University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
You will master, thanks to this Professional Training, the best techniques to undertake the financial management in a hospital center in a completely practical way”
Hospitals have various infrastructures and work equipment that must be optimized to ensure the provision of quality services to patients and their families. For this reason, the figure of managers is essential, since they are responsible for the financial and human management of these institutions to ensure their proper functioning. Given the complexity and impact of their tasks on the operation of the center, these specialists require numerous organizational skills and extensive knowledge in the healthcare field. Because of this, TECH has created this 100% practical degree, with the objective of providing real skills to its students to promote their growth in the Management and Directing in Nursing sector.
For 3 weeks, the specialist will have access to a prestigious hospital center where, together with the best experts in the field, they will observe and participate in the decision-making process that determines the organization and operation of the center. In this practical phase, the student will identify the most efficient mechanisms for management in healthcare settings or will use the most appropriate tools to perform cost calculations in the healthcare world. You will also develop the skills and methodologies that promote your leadership drive in the work environment.
Throughout these 120 hours of practical training, the student will be accompanied at all times by a specially appointed tutor. at all times by a tutor specifically designated for them. This specialist will be responsible for answering all your questions, providing you with the best advice and ensuring that your learning is adapted to your personal needs. For this reason, under the guidance of recognized professionals and in a reference hospital, the nursing expert will acquire a series of competencies that will allow them to perform their work with a higher degree of success.
The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"
En muchos sectores, el aprendizaje debe ir más allá de la mera teoría. En el ámbito de la gestión sanitaria, el especialista está obligado a conocer cómo llevar a la práctica las mejores estrategias organizativas y financieras. En base a esto, TECH ha creado este producto académico único en el panorama pedagógico actual, que permitirá al experto adentrarse durante 3 semanas en un hospital para dominar las actualizadas técnicas y herramientas para la Management and Directing in Nursing. Durante este periodo, acompañado de excelentes especialistas en la materia, adoptará numerosas aptitudes dotadas de una plena aplicabilidad en su vida profesional.
TECH te otorga la oportunidad de acceder a un prestigioso hospital durante 120 horas para conocer sus estrategias de dirección y gestión, con el objetivo de que incorpores numerosas destrezas con aplicabilidad real en tu metodología de trabajo”
1. Actualizarse a partir de las más novedosas estrategias del sector
El ámbito de la Management and Directing in Nursing ha experimentado numerosas modificaciones en los últimos años gracias al surgimiento de novedosas metodologías y estrategias para el control financiero y organizativo de los centros sanitarios. Por ello, con la intención de que el especialista conozca todos estos avances, TECH ha creado este programa en el que el alumno se adentrará en un entorno hospitalario de vanguardia.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
El extenso equipo de profesionales que acompañará al especialista en su etapa práctica garantiza la excelente calidad del programa. Con un tutor particular, el alumno observará procedimientos organizativos reales en el ámbito sanitario, lo que le permitirá incorporar en su metodología de trabajo las estrategias y las herramientas más actualizadas en Management and Directing in Nursing.
3. Adentrarse en entornos sanitarios de primera
TECH selecciona minuciosamente todos los centros disponibles para las Capacitaciones Prácticas. Gracias a ello, el especialista tendrá garantizado el acceso a un entorno clínico de prestigio en el área de la Management and Directing in Nursing. De esta manera, podrá comprobar el día a día de un área de trabajo exigente, rigurosa y exhaustiva, aplicando las novedosas estrategias en este campo en su metodología de trabajo.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
El mercado académico está compuesto por numerosos programas centrados exclusivamente en la impartición de contenido teórico ineficiente para la labor profesional. Dada esta situación, TECH ha creado un modelo de aprendizaje, completamente práctico, que permitirá al alumno adentrarse en un entorno hospitalario para manejar los novedosos procedimientos en gestión sanitaria en tan solo 3 semanas.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH ofrece las posibilidades de realizar esta Internship program en centros de envergadura internacional. De esta forma, el especialista podrá expandir sus fronteras y ponerse al día con los mejores profesionales, que ejercen en hospitales de primera categoría y en diferentes continentes. Una oportunidad única que solo TECH, la universidad digital más grande del mundo, podría ofrecer.
Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Management and Directing in Nursing
Nowadays humanity is more prone to health crises such as new pandemics, diseases and/or viruses that pose a great challenge to health personnel. Skills such as leadership and management skills are indispensable to perform successfully in the area. This is why at TECH Global University we developed the Internship Program in Nursing Leadership and Management, focused on the functioning and characteristics of the different models and/or health systems. The methodology of this pragmatic program includes the approach with real patients, in a hospital setting where you will learn through academic resources, based on scientific evidence. In the curriculum you will find highly relevant topics such as the interdisciplinary nursing division, regulatory standards according to the legal framework of the health sector and the methods of planning, organization and management in health institutions. In addition, you will study the economic analysis of the institutional functioning of health and health law to contextualize clinical practice both at the level of professional and social responsibility, as well as the ethical aspects associated with the provision of services.
Specialize in nursing management and leadership
Do you want to boost your leadership to manage healthcare activities and lead multidisciplinary nursing teams? This is the ideal program for you. Here at TECH you will find everything you need to specialize in this field that will add value to your career. Through intensive training given by experienced professionals, in a period of three weeks, divided into eight-hour days from Monday to Friday, you will study everything from the organization of health systems, clinical, economic and quality management, to the latest equipment in hospital administration, economics and human resources services. You will also delve into personnel policy, management tools in healthcare practice and methodologies for managing information systems related to the administration of clinical units. Because of this, you will be able to lead and manage the nursing sector in an effective and productive way.