
With this 100% online Postgraduate diploma, you will identify the signs of Traumatic Wound complications and take preventive measures to avoid them”


The management of Traumatic Wounds has evolved considerably thanks to advances in medical technology and clinical research. An example of this is Negative Pressure Therapy, which promotes effective healing and reduces the risks of wound infection.  In this context, nursing professionals play a vital role in the implementation of these innovations in daily clinical practice. For this reason, these experts need to have a thorough understanding of the most advanced treatments to address Traumatic Wounds and optimize clinical outcomes.  

Given this scenario, TECH is launching a revolutionary Postgraduate diploma in Nursing Care of Traumatic Wounds. Designed by references in this field, the academic itinerary will address the preparation of the wound bed. In this way, professionals will make more accurate assessments of the state of wounds. In this regard, the syllabus will delve into the most sophisticated treatments for wound care, among which Negative Pressure Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen or Laser Therapy stand out. On the other hand, the didactic materials will delve into the management of severe burns, while at the same time offering the keys to combat the acute complications derived from these.
To consolidate all this content, TECH uses the avant-garde method of Relearning, which consists of the progressive reiteration of key concepts for their correct assimilation. In addition, the university program provides professionals with a variety of real case studies, allowing them to practice in simulated environments to bring them closer to the reality of emergency situations. In this sense, to access the educational resources nurses will only require an electronic device capable of connecting to the Internet. In addition, the program will feature the collaboration of a distinguished International Guest Director, who will offer thorough master classes to delve into the latest advances in the treatment of Traumatic Wounds.   

An outstanding International Guest Director will give a rigorous Masterclass to delve into the most avant-garde treatments for the approach of Traumatic Wounds”

This Postgraduate diploma in Nursing Care of Traumatic Wounds contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Wound Care for Nursing
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning. 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Do you want to incorporate into your daily practice the most sophisticated non-pharmacological strategies to alleviate the pain of Pediatric Skin Injuries? Achieve it with this program in only 6 months”

The program's teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, in addition to renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

You will deepen in the Physiology of Traumatic Wounds, which will allow you to evaluate the factors that influence healing"


TECH's innovative Relearning methodology will allow you to update your knowledge in an autonomous and progressive way. At your own speed!"


Through this university program, nurses will have a holistic understanding of the pathophysiology of Traumatic Wounds. The syllabus will deepen in the identification and assessment of wounds, which will allow professionals to make more accurate diagnoses. In line with this, the syllabus will analyze the most advanced strategies to approach the treatment of burns in different clinical contexts. The didactic materials will also focus on post-burn care, highlighting the importance of patients' physical and psychological rehabilitation  to relieve pain and manage stress.  


You will learn the most effective strategies to reduce pain associated with Traumatic Wounds, including the use of analgesics and non-pharmacological techniques”

Module 1. Skin Wound Management for Nursing

1.1. Injury Evaluation

1.1.1. Wound Identification and Assessment 
1.1.2. Recognition of Early Signs of Wounds
1.1.3. Wound Assessment Tools
1.1.4. Documentation and Monitoring of Wound Progression

1.2. Wound Bed Preparation

1.2.1. Wound Cleaning: Techniques
1.2.2. Enzymatic Debridement
1.2.3. Exudate Management
1.2.4. Stimulation of Granulation: Negative Pressure Therapy,  Growth Factors and Hyperbaric Oxygen
1.2.5. Wound Bed Protection

1.3. Wounds According to Typology

1.3.1. Acute Wounds: Cuts, Burns and Fractures
1.3.2. Chronic Wounds: Pressure, Venous and Diabetic Ulcers
1.3.3. Surgical Wounds: Incisions, Excisions, Sutures
1.3.4. Traumatic Wounds: Abrasions, Contusions, Lacerations

1.4. Treatment and Care of Wounds

1.4.1. Advanced Therapies: Negative Pressure Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Laser Therapy
1.4.2. Pain Management
1.4.3. Wound Follow-Up and Evaluation

1.5. Wound Care in Humid Environment (CAH) and TIME Concept

1.5.1. Principles of CAH Contraindications
1.5.2. TIME: Non-Viable Tissue, Infection or Inflammation, Wound Bed Moisture, Wound Edges
1.5.3. CAH and TIME Implementation: Initial Wound Assessment, Treatment Plan, Follow-Up and Adjustment of the Plan
1.5.4. Scientific Evidence on CAH and TIME: Clinical Practice Guideline

1.6. Wound Physiology Wound Healing Process and Complications

1.6.1. Healing Process: Inflammatory, Proliferative and Remodeling Phase
1.6.2. Factors Affecting Healing: Nutrition, Age and Chronic Diseases
1.6.3. Types of Healing: Healing by First Intention, by Second Intention and by Third Intention
1.6.4. Complications in Healing: Infection, Dehiscence, Keloid
1.6.5. Wound Treatment: Cleaning, Use of Antibiotics, Dressings

1.7. Management of Infection and Wound Complications

1.7.1. Signs of Wound Infection: Redness, Warmth, Pain
1.7.2. Treatment of Infection: Antibiotics, Debridement and Wound Care
1.7.3. Wound Complications: Necrosis, Gangrene, Sepsis
1.7.4. Infection Prevention: Wound Cleansing
1.7.5. Management of Wound Complications

1.8. Management of Wound Care Materials

1.8.1. Selection and Correct Use of Materials
1.8.2. Storage of Materials: Storage Conditions and Inventory Management
1.8.3. Material Handling Safety: Safe Disposal of Used Materials, Accident Prevention

1.9. Comprehensive and Integrated Care Among Different Professionals

1.9.1. Teamwork: Roles and Responsibilities Conflict Resolution 
1.9.2. Coordination of Care: Shared Care Plan, Coordination with Other Services, Continuity of Care
1.9.3. Referral to Specialists: Referral and Follow-Up Process
1.9.4. Assessment of Quality of Care: Quality Indicators, Clinical Audits and Continuous Quality Improvement

1.10. Clinical Language in Relation to Wounds

1.10.1. Anatomical, Wound Assessment and Wound Management Terms
1.10.2. Effective Communication: Communication with the Patient and Other Health Care Professionals
1.10.3. Clinical Documentation: Informed Consent
1.10.4. Ethics in Wound Care: Respect for Patient Autonomy, Beneficence and Non-Maleficence, Justice

Module 2. Management of Pediatric Skin Lesions for Nursing

2.1. Skin Lesions in Pediatrics

2.1.1. Infectious Lesions
2.1.2. Inflammatory and Allergic Lesions
2.1.3. Trauma Lesions

2.2. Assessment of Skin Lesions in Pediatrics

2.2.1. Clinical Evaluation and Physical Examination
2.2.2. Diagnostic Tests and Complementary Examinations
2.2.3. Differential Diagnosis and Multidisciplinary Approach

2.3. Prevention of Skin Lesions in Pediatrics

2.3.1. Hygiene and Skin Care
2.3.2. Sun Protection and Exposure to the Elements
2.3.3. Prevention of Traumatic Injuries and Contact with Irritants

2.4. Treatment of Skin Lesions in Pediatrics

2.4.1. Topical Therapies
2.4.2. Systemic Therapies
2.4.3. Medical Procedures and Complementary Care

2.5. Care of Skin Lesions

2.5.1. Hygiene and General Care
2.5.2. Pain and Itching Management
2.5.3. Prevention of Complications and Follow-Up

2.6. Pain Management in Pediatric Skin Lesions

2.6.1. Pharmacological Strategies
2.6.2. Non-Pharmacological Techniques for Pain Relief
2.6.3. Emotional Support and Family Participation

2.7. Nutrition and Skin Lesions in Pediatrics

2.7.1. Essential Nutrients for Skin Health
2.7.2. Impact of Nutrition on Skin Conditions
2.7.3. Nutrition for Recovery and Healing

2.8. Patient and Parent Education on the Care of Skin Lesions

2.8.1. Diagnosis and Treatment
2.8.2. Home Care and Infection Prevention
2.8.3. Education for Emotional Support and Stress Management

2.9. Challenges in Pediatric Skin Lesion Care

2.9.1. Compliance and Adherence to Treatment
2.9.2. Pain and Discomfort Management
2.9.3. Risk of Infection and Complications

2.10. Advances in the Treatment of Skin Lesions in Pediatrics

2.10.1. Innovations in Topical Therapies and Medications
2.10.2. Innovative Medical Technology and Procedures
2.10.3. Personalized Approaches and Regenerative Medicine

Module 3. Burn Management for Nursing

3.1. Types and Grades of Burns

3.1.1. Classification of Burns by Depth: Degrees
3.1.2. Epidemiology and Risk Factors
3.1.3. Mechanisms of Injury in Burns

3.2. Evaluation of Burns

3.2.1.  Initial Evaluation Methods 9' Rule Wallace's Rule

3.2.2. Evaluation of Burn Depth
3.2.3. Evaluation of the Extent of the Burn

3.3. Treatment in the Emergency Department

3.3.1. Initial Management in the Emergency Department
3.3.2. Pain and Anxiety Management
3.3.3. Stabilization of the Patient and Airway Management

3.4. Management of Minor Burns

3.4.1. Ambulatory Management
3.4.2. Skin Care and Infection Prevention
3.4.3. Patient Education on Home Care

3.5. Management of Moderate Burns

3.5.1. Management in the General Hospital Setting
3.5.2. Pain Management and Infection Control
3.5.3. Changes in the Treatment According to the Etiology of the Burn

3.6. Management of Severe Burns

3.6.1. Admission to Specialized Units
3.6.2. Management of Acute Complications
3.6.3. Management of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)

3.7. Management of Burns in Primary Care

3.7.1. Immediate Treatment in Primary Care
3.7.2. Handling of Dressing Material and Pain
3.7.3. Follow-Up and Aftercare

3.8. Post-Burn Care

3.8.1. Physical and Psychological Rehabilitation
3.8.2. Treatment of Scars and Sequelae
3.8.3. Long-Term Follow-Up and Management of Late Complications

3.9. Burn Prevention

3.9.1. Public and Community Education
3.9.2. Safety Measures at Home and in the Workplace
3.9.3. Specific Prevention in At-Risk Populations

3.10. Research and Development in Burn Management

3.10.1. Advances in Treatment Techniques
3.10.2. Research on New Materials and Therapies
3.10.3. Development of Evidence-Based Management Protocols

Module 4. Traumatic Wound Management for Nursing

4.1. Traumatic Wound Care

4.1.1. Proper Wound Cleaning
4.1.2. Application of Sterile Dressings
4.1.3. Prevention of Secondary Infections

4.2. Care of Infected Wounds

4.2.1. Use of Antibiotics According to Medical Indication
4.2.2. Adequate Wound Drainage
4.2.3. Constant Monitoring for Signs of Infection

4.3. Care of Puncture Wounds

4.3.1. Assessment of Possible Internal Damage
4.3.2. Control of Internal Bleeding
4.3.3. Monitoring for Signs of Infection

4.4. Bite Wound Care

4.4.1. Thorough Cleaning of the Wound
4.4.2. Evaluation of Possible Deep Tissue Damage
4.4.3. Administration of Rabies Vaccines if Necessary

4.5. Care of Freezing Wounds

4.5.1. Gradual Thawing of the Affected Area
4.5.2. Protection against Re-Exposure to Cold
4.5.3. Treatment of Possible Complications such as Gangrene

4.6. Radiation Wound Care

4.6.1. Protection of the Surrounding Skin
4.6.2. Management of Symptoms such as Irritation and Burns
4.6.3. Monitoring of Possible Long-Term Effects

4.7. Care of Chemical Wounds

4.7.1. Neutralization of the Chemical Agent
4.7.2. Abundant Washing with Clean Water
4.7.3. Protection of Medical Personnel to Avoid Contamination

4.8. Wound Care in Patients with Chronic Diseases

4.8.1. Management of Underlying Diseases that may Affect Healing
4.8.2. Use of Specific Therapies According to the Patient's Condition
4.8.3. Monitoring of Wound Evolution

4.9. Pain Management in Traumatic Wounds

4.9.1. Use of Analgesics According to Pain Intensity
4.9.2. Distraction and Relaxation Techniques
4.9.3. Multidisciplinary Treatment to Deal with Chronic Pain

4.10. Advances in the Treatment of Traumatic Wounds

4.10.1. Regenerative Therapies: Use of Growth Factors
4.10.2. Use of Smart Dressings to Monitor Healing
4.10.3. Tissue Engineering-Based Therapies to Promote Regeneration


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Care of Traumatic Wounds

Are you looking for a program that will give you the tools and knowledge you need to manage traumatic injuries? You are in the right place. At TECH Global University you will find a complete university diploma that will help you fulfill your academic goals. This course offers a comprehensive training that covers from the initial evaluation and treatment of wounds, to the most advanced techniques of care and prevention of complications. You will learn to apply best practices and evidence-based protocols to optimize patient recovery and improve clinical outcomes. In addition, you will address the importance of continuous patient assessment and adaptation of care plans to ensure optimal healing. Thus, you will acquire competencies in the identification of different types of wounds, the use of cutting-edge products or technologies and the implementation of pain management and infection control strategies.

Obtain a Postgraduate Diploma in Traumatic Wound Care Nursing

The online mode of this course allows you to access high quality specialization from anywhere in the world, offering invaluable flexibility. You will be able to progress at your own pace, adapting the learning to your personal and professional schedules and commitments. Course content is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, facilitating dynamic and accessible study. The program is taught by experts in traumatic wound care, who bring with them their vast experience and knowledge. You will learn directly from recognized professionals in the field, which will enrich your understanding and application of advanced wound care techniques. Upon completion, you will be able to provide high quality care, contributing to a faster and more effective recovery of patients with traumatic wounds. Enroll now and prepare yourself to meet the related challenges, improving your clinical practice and bringing significant value to your patients and the healthcare community. We look forward to seeing you!