
A postgraduate diploma in Offensive Basketball 100% online and without scheduled classes. Learn at your own pace with TECH. Enroll now” 


The development of basketball itself has led to the emergence of various strategies aimed at defense and the prevention of attacking actions from anywhere on the court. From individual defense to defense in transition and quick ball recovery, this sport has led to the improvement of technique and tactics, as well as the analysis of the opponent's game to increase the competitiveness of the teams. 

A scenario that leads today's coaches to be at the forefront in the lines of action to perfect marking, blocking, ball stealing or one-on-one defense. All this, in addition, with great leadership and teamwork skills, essential for the achievement of the sporting goals set. For this reason, TECH has created this 6-month postgraduate diploma in Defensive Basketball. 

It is a program with high quality didactic material, which leads the graduate to deepen in lateral displacement techniques, defensive rebounding work and all those strategies used to defend players with different qualities. In addition, they will delve into pick-and-roll defense, rotation and rebounding.  

Likewise, the Relearning system, based on the continuous reiteration of key concepts, students will achieve a much more agile and effective learning process, without requiring long hours of study and memorization.  

A unique opportunity to obtain quality education through a 100% online academic proposal, with content accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from any electronic device (mobile, tablet or computer) with internet connection.  

Access 24 hours a day, from any digital device with internet connection to the most exhaustive content on defensive collective tactics"

This postgraduate diploma in Defensive Basketball contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of practical cases presented by top-level basketball experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Delve, whenever and wherever you wish, into defensive systems such as zone and individual defense, as well as adjusting them to the game situation"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

An academic proposal conceived and designed to fulfill your professional aspirations as a professional basketball coach"


It explores the most effective methods of planning and organization of Basketball training through the most complete syllabus"


Thanks to the multimedia pedagogical tools with high quality images and case studies provided by TECH, the coach will obtain advanced and dynamic learning about Defensive Basketball. In addition, over the course of the 450 teaching hours, you will increase your leadership and team management skills in this sport during training sessions and in the course of the match. A unique opportunity to learn from real experts in this field.  


With this university degree you will be up to date on the Defensive Trends of Direct Blocking"

General Objectives

  • To encourage creativity in attack and the ability to improvise in changing situations
  • To work on reading the opponent's defense and recognizing opportunities to exploit their weaknesses
  • To prepare players to face challenging situations and respond appropriately to changes in the opponent's strategy
  • To stay aware of the latest research and advances in sports physiotherapy to ensure evidence-based practice
  • To promote the importance of injury prevention and physiotherapy as a tool to improve performance and extend the career of basketball players
  • To promote adequate physical condition for this type of game, with emphasis on the endurance, speed and agility necessary to compete in half court
  • To develop skills to resolve disputes or controversies related to the regulations in an impartial and objective manner
  • To promote the importance of nutrition and adequate rest to optimize physical performance

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Individual defensive technique and tactics 

  • To develop and perfect players' individual defensive skills, including marking, blocking, stealing the ball and one-on-one defense 
  • To teach advanced techniques to anticipate and read the attacker's movements in order to close spaces and prevent scoring
  • To improve players' agility, speed and defensive reactivity
  • To enhance the ability to defend different positions and players, adapting to the opponent's characteristics and skills
  • To work on communication and defensive collaboration between players to close passing lanes and help in the defense
  • Teach techniques to defend blocks, pick and roll and other offensive tactics of the opposing team
  • To foster a defensive mindset and a commitment to effort and intensity on every possession
  • To teach how to analyze the opposing team and adapt defensive tactics according to their strengths and weaknesses

Module 2. Team and game management 

  • To acquire techniques to analyze and study rivals, identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to design game strategies
  • To develop skills for tactical decision making and adjustments during matches, adapting to changing situations
  • To encourage collaboration and teamwork among the coaching staff, players and staff in order to achieve a positive and cohesive environment
  • To promote a comprehensive view of basketball, addressing technical, tactical, physical and psychological aspects of the game
  • To teach techniques for time and resource management during the season, maximizing team performance
  • Establish an ethical and professional approach to team management, promoting values such as respect, discipline and sports ethics
  • Contribute to the development of coaches and leaders with solid skills to lead basketball teams at different competition levels

Module 3. Collective defensive tactics   

  • To educate coaches and players with a deep knowledge of collective defense systems and strategies to improve the defensive performance of the team
  • To develop skills to implement different defensive systems, such as zone defense, individual defense and other specialized defensive tactics
  • To learn to communicate and collaborate effectively on defense to close spaces and prevent the opposing team from scoring
  • Enhance the ability to read and anticipate the opposing team's movements in order to apply an effective defense
  • To work on defensive fundamentals and technique, including marking, blocking, ball stealing and one-on-one defense
  • To promote the importance of concentration, discipline and effort in defense in order to maintain constant pressure on the opposing attack
  • To promote team defense and defensive help, where each player plays a role in protecting the hoop and closing passing lanes
  • To establish an approach based on continuous improvement, where analysis and constant feedback allow the optimization of defensive tactics

Increase your ability to analyze your opponent and integrate the most successful defensive tactics into your sessions thanks to this university program"

Postgraduate Diploma in Defensive Basketball

Would you like to learn all about defensive basketball? TECH Global University has the ideal program for you. Through a complete Postgraduate Diploma, you will immerse yourself in the exciting world of basketball defense. You will learn the essential techniques, advanced tactics and defensive strategies employed by the best players and teams in the world of basketball. The foundations of this program were designed with the best methodologies specialized in online learning, this will facilitate the development of your program in a totally autonomous and practical way; to receive your lessons you will only need to have a device connected to the internet. As you progress through the training, you will master defensive fundamentals, from posture and body position to lateral movement and shot blocking. You'll delve into advanced techniques such as stealing the ball, defending blocks and containing skilled players. In this way, you'll be prepared to face new opportunities in the world of sports, whether as a player, coach or basketball analyst.

Basketball analyst.

Get a Postgraduate Diploma in Defensive Basketball

Defensive basketball is not only about physical skills, but also about intelligence and decision-making. That's why you'll analyze the game, read your opponent's plays and learn how to react quickly to neutralize their attacks and create opportunities for your team. We will focus on both individual and team defense. This postgraduate course stands out in the educational sector for multiple reasons, among them, its online study mode, the development of practical cases presented by experts and the pragmatic contents supported by multimedia material. As you progress through the training, you will learn how to mark your direct opponent with precision and work together with your teammates to create a solid, coordinated defense that challenges opponents on every possession. Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive a recognized university certification to support your defensive basketball preparation.