
Dr. Alberto Arcediano del Amo is a physician specialized in Medical Oncology, with a singular focus on the clinical management of Breast Cancer. In fact, he has worked for more than a decade for his exhaustive knowledge, being one of the precursors for the establishment of new protocols of approach in the presentation of the triple negative breast cancer typology. All this combined with clinical practice as an Area Specialist Physician at the Guadalajara University Hospital.  

He is also a member of several national and international organizations such as the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology, for which he has worked as a researcher and scientific disseminator. In addition, he has participated as a speaker at dozens of congresses and seminars, being co-author of the book Archivos Clínicos de Cáncer de Mama. Volume V. 

  • Area Specialist of the Medical Oncology Service at the Guadalajara University Hospital.
  • Member of the team promoting the Cardio-Onco-Hematology Unit at the Guadalajara University Hospital.
  • Member and researcher in the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the XI National Meeting of Advances in Prostate Cancer, Renal Cancer and Bladder Cancer. 
  • Co-author of the book Archivos Clínicos de Cáncer de Mama. Volume V 
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