Autism, so the knowledge acquired will be completely applicable in their work experiences.

Enroll in this postgraduate certificate and multiply your job opportunities in the field of education for young people with specific needs"

This postgraduate certificate in Autism contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in the delivery of classes for people with special needs
  • The graphical, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived provide practical information on those issues that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Efficient learning that is completely adapted to your needs thanks to the 100% online learning modality offered by this program"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Through this program, manage the application of new technologies oriented to the development of the capacities of the young person with Autism"


Adopt the best skills to deal with families and guarantee the well-being of the student with Autism Spectrum Disorder"


The postgraduate certificate in Autism has been designed with the intention of offering the student the most innovative and effective knowledge in the area of education with people who suffer from Autism spectrum disorders. Throughout the course of this program, students will expand their skills in the management of tools that allow them to adapt interventions in an individualized way for each student with this pathology. To ensure the optimization of learning, TECH has established a series of general and specific objectives in this program.


Take this program to expand your skills in the educational field with people with special needs and become a reference professional in this field"

General Objectives

  • Provide a specialized education based on theoretical and instrumental knowledge that will enable the student to obtain skills in detection, prevention, assessment and intervention in the treated logopathies
  • Consolidate basic knowledge of the intervention process in the classroom and other spaces based on the latest technological advances that facilitate access to information and the syllabus for these students
  • Update and develop specific knowledge on the characteristics of these disorders in order to refine the differential and proactive diagnosis that sets the guidelines for intervention
  • Raise awareness in the educational community about the need for educational inclusion and holistic intervention models with the participation of all members of the community
  • Learn about educational experiences and good practices in speech therapy and psychosocial intervention that promote the personal, socio-family and educational adaptation of students with these educational needs

Specific Objectives

  • Contact with the disorder. Identify myths and false beliefs
  • Know the different areas affected, as well as the first indicators within the therapeutic process
  • Promote professional competence based on a global vision of the clinical picture; multifactorial assessment
  • To provide the necessary tools for an adequate specific adaptation in each case
  • Broaden the vision of the field of action; professionals and family as an active role
  • The role of the speech therapist as a dynamic element in the patient with autism

Through this program you will be able to handle the tools that allow you to adapt the educational intervention to the needs of the patient with Autism"

Postgraduate Certificate in Autism

According to estimates made by the World Health Organization, 1 out of every 160 children suffers from an autism spectrum disorder, a fact that has progressively increased the labor demand for educators specialized in the approach and pedagogical accompaniment of students with these special characteristics. Understanding the need for academic updating that accompanies the development of this labor niche, in TECH Global University you will find a Postgraduate Certificate in Autism, designed to train the professional in the necessary skills for the correct development of the educational processes of students with ASD. In this postgraduate course, in addition, special attention is paid to elements such as communication, social interaction, behavioral adaptation and its role in the pedagogical approach of the minor; as well as the importance of identifying the specific difficulties of each student and the development of training strategies adapted to these.

Study a course on autism online

The approach to the educational needs of students with ASD requires great expertise and knowledge on the part of the specialized professional, both in terms of methodological alternatives and in terms of the possibilities of school inclusion. In our Postgraduate Certificate, through a curriculum designed by widely recognized experts in the sector, you will have the opportunity to receive comprehensive training in all the particularities, knowledge and possibilities that accompany the work of the speech therapist in pedagogical processes to students with special needs. In this way, the professional's knowledge is updated in aspects such as: the approach to stress-generating situations for the student with ASD; the possible anticipation of conflictive scenarios that may hinder the student's development; followed by the development of intervention programs designed to strengthen the student's communicative and linguistic skills.