
The professional experience, as a volleyball player in different teams in Spain, led Antonio Azulas Marin to display his best game on the courts of the national pavilions for nearly two decades. After concluding his facet as an athlete, Volleyball gave him the opportunity to train great players from the bench, directing clubs like Navalcarnero, in which he also played.  

Azulas Marín is also an exceptional teacher who masterfully performs his work in primary schools. An environment where he applies the teachings also acquired through sport.   

  • Primary School Teacher at the SEI Nuestra Señora de la Concepción School
  • Coach of the Navalcarnero Volleyball Club
  • Volleyball player of the Torrejón de Ardoz Club
  • Player of the CUVA Alcorcón team 
  • Diploma in Teaching Primary Education   
  • Title of Volleyball Coach Level II
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