
Recognized as one of the best experts in Data Science by Forbes magazine, Robert Morgan is a distinguished mathematician highly specialized in the field of Computational Statistics. His extensive knowledge in this field has allowed him to be part of international reference institutions, such as the multinational Unilever. 

In this way, he has led the Data Science strategy at a global level. In this sense, he has supervised multiple projects that use advanced analysis to optimize the strategic operations of companies. Among his major achievements, he has improved the shopping experience of multiple customers by offering them personalized product recommendations based on their preferences. As a result, it has enabled users to establish loyal relationships with brands. It has also employed Digital Twins in the manufacturing network, managing to monitor soap production in real time and significantly improving its quality. 

Moreover, his philosophy focuses on the use of data systems to solve complex problems in the business environment and drive innovation. In the same vein, in his spare time he develops software and participates in open source projects. As such, he stays at the forefront of the latest trends in subjects such as Bayesian Statistics, Big Data or Artificial Intelligence, among others. 

In addition, his work has been rewarded on multiple occasions in the form of awards. For example, he recently received the "Business Achievement" award from Unilever for his contribution to the digital transformation of the company. In this regard, it is worth noting that the integration of technologies has enabled companies to improve their operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks. This has considerably reduced human errors in the logistics chain, resulting in both time and cost savings. 

  • Global Director of Data Science at Unilever in New York, United States
  • Head of Analytics and Data Science at Dunnhumby, New York 
  • Statistician at Unilever, New York
  • M.Sc. in Computational Statistics from Bacth University
  • M.Sc. in Statistical Research from Bristol University
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, Cardiff University
  • Certificate in Statistical Learning from Stanford University
  • Certificate in Programming from Johns Hopkins University
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