
Become an expert urban water service engineer and contribute to the sustainability of the planet through water resource management" 


The management of water resources is a determining factor in a globalized world, since the control of urban water, which is used by all citizens, depends on it. Therefore, it is important to know how to establish the necessary strategies to maintain an adequate balance between demand and sustainability of water catchment. All of this is based on current connectivity means to provide optimal resource management. This work has become essential in recent years, due to the scarcity of water and its poor quality, which continues to hinder the growth of urban centers today.  

Similarly, the student will learn more about urban drinking water treatment plants, since the scarcity of the resource and anthropogenic factors force the future expert engineer in this area to know about the appropriate treatments for each type of pollutant, ensuring adequate water purification in the water treatment plants. The syllabus thus develops all the relevant aspects that the student should know, from the design phase - where the contaminants present in the water and the modeling of the parameters with the greatest influence on its subsequent treatment must be considered - to the field of operation, in which the day-to-day problems in the management of a drinking water treatment plant are developed with a practical approach, from the main processes of disinfection and turbidity reduction, to the treatment of salts and new contaminants. 

For decades, the European Union has allocated considerable economic resources to the construction of wastewater treatment plants in those medium-sized urban centers that lacked them. At present, these policies are not only maintained, but have been strengthened, since the aim is to completely eliminate water discharged without any treatment and the requirements regarding the quality of the effluent received by the environment have been raised. With its focus on excellence, TECH offers a postgraduate diploma in Water Resources and Urban Water Treatment Plants that is unique in the market, to propel the engineer's career into the work environment of the future. The management, the teaching staff and quality content provide the future graduate with all the tools to develop professionally in a highly demanded sector.

Applying the knowledge of this postgraduate diploma you will minimize the cost of water production through the optimization of the available resources in a water treatment plant"

This postgraduate diploma in Water Resources and Urban Water Treatment Plants contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in engineering focused on the integral water cycle with special attention to the different pumping systems and supply and sanitation networks
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

No other program in the water sector focused on urban water treatment plants offers you so many guarantees of success" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced engineering experts.

Opt for the excellence provided by TECH and specialize in a field that already applies the sustainable objectives of the 2030 Agenda"


Master the complete water cycle: become an expert in Pumping Systems"


The postgraduate diploma in Water Resources and Urban Water Treatment Plants is aimed at the professional development of students in this field, positioning them in a sector in continuous change and in high demand. At the end of the program, the future professional will be able to apply the knowledge acquired throughout his or her preparation, since he or she is guaranteed a quality program based on innovative and effective methodology. The student will be competent in the management of water resources, will know how to dimension the processes involved in a desalination plant, will master the necessary tools for the operation of a drinking water treatment plant and will be able to coordinate the complete project of a WWTP, among others. In this way, you will reach your true goal: to specialize in a profession with a future. 


You will learn to differentiate the stages of headworks, pre-treatment and primary, secondary and tertiary treatment in a wastewater treatment plant, essential to coordinate the complete project of a WWTP"

General Objectives

  • Delve into key aspects of water resources and urban water sustainability, as well as urban water treatment plants
  • Mastering a strategic vision of the subject
  • Have a solid knowledge to coordinate projects and execute water resources management works plans
  • Orient the student's professional activity towards the achievement of the Water objective in the 2030 Agenda
  • Acquiring skills related to the implementation of the urban water system
  • Being able to apply the latest technological innovations to set up an optimal management of the service
  • Characterizing water abstractions in order to manage water abstractions in a sustainable manner
  • Understand in detail the possibilities that full connectivity between devices offers for water resource management

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Water Resources in a Water Supply

  • Characterizing water abstractions in order to manage water abstractions in a sustainable manner
  • Carrying out rigorous water balances that influence the adoption of regulatory governance measures for resource management 
  • Establish monitoring systems to prevent contingency situations
  • Understand in detail the possibilities that full connectivity between devices offers for water resource management

Module 2. Desalination. Design and Operation

  • Understand in detail the seawater osmosis process to diagnose the causes of deviations from process standards
  • Make an exhaustive analysis of the most important equipment of a desalination plant to know how to allocate the appropriate resources in case of incidence in any of them
  • Comprehensively manage the operation of a seawater desalination plant
  • Identify the possibilities of energy savings in a desalination plant in order to improve the economic performance of a concession

Module 3. Urban Drinking Water Treatment Plants. Design and operation

  • Provide an overview of the importance of drinking water treatment in a drinking water treatment plant
  • Delve into the treatments involved in the drinking water treatment processes in order to effectively detect the source of the problem in the event of non-compliant water analysis at the plant outlet
  • Minimize the cost of water production by optimizing the resources available in a water treatment plant

Module 4. Wastewater Treatment Plants. Engineering and construction execution

  • Acquire the competences related to a site manager in the execution of wastewater treatment plants, the most relevant of which are: order management, subcontracting coordination and budget control
  • Delve into the design criteria, as well as the most relevant aspects to be taken into account during the execution of the work in the main stages of a wastewater 
    treatment plant
  • Know in detail the commercial computer programs for the elaboration of budgets and work certifications before the client

Reach Your Real Goal: Specialize in a Sector of the Future thanks to TECH" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Water Resources and Urban Water Treatment Plants


Water resources and urban water treatment plants play a critical role in providing safe drinking water and protecting the environment. In a world where water scarcity and pollution are growing challenges, it is crucial to understand the importance of these resources and how they are managed. Would you like to specialize in this novel field? Then the Postgraduate Diploma in Water Resources and Urban Water Treatment Plants created by TECH Global University is perfect for you. Through a completely online, versatile and highly immersive system, we provide a resizing of your competencies so that you can increase the scope of your curricular profile. Through the curriculum, you will explore the fundamentals of water resources, including the different types of water sources, water quality and pollution processes.


Water resources and water quality are the most important aspects of water management.

Get your degree from the world's largest online engineering school


In a world where access to clean water is a constant challenge, it is crucial to have trained professionals who can effectively address problems related to water resources and urban water treatment. Our program is designed to provide you with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to meet these challenges. As you progress through the training, you will address water resources monitoring and assessment, as well as water conservation and sustainable water management strategies. In addition, you will dive into the world of urban water treatment plants, where you will learn about the physical, chemical and biological treatment processes used to purify water. Finally, you will study the different types of treatment plants, from conventional ones, to the most advanced treatment technologies (desalination and wastewater reuse).