
Mastering English to an almost bilingual level not only increases employability, but also opens doors to the best job offers in sectors such as technology, tourism or catering. There are many global companies that use English as a working language in international environments, so acquiring this qualification is an ideal and essential step to start a successful career.

By the end of this university program, you will have mastered English to the same level as a native speaker, allowing you to understand even the smallest nuances of the language"

From global organizations such as the UN or IMF to important figures such as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, they all share English as a common language. An improvement to a level as high as C2 is not only a boost towards employability, but also the possibility of getting by fluently in any situation in a foreign country, making oneself understood and being able to adapt even to the level of the other speakers. With this university program, the student will take their spoken English to the highest level.

The only intensive program 100% specifically designed to develop your speaking skills in order to obtain the English Level C2. 


In the C2 English Online Conversation Classes program, you will work according to skills with more than 100 different activities of oral expression and interaction, preparing you to pass the oral part of the C2 English certificate.

It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”  

José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

A unique and stimulating experience

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Flexible and Tailored

Take the English conversation program, at your own pace based on your personal availability and schedule. 

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Acquire Skills and Abilities

With our method you will practice and consolidate the oral communication skills required at this level.

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Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world. 


The C2 English Online Conversation Classes program is entirely designed for students to acquire the oral skills required to take the exam to accredit their level and to pass it through practice, training, repetition, and personalized supervision. All this, moreover, thanks to their efforts and the educational excellence of the TECH method.

Practice with guarantees the oral skills and competences required by the C2 CEFR: more than 100 different practice exercises"

General Objectives

  • Carry out transactions of all kinds, even if they are delicate and complex
  • Participate and take the initiative in social interactions within the community or the social, academic or professional communities they belong to
  • Deal with oral or written texts of any kind, regardless of the situation and the subject matter


Specific Objectives

  • Have no difficulty understanding any type of speech, even at the fast speed typical of native speakers, both in face-to-face conversations and in relayed speeches
  • Understand specialized lectures and presentations, even if they contain a high degree of colloquialisms, regionalisms or unusual terminology
  • Possess a good command of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, being aware of the connotative levels of meaning
  • Accurately convey subtle shades of meaning using, with reasonable accuracy, a wide range of modification procedures. Know how to overcome difficulties so discreetly that the interlocutor hardly notices
  • Understand any speaker, even if he/she is a native speaker, even when dealing with abstract and complex topics of a specialized nature and beyond his/her own field of expertise, provided he/she has the possibility to do so with a non-standard accent
  • Converse comfortably and adequately, without any linguistic limitation, in all kinds of social and personal life situations
  • Be able to engage in formal discussions of complex issues, with well-organized and persuasive arguments, without any disadvantage compared to native speakers
  • Represent their part of the dialogue very well, structuring what they say and performing with authority and fluency as interviewer or interviewee, without being at a disadvantage compared to a native speaker 

In TECH's preparation course for the official CEFR C2 level test you will find more than 100 activities focused on developing your oral skills"

C2 English Online Conversation Classes

According to a study conducted between Google and Harvard University, the English language has a total of 1,019,729 words. A dictionary of that language has approximately 400,000 words, while a native English speaker uses only about 20,000. How many words do you know? If these figures surprise you, but you are still motivated to improve your English and reach the highest level of proficiency in the CEFR to access new personal and professional opportunities, TECH Global University's C2 English Online Conversation Classes are for you. With the help of a highly qualified teaching team and using an innovative methodology that involves interactive learning through online conversations, we have developed the best program in the bilingual-multilingual field that you will find in the market. You will learn, in a flexible and immersive way, to carry out complex transactions, to participate and take the initiative in social interactions within the English-speaking community and to cope with advanced audio and text: everything you need to be an outstanding English speaker.

Make the most of your English by conversing in online classes

At TECH we are dedicated to strengthening students' abilities using innovative methods, a syllabus with high educational standards, exclusive digital material and an eminent teaching staff that will provide great motivation when it comes to perfecting your skills. For this reason, we are considered the best online university in the world by several organizations and media. By enrolling in our school of languages, you can be sure that you are accessing a course of the highest quality. Do you want to understand specialized lectures and presentations in English, even if they contain a high degree of colloquialisms, regionalisms or unusual terminology, to converse comfortably and appropriately, without any linguistic limitations in all kinds of social and personal situations, or to communicate with full authority and fluency as an interviewer or interviewee, without being at a disadvantage compared to a native speaker? In our online conversation classes you will learn this and much more. Make the most out of this opportunity and enroll now!