Dieckmann, Jack
Director of Research at Youcubed at Stanford University, San Francisco, United States
Doctor Jack Dieckmann has been an outstanding Senior Mathematics Advisor, who has focused on the revision of curricular materials to strengthen language development in Mathematics. In fact, his expertise has encompassed the evaluation and improvement of educational resources, supporting the integration of effective classroom practices. In addition, he has held the position of Director of Research at Stanford University, where he has been dedicated to documenting the effectiveness of learning opportunities offered by Youcubed, including Jo Boaler's online courses on mathematical mindsets and other research-based materials.
In addition, throughout his career, he has held key roles at renowned institutions. Therefore, he has served as Associate Director of Curriculum at the Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE), where he has led the Mathematics team in the development of performance assessments, demonstrating his ability to innovate in educational assessment and apply advanced teaching techniques.
In this sense, at the international level, Dr. Jack Dieckmann has been recognized for his impact on mathematics education, through his scientific participation in multiple activities. He has also obtained significant merits in his field, participating in conferences and consultancies in countries such as China, Brazil and Chile. As such, his work has been crucial for the implementation of best practices in mathematics teaching, and his experience has been instrumental in advancing mathematics education globally.
In this way, his further research has focused on “language for mathematical purposes”, especially for students of English as a second language. In turn, he has continued to contribute to mathematics education through his work at Youcubed, as well as his consulting activities globally, demonstrating his position as an outstanding leader in the field.
- Director of Research at Youcubed at Stanford University, San Francisco, United States
- Associate Director of Stanford's Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)
- Instructor at the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)
- International Teaching Consultant in countries such as China, Brazil and Chile
- Ph.D. in Mathematics Education at Stanford GSE in 2009