
For regular international work environments, especially focused on the Russian-speaking world, it is essential to have adequate fluency in the language. This TECH exam, conducted according to CEFR criteria, certifies the student's linguistic ability through an exhaustive and complete evaluation process.

For this same reason, the university degree is valid worldwide, without the need to renew it periodically. In addition, the exam is completely online, adapted to the student's availability and work or personal responsibilities. This gives a notorious flexibility, which makes this qualification the best academic option to certify your B1 Russian. 

You will give a definite boost to your skills and competencies resume by adding an effective certification, meeting the requirements of the CEFR”

You will be able to prove, thanks to this university degree, that you can manage in social and work environments with a good level of Russian"

Level B1 is the first contact with more advanced environments and situations, so it is of vital importance to certify this level of ability for possible international job offers or opportunities. 

This university degree, created following the recommendations and criteria of the CEFR, is a quality boost for any professional or student who wants to enhance his or her career in Russian-speaking or tourist environments, given the increasing weight of the Russian population in this sector. 

TECH will provide you with a personal examiner, so that you can solve any doubts or difficulties you may have" 

It has been proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks” 

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

Flexible and Tailored

Take your exam wherever you are, 100% online, at the time of your choice. You choose the exam that best suits you. 


No Stress

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with an examiner just for you, with no external pressure. 


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you. 


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to: 

  • Understand concrete everyday or work-related information and identify both the general message and specific details as long as the speech is clearly articulated and with a normal accent 
  • Understand the main ideas of clear, standard speech on everyday topics related to work, school or leisure time, including short narratives 
  • Generally follow the main ideas of a long discussion going on around them, provided that the discourse is clearly articulated at a standard language level 
  • Understand, in general terms, simple and short speeches on everyday topics provided they are delivered with standard and clear pronunciation 
  • Understand a lecture or talk that deals with their area of expertise, provided that the subject matter is familiar and the presentation is simple and clearly structured 
  • Understand simple technical information, such as operating instructions for frequently used appliances, as well as follow detailed instructions 
  • Understand the main ideas of radio news and other simpler recorded material dealing with everyday topics delivered relatively slowly and clearly 
  • Understand the information content of most recorded or broadcast material related to topics of personal interest with clear standard pronunciation 

Reading comprehension objectives 

The candidate is able to: 

  • Read simple factual texts on topics related to their field of expertise with a satisfactory level of comprehension 
  • Understand the description of facts, feelings and wishes in personal letters well enough to correspond regularly with a foreign friend 
  • Find and understand relevant information in everyday written material, such as letters, catalogs, and short official documents 
  • Consult long texts in order to find the desired information, and to know how to gather information from different parts of a text or from different texts in order to perform a specific task
  • Recognize significant ideas from simple newspaper articles that deal with everyday issues 
  • Identify the main conclusions in clearly argumentative texts. Recognize the line of argument in the treatment of the issue presented, though not necessarily in full detail 
  • Understand simple, clearly written instructions related to an appliance 
  • Understand many films where visuals and action drive much of the storyline and are articulated clearly and with a simple level of language 
  • Capture the main ideas of television programs dealing with everyday topics when they are articulated relatively slowly and clearly 

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to: 

  • Carry out, with a reasonable degree of fluency, a simple description of a variety of topics that are of interest to them, presenting them as a linear sequence of elements 
  • Give simple descriptions on a variety of common topics within your specialty  
  • Give simple narratives or descriptions , with a reasonable degree of fluency following a linear sequence of elements 
  • Make detailed accounts of experiences describing feelings and reactions  
  • Report the details of unpredictable events, such as, for example, an accident 
  • Relate book or movie plots and describe your reactions to them 
  • Describe dreams, hopes and ambitions 
  • Describe real or imagined events. Tell stories 
  • Provide brief rationales and explanations for opinions, plans and actions 
  • Develop arguments well enough so that they can be understood without difficulty most of the time
  • Make short rehearsed statements on a relevant topic within their specialty, which are clearly intelligible despite being accompanied by an unmistakably foreign accent and intonation 
  • Deliver a brief, prepared presentation on a topic within their specialty, with sufficient clarity to be followed without difficulty most of the time and whose main ideas are explained with reasonable accuracy. Can also answer supplemental questions, but may have to ask for repetition if spoken quickly 

Writing objectives  

The candidate is able to:

  • Write simple, cohesive texts on a range of everyday topics within their field of interest, linking a series of different short items in a linear sequence 
  • Write simple and detailed descriptions of a range of everyday topics within their specialty 
  • Write accounts of experiences describing feelings and reactions in simple, structured texts  
  • Write a description of a specific event, a recent trip, real or imagined, and narrate a story
  • Write very brief reports in conventional format with information about common events and the reasons for certain actions 
  • Write short and simple essays on topics of interest. Can summarize, communicate and offer their opinion with a certain degree of confidence on concrete facts related to everyday matters, whether usual or not, in their field of expertise
examen en linea nivel b1 de ruso

CEFR B1 Russian Exam

Learning a new language is always a particularly useful attribute for embracing new opportunities in the job market. It is necessary, however, even if the expertise to develop in the second language is not the most advanced, to have a degree that supports these capabilities. That is why at TECH Global University we offer the CEFR B1 Russian Exam: the most suitable alternative, as many as you will find in the market, to be able to obtain a certificate according to the CEFR guidelines. In this way, you will have an international endorsement to exercise positions or jobs that involve the intermediate use of this language, which stands out as one of the six official languages used by the United Nations. The main components will be evaluated according to the standard norms: listening, speaking, reading and writing, structured in four tests of between 30 and 80 minutes (except for speaking, which is estimated to last between 14 and 20 minutes). The methodology is completely online so you have the ease, convenience and versatility of a distance learning program. Looking to complement your resume with language skills? TECH is what you've been waiting for.

Certify at B1 Russian Level

Since the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, the customs and idiosyncrasies that were part of the territories covered by the regime were filtering into the West with increasing dynamism. One of these elements was precisely the Russian language. Its presence in bilingualism acquired an estimable prominence, to the point that 2007 was decreed as the International Year of the Russian Language. It doesn't matter if your command of this language is framed within the competences of B1, with our exam you will be able to certify yourself to take advantage of these faculties and improve your expectations both personally and professionally. We have a professional team of instructors who handle the most solid criteria based on the CEFR to evaluate you in the most suitable way possible and require you to give the best of you. At TECH we are at the forefront of the bilingual world and we want you to be too.