
In this program, you will approach the Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals in a specific way, with a systematic methodology to delve into the pathophysiology of these processes, diagnostic protocols, therapeutics, as well as the monitoring and control of these patients” 


At present, one of the problems that conditions continuous postgraduate specialization is its reconciliation with work and personal life. Current professional demands make it difficult to provide quality, specialized, face-to-face education, so the online format will allow our students to reconcile this specialized training with their daily professional practice.

A quality internal medicine allows a symbiotic work, necessary and indispensable in many cases, with other specialties, since many pathologies are translated into digestive, genitourinary and endocrine manifestations, among many others.

The veterinary internist of companion animals must have a high knowledge of digestive, endocrine and genitourinary pathologies, since they are very frequent in consultation. Thanks to this program, the veterinarian will be more informed about the diseases in this field of action, will achieve a better orientation about the patient with abdominal pain, digestive losses, pathologies associated with urinary systems, as well as endocrinopathies and, above all, will understand how to guide the owner in preventing those diseases of predisposed breeds.

The teaching staff of this postgraduate diploma is made up of professionals specialized in the different areas of knowledge that internal medicine encompasses, with extensive experience in the clinical practice of this specialty. Additionally, these professors are accredited as specialists in different fields, working together in a veterinary specialty center. Some of them, in addition to performing quality clinical work, are participants in various research projects, so that, together with teaching and clinical work, they also carry out research activities.

The topics presented in this postgraduate diploma have been selected with the aim of offering a complete, up-to-date and quality specialization in internal medicine, in such a way that the student acquires the appropriate knowledge to deal safely with cases, as well as to be able to carry out an adequate follow-up, monitoring and therapy.

Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals clinic and for which the veterinarian must be prepared. Something you will achieve in just 6 months with this high-level program"

This postgraduate diploma in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals  
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • Latest developments in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an internet connection

The completion of this program will allow students to obtain essential knowledge for their professional activity, whether in the clinical or academic sector or in research"

It includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the veterinary field, who bring to this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by recognized and experienced experts in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals and with great experience. 

Each chapter is accompanied by clinical cases that aim to apply the knowledge acquired and includes activities that will allow students to assess their knowledge"


This 100% online postgraduate diploma will allow you to balance your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


The postgraduate diploma in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional dedicated to veterinary medicine with the latest advances and newest treatments in the sector.


The knowledge acquired in this program provides the student with a broad, practical and up-to-date specialization in a discipline that is fundamental in the practice of the veterinary profession" 

General Objectives

  • Identify patients with non-specific abdominal pain and/or dehydration
  • Compile all clinical signs related to diseases in the digestive tract 
  • Establish a list of differential diagnoses of animals with vomiting and diarrhea
  • Generate specialized anatomical knowledge of the digestive system
  • Be familiar with specific diagnostic laboratory and imaging tests used for the digestive tract
  • Recognize pathologies associated with the urinary and reproductive systems
  • Identify the most common clinical signs and the most likely organ(s) involved
  • Learn to choose the right diagnostic approach
  • Gain in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology of endocrinopathies
  • Elaborate correct diagnostic protocol to address these problems
  • Establish therapeutic bases for each group of pathologies according to the affected glandular function
  • Develop an adequate control and follow-up plan

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Abnormalities in the Digestive System

  • Establish anamnesis and general physical examination of patients with vomiting and diarrhea
  • Identify common alterations in blood tests, X-rays and abdominal ultrasounds
  • Generate therapeutic plan for patients with vomiting
  • Propose a therapeutic plan for patients with diarrhea and for icteric patients
  • Examine hereditary and predisposed breed-associated diseases
  • Demonstrate knowledge in management of dehydrated patients and/or those in septic condition
  • Address commonly used drugs
  • Identify the secondary pathophysiological consequences of digestive diseases on the rest of the organism
  • Provide dietary recommendations

Module 2. Abnormalities in the Genitourinary System

  • Select and interpret tests and results
  • Draw up correct therapeutic guidelines 
  • Establish correct follow-up approach with chronic problems

Module 3. Endocrine System Disorders

  • Address the most common endocrinopathies
  • Identify clinical signs of systemic pathologies
  • Propose and perform different laboratory diagnostic techniques to diagnose these pathologies
  • Elaborate a complete differential diagnosis to reach a definitive diagnosis of endocrinopathies
  • Generate appropriate therapeutic, monitoring and follow-up plans according to pathology

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Postgraduate Diploma in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals

The competitive sector of modern veterinary medicine offers better growth opportunities to professionals with a higher degree of preparation in different areas. Understanding this situation, and with the intention of offering quality academic alternatives, at TECH Global University we have prepared our Postgraduate Diploma program in Digestive, Genitourinary and Endocrine Pathologies in Small Animals. This postgraduate course will focus on the approach of the professional to the new trends and particularities that set the tone for the development of the area, deepening in the following concepts: knowledge of the new ways of treatment applied in the care of prostate and urethral disorders; the technical aspects to be considered in the development of a gastroduodenoscopy process; and the new technologies and methodologies used in the monitoring and follow-up of diabetic patients.

Study an online Postgraduate Diploma course

The large number of procedures, techniques and drugs applied in the care of digestive, genitourinary and endocrine pathologies, make this sector of veterinary medicine one of the most demanding with respect to the degree of expertise and knowledge of its professionals. In our program you will learn about the great unknowns, challenges and difficulties that accompany the veterinarian in the different practices of this field, contemplating their possible methods of resolution. Likewise, you will delve into the modernization of the following topics: knowledge of the new diagnostic imaging techniques used in the detection and diagnosis of endocrinopathies; and the different protocols used in the approach and management of genitourinary emergencies in cases of paraphimosis and prolapse.