
Once she finished her university studies, dietician and nutritionist Ana Núñez Sanz knew that she wanted to dedicate her career to the field of food and nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and infancy, so she continued her training to specialize in these fields. As a result, she has been able to work in a wide range of clinics, offering flexible meal plans so that users can easily adapt to them and achieve their goals. In addition, she has experience in preparing and reviewing school menus.  

Combining it with this work, she has allocated a percentage of her professional time to the field of dissemination of healthy habits. In this way, she has given talks and workshops for schools and colleges or has collaborated with Castilla La Mancha Television, offering her knowledge about food and nutrition in the program Estando Contigo.  

  • Dietitian and Nutritionist Expert in Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Infancy.
  • Nutritionist in Obesity López-Nava 
  • Nutritionist at Medicadiet 
  • Freelance Dietitian and Nutritionist 
  • Dietitian and Nutritionist at MenuDiet SL 
  • Collaborator on food and nutrition in Castilla La Mancha Television. 
  • Promoter of talks and workshops on healthy eating for kindergartens, schools and companies. 
  • Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the Complutense University of Madrid. 
  • Official Master's Degree in Nutrition and Health at the Universidad Oberta de Cataluña 
Programmes in collaboration with

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