
This professional master’s degree in Teaching Language and Literature in High School will generate a sense of confidence in the performance of your profession, which will help you to grow personally and professionally”


One of the main objectives of this professional master’s degree is to prepare students to teach in multicultural groups where many languages are spoken. For all these reasons, different methodological approaches are presented to facilitate the teacher's work and the creation of activities within this specific framework. Interaction is essential to minimize the multicultural impact and enable the transition of the classroom from a teaching space to a social space.

Finally, we will emphasize the relevance of information and communication technologies in the field of teaching. The presence of ICT in the classroom brings wide-ranging benefits and helps in the presentation of content. Once again, the work of the teacher is a fundamental factor in its use, since they must create a digital resource database that is reliable and oriented to teaching in High School Education.

In conclusion, the Professional Master’s Degree in Teaching Language and Literature in High School is focused on the development of skills in linguistics, comprehension and oral and written production. The development of a teaching plan and its corresponding units must be geared towards achieving a series of objectives also established at the beginning of the school year. The relevance of teacher training for teaching Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) and the practical application of these fundamentals in a multicultural group which has limited contact with the Spanish language, is a priority in this program, as the educator is often faced with this situation nowadays. Finally, we present the benefits of using your own digital resource database that is practical and reliable in terms of its contents.

This program helps professionals in this field to increase their ability to succeed, which results in better practice and performance that will have a direct impact on educational outcomes, on the improvement of the educational system and on the social benefit for the whole community.

Update your knowledge through the professional master’s degree in Teaching Language and Literature in High School"

This professional master’s degree in Teaching Language and Literature in High School contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • More than 75 case studies presented by experts in Teaching Language and Literature in High School
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest information on Teaching Language and Literature in High School
  • Practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • With special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Teaching Language and Literature in High School
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program for two reasons: In addition to updating your knowledge in Teaching Language and Literature in High School, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University"

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of Teaching Language and Literature in High School, who contribute the experience of their work to this program, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the teacher must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. To do so, they will have the help of an innovative interactive video system created by leading experts in the field of Teaching Language and Literature in High School with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this professional master’s degree"


Make the most of the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Teaching Language and Literature in High School and improve the education of your students"


The program in Teaching Language and Literature in High School is oriented toward facilitating the performance of professionals working with, and teaching language and literature to adolescents, and even children and adults as well.


This program is designed for you to update your knowledge in Teaching Language and Literature in High School, with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and confidence to decision making and the monitoring of these students"

General Objectives

  • Determine and specify the elements that are part of the teaching-learning process in youth education
  • Outline the fundamentals, skills and competencies of the teacher as a pedagogical element and content facilitator
  • Define the traits that characterize students and offer a series of techniques to perform teaching tasks in an ideal way

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Education and Development

  • Know the relationships between development, learning, culture and education and understand the main conceptual controversies about human development and learning 
  • Define the main theoretical paradigms of human development and learning 
  • Discuss the determining factors, characteristics and psychological dimensions of puberty 
  • Understand the perceptual, cognitive and emotional correlates of the adolescent brain 
  • Know how attention, memory, thinking, and executive functions develop from an information processing perspective 
  • Describe the development of “me” in adolescence and highlight the different theories that describe identity and its development 
  • Know the domains of moral development and their different explanatory theories 

Module 2. The Reality of the Classroom

  • Understand the role of adolescent peer and group relationships in social development 
  • Reflect on the functions of institutions, educational spaces, teachers and the family as relevant factors for the development of capabilities 
  • Design a series of strategies to minimize the damage caused by the obstacles and difficulties encountered by the learner 
  • Understand the nature of family processes and models in adolescence 
  • Interpret the learning processes from the perspective of information processing 
  • Understand the human mind as something inseparable from its social and cultural context 
  • Apply constructivist principles to educational action and compare the socioconstructivist approach with other constructivist approaches 
  • Define the elements, structure and functions that make up the educational system as a social system 
  • Present the foundations of the classroom as a teaching space 
  • Show who the protagonists are in the teaching-learning process 
  • Define the characteristics of the teacher as a mediator and outline their roles in the educational spaces 

Module 3. Fundamentals of the Teaching Language and Literature 

  • Understand the fundamentals of teaching language and literature to young people 
  • Present and explain the different teaching approaches and pedagogical perspective in Teaching Language and Literature in High School 
  • Set the objectives of teaching language and literature at the high school education levels 
  • Reflect on the strategies for teaching grammar and literature to young people 
  • Define and give examples of how the curricular elements are related to each other 
  • Identify the complementary activities that reinforce the process of programming in teaching 

Module 4. Methodology: Teacher and Programming

  • Set the goals and objectives that are to be met throughout the different stages of the learning process
  • Summarize the socio-cognitive approaches to learning
  • Reflect on the techniques of group control
  • Define what a group is and how to develop their skills through a group dynamic
  • Prove the benefits of building knowledge through cooperative and interactive working in a simulated version of a real context
  • Determine the different types of intelligence that students can have with the aim of minimizing their harmful affects in the learning process
  • Compare the different theoretical perspectives on intelligence and distinguish the different learning styles

Module 5. Teaching Literature 

  • Know the bases and methodology for teaching literacy 
  • Know how to establish an academic plan for literary education
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms for writing a commentary

Module 6. Teaching Grammar 

  • Determine the benefits of interaction as a teaching tool and the external and intrinsic factors that affect the linguistic development of the students 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the theorectical and practical concepts of grammar
  • Know how to propose practical exercises to train grammatical skills in students
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the different methods for the linguistic commentary of a text

Module 7. Teaching Lexicon and Semantics

  • Know the basic foundations for lexical-semantic teaching 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the different methodologies for lexical-semantic learning
  • Be able to teach through exercises based on lexical-semantic practice

Module 8. Grammar and Literature in the Teaching Framework of Language

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the transition from phoneme to discourse 
  • Be able to offer effective teaching of oral discourse
  • Be able to offer effective teaching of written discourse 
  • Promote the development of creative writing in students 
  • Learn about the methods that favor reading comprehension

Module 9. Foundations of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

  • Know the fundamentals of teaching and learning second languages 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the different methodological approaches for SFL teaching 
  • Learn and apply effective pedagogical approaches in teaching grammar 
  • Know how to establish a educational plan based on the fundamentals of SFL teaching 
  • Be able to apply other resource such as games and theater, which are extremely useful in SFL methodology 

Module 10. ICT in the Language and Literature Classroom

  • Know the different applications of new technologies in the educational context 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the use of social network in teaching 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the measurement and evaluation tools offered by ICT and their application in teaching 

Make the most of the opportunity and take the step to get up-to-date on the latest developments in the Teaching Language and Literature in High School”

Professional Master's Degree in Teaching Language and Literature in High School

The mastery of language and literature constitutes a fundamental skill in the formation of secondary and high school students, as it allows them to develop solid communicative competencies and critical thinking. Aware of the importance of adequate teaching in this area, at TECH Global University we have designed the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching Language and Literature in High School. This Professional Master's Degree is focused on the training of education professionals, providing them with the necessary tools to teach classes in an effective and stimulating way.

Our Professional Master's Degree comprehensively addresses the different aspects of language and literature didactics, focusing on the application of innovative pedagogical approaches and updated didactic resources. During the program, participants will acquire knowledge in didactic methodologies, assessment strategies, design of interactive activities and promotion of reading and creative writing. In addition, they will deepen their understanding of the processes of language acquisition and development, as well as the valuation of linguistic and cultural diversity in the classroom. Upon completion of this Professional Master's Degree, professionals will be prepared to promote meaningful learning and foster an interest and passion for language and literature in their students.