
Attorney Leopoldo Gandarias Cebrián is an Expert in Financial and Tax Law with extensive experience in representing the interests entrusted in management and inspection procedures, as well as in the elaboration of legal-consultative tasks in tax matters. Throughout his professional career, he has been both partner and lawyer in several law firms.

Likewise, his career has been linked to the world of teaching, as he has taught in courses, university studies and postgraduate programs related to Financial and Tax Law. On the other hand, he has participated as a researcher in several projects on Sustainable Financing of the Public Treasury or Fundamental Rights in the Financial and Taxation Law.

Mr. Leopoldo Gandarias Cebrián has presided over the Municipal Board of Economic-Administrative Claims of the City Council of Alcorcón.  

  • Lawyer and Expert in Financial and Tax Law.
  • Lawyer and Partner at ATQ Abogados 
  • Partner of Koana Labs     
  • Researcher in Financial and Tax Law 
  • President of the Municipal Board of Economic-Administrative Claims of the City Council of Alcorcón.
  • Lecturer in university studies, postgraduate courses and courses related to Financial and Tax Law. 
  • Law Degree   
  • Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Financial and Tax Law
  • Professional Master's Degree in Tax Advisory Services
Programmes in collaboration with

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