
The best option to get up to date on the latest developments in intervention for patients with Cognitive-Behavioral disorders is found in the syllabus of this 100% online program”


The state of a person's mental health can positively and negatively influence his routine.  Stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, disorders, etc., are part of the lives of millions of people who, for various reasons, have not been able to devote time to taking care of this essential part of each person. There are also millions of cases in which patients with complex psychological conditions, such as those with a suicidal profile, among others, have found enormous help in the treatment by specialists in Psychotherapy.

In this sense, the progress of science and research in the treatment of mental illnesses has been developing increasingly effective intervention protocols. However, knowing in detail the latest developments in the sector is not available to all professionals due to the impossibility of combining their academic and working lives or the lack of reliable sources of information that collect, extensive, quality content. 

For this reason, TECH, in collaboration with its group of experts, has decided to design this hybrid professional master’s degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, in which the graduate will not only find the most complete and intensive syllabus of the market, but also, the possibility of doing a practical period in an important company in the psychology sector. 

Additionally, students will have the excellent opportunity to broaden their knowledge with the help of a guest lecturer who is a reference in the field of psychology.  This will be made possible by 10 comprehensive masterclasses, which will offer you a more global and direct approach on diagnosis, intervention techniques and the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology.

It is a program designed on the basis of the most modern and sophisticated pedagogical methodology of the moment and in which the graduate will find all the indispensable academic tools to catch up on the latest scientific advances in the approach to patients with Cognitive-Behavioral problems. Additionally, as a final touch, after passing the theoretical period, you will be able to contextualize all the knowledge developed throughout the syllabus in the practical stay, in which you will have a tutor who will guide you towards the improvement of your techniques, skills and competences.

You will have access to the best and most up-to-date content on the market on the etiology of illness for the cognitive behavioral model”

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by psychology professionals 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Assessment and approach to the patient with Cognitive-Behavioral disorder
  • Comprehensive systematized action plans for the management of patients with more complex psychological conditions
  • Presentation of practical workshops on therapeutic techniques in different patients
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Clinical practice guidelines on the approach to different disorders
  • All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best medical centers

An intensive and comprehensively designed program for professionals like you that concludes with a 120-hour practical stay in a clinical center specializing in mental health"

In this proposal for a Professional Master's Degree, of a professionalizing nature and hybrid learning modality, the program is aimed at updating Psychotherapy professionals who develop their functions in in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology centers, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into psychological practice and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and will allow decision making in patient management.

Thanks to their multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the psychology professional to obtain situated and contextual learning, that is to say,a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

A hybrid professional master’s degree that meets the most current demands of the labor market in the field of psychology"


Knowing the latest details in design and intervention strategies in Cognitive-Behavioral psychology will allow you to create an action protocol based on the most modern scientific advances"

Why our program?

The field of mental health has acquired great relevance in recent years, due to the increase in the population that needs the help of a specialist to treat disorders such as anxiety or depression. In this scenario, it is undoubtedly necessary to update theoretical concepts, but also to be able to apply them in real clinical settings. That is why TECH has created this program, which is clearly different from other programs in the academic panorama. In this training, the professional will be immersed in a 100% online theoretical framework, which will continue with an intensive internship program of 3 weeks in a prestigious center.

master cognitive behavioral psychotherapy TECH Global University

Enter a real clinical environment with the best specialists in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and apply the most innovative and effective procedures in your daily practice”

1. Updating from the latest technology available 

The progress achieved in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy in recent decades is largely due to the studies and research carried out in this field. In this way, the techniques and methods used in the approach to different disorders and pathologies have been perfected. For this reason, TECH has created this hybrid professional master’s degree, which brings the specialist closer to the most relevant advances in this field from a theoretical-practical perspective, through a rigorous conceptual framework and advanced practice by the best specialists in this area.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists  

During this updating period, the professional will not only have an excellent and first class teaching team, but also, during the Internship program, will be surrounded by real experts, who will guide them to achieve their objectives in a successful way. Therefore, you will be able to see how the work procedures are and techniques used in a reference center in the approach of patients through Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy. 

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments 

Once the theoretical stage is completed, the specialist will enter a first level clinical environment.  In order to guarantee a quality program, TECH carefully selects all the centers where the internships are carried out. This guarantees the professional access to an outstanding space, where he will be able to integrate in his daily practice the most effective methods in the study, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of people with different types of disorders. All this, always applying the latest scientific postulates on which Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy is based. 

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice 

Currently in the academic market there are a multitude of educational programs that come very close to the real needs of professionals and also have teaching systems based on extensive teaching load, incompatible with daily activities. TECH offers in this hybrid professional master’s degree, a program that provides an online and flexible theoretical phase, which continues with an eminently practical stage, in a 100% real clinical environment.  This allows you to obtain a much more complete update and of great application in the daily professional performance.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge 

In this program, TECH offers a unique opportunity, not only to update in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy with the best professionals and experts in this field, but also because the specialist can integrate these processes in their practice or carry them out in any leading clinical center in the world. This academic institution therefore offers a much broader view of the different possible applications of this type of therapy.

master degree cognitive behavioral psychotherapy TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Master's Degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy.

Cognitive-behavioral psychology (CBP) is a psychological current that focuses on the relationship between thought, emotions and behavior. This stream is based on the premise that the thoughts and perceptions an individual has about his or her circumstances directly influence the behavior he or she develops. Therefore, PCC aims to modify negative or dysfunctional thoughts to produce changes in emotions and behavior.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on the conversation between therapist and patient. First, the patient is sought to identify and learn to use tools and strategies to detect negative and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. Once identified, the patient is guided to learn to question and refute these thoughts so that they do not affect negative emotions and behaviors.

Develop your skills in Product Design.

At TECH Global University we have this Hybrid Master's Degree designed for the development of skills and knowledge necessary to provide cognitive-behavioral therapy to people experiencing emotional, behavioral or mental health problems. It is a graduate program that focuses on training professionals on the theoretical and practical principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The program is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part is conducted online, through a distance learning system, and focuses on acquiring theoretical knowledge about specific guidelines and techniques to help patients become aware of their behavior. The practical part takes place in face-to-face settings, where they will be able to apply the acquired knowledge.