
Delve into the science of concrete and learn why it is one of the most requested materials for the construction of architectural works"


Concrete is one of the most widely used materials in construction throughout the world. However, with the passage of time, new types of concrete with special processing have appeared. Therefore, there is currently a great demand for professionals who possess this knowledge and apply it in their projects. Thus, the Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology of Cement-Based Materials will cover all the technological aspects of special concrete in its different aspects, as well as the definition of the characteristics, use, dosage and applications of each concrete. 

This will provide an in-depth understanding of the tools needed to create materials that exactly meet the needs that construction companies are looking for and want to achieve. For this reason, we have an excellent teaching staff that offers students their extensive experience in the science and technology behind cement-based materials. 

With a 100% online postgraduate certificate students will be able to study comfortably, wherever and whenever they want. All you need is a device with internet access to take your career one step further. A modality according to the current times with all the guarantees to position the engineer in a highly demanded sector. 

Carry out an analysis of the different types of concrete that can be used in an architecture project and enhance your professional profile in this field”

This postgraduate certificate in Science and Technology of Cement-Based Materials contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the variables, analysis and processing methods, as well as the characterization and properties of the materials used in construction 
  • Determine the life cycle and the carbon footprint of the materials 
  • Experiment with new materials and technology related to new applications and uses 
  • Manage new building technologies and participate in building quality management processes 
  • Evaluate aspects of sustainability and environmental impact of the materials 

You will have access to the information no matter where you are, so you won't have to put your daily life on hold to specialize in this field of engineering"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Complete this 100% online postgraduate certificate and become an expert in one of the most resistant materials in construction"


Experiment with the use of new materials and know the guidelines for its regulation in a construction work program"


The design of this postgraduate certificate will allow the student to acquire new competencies and skills that are necessary to update their knowledge and skills in their profession. The knowledge presented in this program will address the key aspects of the science behind the manufacture of concrete, such as the characteristics it possesses at each stage and the research conducted in recent years to develop newer components. In view of the above, TECH establishes the following general and specific objectives to guarantee the satisfaction of the future graduate.


Analyze all the aspects that refer to the creation of new cement mixtures and stay one step ahead with innovation in your profession”

General Objectives

  • Perform an exhaustive analysis of the different types of construction materials 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the features of different construction materials 
  • Implement new technologies applied to engineering materials 
  • Assess the waste materials 
  • Manage materials from a quality and production point of view
  • Apply new techniques in making construction materials that are more environmentally friendly 
  • Raise awareness of new trends and materials applied to construction

Specific Objectives

  • Delve into the science of concrete: fresh and hardened state Characteristics in the fresh state, mechanical properties in the hardened state, stress-strain behavior, modulus of deformation and Poisson's ratio, creep, fracture. Dimensional stability, shrinkage
  • Know in detail the nature, characteristics and performance of special concretes, which have been investigated in recent years 
  • Develop and manufacture special concretes according to their dosage specifications and technological properties 
  • Analyze the most important characteristics of special concretes, of the different existing typologies, whether with fibers, light, self-compacting, etc.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the different techniques for producing blended mixtures 
  • Perform typical tests on construction materials, and be able to perform the required procedures 

With a simple methodology and practical cases, you will be able to specialize in the science behind cement-based materials”

Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology of Cement-based Materials

Concrete is a resistant material that is widely used in construction works in different sectors. With the passing of time, it has adapted to the new requirements of manufacturers and there are more and more types that can be found in the market. Thus, it is important to have professionals who know this material and when it is made with good quality. That is why TECH Global University launches the Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology of Cement Base Materials, an academic program designed to train professionals in the area of materials engineering and construction. This Postgraduate Certificate offers students a theoretical-practical education, where they deepen their knowledge of cement base materials, their behavior, properties, production processes and their application in construction. The science and technology of cement-based materials are fundamental in the field of construction, since they provide a great variety of alternatives and options to build resistant and durable structures. Because of this, TECH's program in Science and Technology of Cement-Based Materials focuses on providing students with a solid preparation so that they are able to apply their knowledge effectively in the solution of construction problems.

Learn about construction and its current technology at TECH.

Students who participate in this Postgraduate Certificate will have the opportunity to acquire technical and practical skills that will allow them to face real situations in construction. The Postgraduate Certificate in Science and Technology of Cement-Based Materials is designed for those professionals in the construction area, engineers, architects, technicians, among others, who seek to strengthen their knowledge in the science and technology of materials to improve their effectiveness in the development of construction projects and decision making in their jobs. If you are looking to grow professionally, TECH can help you with that goal. Enroll now!