
With an extensive experience in the field of his specialty, Germán Mendizábal, an insurance specialist, has dedicated his life to the inspection of authorization processes in various state entities.  

He has been in charge of inspection teams for the General Directorate of Insurance and the Pension Fund. In addition to this, he has combined his work life with his academic life, having extensive knowledge of Economics and Financial Sciences, branches that have allowed him to position himself as an outstanding professional.  

  • State Insurance Inspector in the General Subdirectorate of Authorizations. 
  • Professional of the Life and Pension Inspection Teams Area in the General Inspection Subdirectorate and the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds. 
  • Professional in the Market Conduct Area of the Subdirectorate General for Authorizations. 
  • In charge of the selective process for admission to the Senior Corps of State Insurance Inspectors. 
  • Degree in Economics from the University of the Basque Country. 
  • Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences from the University of the Basque Country. 
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