

Thanks to this Internship program, you will handle the most sophisticated Machine Learning techniques to analyze data, make predictions and detect patterns”

The ability to process and analyze large volumes of data has become fundamental for organizations in all sectors. In this sense, the field of Visual Analytics and Big Data emerges as a powerful solution to address these challenges, combining advanced Data Analytics techniques with interactive visualization methods. These technologies provide experts with the ability to transform complex data into clear and actionable information, thus improving strategic decision making significantly. Given this scenario, professionals need to incorporate into their practice the most cutting-edge techniques in areas such as Machine Learning or Deep Learning in order to automate complex tasks and make more accurate predictions.

Within this framework, TECH presents an innovative Internship program, which consists of a 120-hour on-site stay in a reference entity in Visual Analytics and Big Data. In this way, during 3 weeks, the graduates will be part of a team of specialists of the highest level, with whom they will work actively in the projects they are carrying out. Thanks to this, the graduates will acquire skills that will enable them to optimize their daily practice and raise their professional horizons to a higher level. 

Throughout this Internship program, students will be supported by an assistant tutor, who will ensure that all the requirements for which this Internship program has been designed are met. In addition, this expert will help the graduates to consolidate their mastery of the most complex concepts and tasks. Thanks to this, after completing the course, graduates will have all the resources required to face present and future challenges in the field of Visual Analytics and Big Data.


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"

Why our program?

In the face of technological advances, organizations seek to gain competitive advantages through the analysis of large volumes of data. For this reason, they are constantly looking to incorporate Visual Analytics and Big Data professionals to identify trends, optimize their operations and personalize customer experiences.  In this context, it is essential for professionals to keep abreast of the latest innovations in this field. For this reason, TECH presents a unique and disruptive academic product in the current pedagogical landscape, which will allow experts to enter a real institution, where they will update their knowledge in this area. In this way, during 3 intensive weeks, students will join a work team where they will delve into the latest advances in subjects such as Data Science, Deep Learning or Visualization Tools. 

vocational apprenticeships visual analytics big data TECH Global University

You will acquire advanced skills to plan, execute and supervise large scale Data Analytics projects”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

Industry 4.0 has had a significant impact on the field of Visual Analytics and Big Data, transforming the way data is collected, processed, analyzed and visualized. For example, Machine Learning tools allow automating complex tasks such as pattern detection, trend detection and data classification. In view of this, TECH presents this Internship program, where students will enter a renowned company equipped with state-of-the-art technology in this field.

2. Gaining in-depth knowledge from the experience of top specialists

During their on-site internship, students will join a team composed of experienced Visual Analytics professionals.  These experts will provide graduates with all the knowledge they need to make a quality leap in their professional careers. In addition, a specifically appointed tutor will guide them at all times and ensure that the objectives for which this Internship program has been designed are met. 

3. Entering first-class professional environments

For the development of this itinerary, TECH has carefully selected the institutions where the students will take this Internship program in Visual Analytics and Big Data. Thanks to this, graduates will enjoy an intensive stay in prestigious centers where they will be able to fully immerse themselves in the reality of a profession in full expansion that offers multiple opportunities.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

The academic market abounds with teaching programs that are limited to the mere transmission of theoretical content. In addition, these programs require long hours of teaching, which are difficult to combine with the students' professional work. In contrast, TECH offers an Internship program where, during 3 weeks, the students will join a reference institution in Visual Analytics and Big Data to delve into the latest innovations in this field.

5. Expanding the boundaries of knowledge

With the aim of expanding the professional careers of graduates, TECH has reached agreements with prestigious international companies so that students can carry out their Internship program in first class facilities. Therefore, students will have the opportunity to carry out their practical stay in a personalized way and without geographical limits.

professional practices visual analytics big data TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Visual Analytics and Big Data

In today's world, the ability to interpret and make decisions based on large volumes of data is essential to the success of any organization. The increasing complexity and expansion of information requires professionals with advanced skills in visual analytics and data management. To meet this demand, TECH Global University offers a program designed to train experts in Visual Analytics and Big Data. Through a 100% online learning methodology, it will provide a comprehensive preparation that combines theory and practice. This program is aimed at equipping participants with tools and knowledge to face current challenges in the management and visualization of complex data, ensuring that they can transform information into valuable and applicable insights in various business contexts. The curriculum covers fundamental and advanced aspects of data science, focused on practical application. Participants will learn how to use advanced visualization tools to interpret data and communicate findings effectively.

Prepare yourself with an Internship Program in Visual Analytics and Big Data

This postgraduate program includes an intensive hands-on approach, where students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in real-world situations. Face-to-face internships are a key component of the program, allowing participants to experience first-hand the process of data analysis and visualization in professional environments. Other topics covered include the exploration of big data analysis techniques, the design of interactive dashboards and the implementation of predictive models. Upon completion, graduates will be prepared to use advanced data analysis techniques and make strategic decisions based on concrete evidence. With the support of TECH, this program guarantees a quality preparation that will position highly trained professionals in the area of Visual Analytics and Big Data. Get ready to enroll now!