Fernández Karwowska, Antonio
Full Stack Web3 Developer for FRK Investments
Information Technology
School of Business
Antonio Fernández Karwowska has dedicated his life to the study of Physical Sciences, a sector in which he has specialized in Smart Contract programming and web development. He has also ventured into the world of Crypto, performing analysis and investment work for major companies in the digital sector such as FRK Investments and BeToken Capital.
He also stands out for his extensive knowledge in programming languages such as MATLAB, Python, JavaScript and Solidity, which he applies to his digital work, knowing perfectly the operation of portals and web servers.
- Web3 Full Stack Developer for FRK Investments
- Web3 Analyst for BeToken Capital
- Development Director for NFT42
- Analyst specialized in DeFi Protocols
- MATLAB Programmer Internship in CSIC
- Graduate in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid