
With a clear focus on Green Infrastructure, Natural Capital and Biodiversity, Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Gamo has positioned himself as an outstanding Specialist in the Design of Sustainable Infrastructures. Proof of this has been his management positions in the fields of Urban and Environmental Services, as well as Climate Change and Biodiversity, in the Ferrovial Group.

With more than two decades of experience in the sector, he is a Senior Sustainability Consultant for large companies and public administrations. He is also Director of Business Development at the company Green Urban Data, which advises entities such as Patrimonio Nacional and Grupo Tragsa. He combines this work responsibility with a remarkable academic career, being the regional dean of the Official College of Forestry Engineers in the Community of Madrid, in addition to directing various masters and specialized programs in Sustainable Infrastructure. 

  • Business Development Director at Green Urban Data
  • Senior Sustainability Consultant for Large Companies and Public Administrations.
  • Manager of the Urban and Environmental Services Division of the Ferrovial Group.
  • Manager of Climate Change and Biodiversity of Grupo Ferrovial.
  • Forestry Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
  • Specialization in Silvopastoral Farming
  • Postgraduate degree in Conservation and Maintenance of Urban Green Zones from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
  • Executive Management Program from the Instituto de Empresa.
Programmes in collaboration with

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