
Miguel Prado Román is a researcher specialized in Accounting and Finance who has developed his functions in prestigious projects financed by first level entities. As a result, he has authored and co-authored a wide range of publications in high-impact journals, including Vestnik BGU and Crónica Tributaria. He has also collaborated in the preparation of books.  

He has also taught in university studies related to the field of Accounting and Finance. In addition, he has taught a large number of training courses related to different areas and has participated in various postgraduate programs.  

  • Lecturer in university studies in Accounting and Finance 
  • Lecturer in university Postgraduate Certificate and training programs. 
  • Author of numerous publications in high impact journals 
  • PhD in Accounting and Finance from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy.  
  • Master's Degree in Auditing and Accounting from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy.   
  • Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Colegio Universitario en Estudios Financieros. 


Programmes in collaboration with

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