
Specialized in Pediatrics, Dr. Sara Valderrama Arnay has always shown a special sensitivity for the treatment of allergies and respiratory diseases in children. Motivated by this, she has managed to master both fields thanks to her work experience in the area of Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology at the 12 de Octubre University Hospital and the University Hospital of Móstoles.  

Her scientific interest has led her to hold the position of principal investigator in the project Allergy to LTP in children and response to treatment with sublingual immunotherapy with Prup3, as well as to participate as author and co-author in different chapters of books related to Pediatrics.  

  • Pediatrician in the Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology Service at the 12 de Octubre University Hospital 
  • FEA of Pediatrics and Specific Areas expert in Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology at the University Hospital of Móstoles 
  • Principal investigator in the project "Allergy to LTP in children and response to treatment with sublingual immunotherapy with Prup3"   
  • Author and co-author of book chapters on Pediatrics
  • Lecturer in university studies 
Programmes in collaboration with

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