
Thanks to TECH  you will identify the toxic level of medicinal plants and establish the appropriate doses according to the needs of your patients"


The evaluation of the Medicinal Plants Toxicity involves considering factors such as dosage, route of administration, interaction with other drugs and duration of treatment. Therefore, it is important to carry out an adequate anamnesis and assessment of the patient before prescribing any medicinal plant, to ensure safety and minimize risks. This allows Nutritional Phytotherapy professionals to make the right decisions and prescribe the safest and most appropriate medicinal plants for each individual. Additionally, it is crucial to consider Risk Groups, which include pregnant women, infants, children and the elderly. These groups may be more susceptible to the undesirable effects of certain medicinal plants due to their particular physiology and health conditions.

As a result, it is vital that the Nutrition professional stay on the cutting edge and update their knowledge to identify herbs that may pose risks and establish safe dosages for their use. It is for this reason that TECH has designed a program, which provides the nutritionist with a first level update, where they will delve into topics such as the danger of some medicinal plants and Phytotherapy in pregnancy, lactation and Geriatrics.

In this sense, the program is presented in a 100% online modality, which offers the student a variety of resources and is also combined with the revolutionary and rigorous Relearningmethod. The purpose of this is to allow the expert to remember the most important concepts in the long term, but without the need to invest long hours in the study of these ideas. This will give the graduate the certainty of having received an excellent of having received an academic experience of excellence.

With this program you will broaden your knowledge of patient safety and interactions of medicinal plants, including their contraindications"

This postgraduate certificate in Medicinal Plants Toxicity and Risk Groups contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical case studies are presented by experts in Phytotherapy.
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice.
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work.
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection.

You will implement Phytotherapy in pregnancy and lactation, and recognize the potential risks associated with certain herbal medicines"

The program's teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who bring the experience of their work to this training, as well as recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem Based Learning,by means of which the professional must try to solve the different situations of professional practice that arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Through this 100% online program you will use medicinal plants safely and effectively in the pediatric setting” 



You will offer comprehensive care to the elderly, applying Phytotherapy techniques in an appropriate manner” 


This program aims to provide the Nutrition professional with the most updated knowledge and skills on the Toxicity of Medicinal Plants and how they affect various Risk Groups. Therefore, this update will be carried out through a 100% online program, which will provide the professional with the necessary resources so that they can access from anywhere and at any place and time just by having at hand a device with an Internet connection.


You will update your knowledge about toxic and potentially dangerous medicinal plants to protect the health of your patients from their diet"

General Objetives

  • Define the therapeutic limits of Phytotherapy and identify the cases in which it can be used safely
  • Describe the use of Phytotherapy aimed at satisfying the needs derived from the patient's health problems and the prevention of complications, guaranteeing a safe  and quality practice
  • Solve cases related to the field of phytotherapy
  • Explain the use and indication of medical devices, food supplements and/or drugs, evaluating the expected benefits and associated risks.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge in daily practice

Specific Objectives

  • Explain the Toxicity of Medicinal Plants so that treatments are safe
  • Identify the therapeutic limits of Phytotherapy in special groups of patients
  • Describe the pharmaceutical forms used in Phytotherapy
  • Elaborate and select the most appropriate form according to the condition and treatment

In just 6 weeks, you will evaluate the quality and authenticity of medicinal plants to ensure their safety from a nutritional approach"

Postgraduate Certificate in Medicinal Plants Toxicity and Risk Groups

If you are passionate about nutrition and want to deepen your knowledge of medicinal plants and their safety, the Postgraduate Certificate in Toxicity of Medicinal Plants and Risk Groups taught by the Faculty of Nutrition of TECH Global University, in virtual format, is for you. You will explore in depth the toxicity of the most commonly used medicinal plants today, as well as the risk groups that should be taken into account when using them. You will learn about the active ingredients of medicinal plants, their effects on the body and how to identify possible adverse effects. Our nutrition experts will provide you with up-to-date knowledge based on scientific evidence, so that you can understand the risks and benefits of medicinal plants in the context of health and wellness. In addition, in this program, you will have the opportunity to explore the interactions between medicinal plants and other medications or health conditions, as well as the importance of proper dosing and monitoring in the use of these plants in different population groups. Get ready to broaden your knowledge with TECH.

Discover the risks and benefits of medicinal plants

With TECH Global University, a leader in virtual education, you will have access to a cutting-edge online learning platform, which will allow you to study in a flexible way and adapted to your needs. You will have interactive multimedia resources, updated teaching materials and a team of highly qualified teachers who will provide constant support and feedback throughout the course. Upon completion of the Postgraduate Certificate in Medicinal Plant Toxicity and Risk Groups, you will receive a university certificate that will support your new knowledge and skills in this field, strengthening your professional profile. Enroll now in the Postgraduate Certificate in Medicinal Plant Toxicity and Risk Groups from TECH Global University and broaden your horizons in the field of nutrition and medicinal plants.