
If you are looking for a degree that adapts to your academic needs and your time, this is the perfect option for you. Moreover, if you get a degree from it, you shouldn't think twice about it” 


The human body functions just as if it were a machine. As soon as a gear fails, the system will be impaired, which can lead to serious errors. This example is perfectly applicable to maxillofacial physiology. In this case, dento-skeletal malocclusions, apart from producing a very high aesthetic impact and demanded by many patients, also affect other pathologies that can influence in the reduction of their quality of life, such as, for example, in the treatment of sleep apnea or affecting the Temporomandibular Joint, which plays a fundamental role in many basic bodily functions such as eating, speaking or facial expression.

For this reason, and in order to offer specialists in this area of medicine a degree that would allow them to acquire a broad knowledge and update on the latest strategies and techniques in the intervention of patients suffering from this type of conditions, TECH has developed this comprehensive program in Dento-skeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology.

It is an exhaustive and intensive 100% program in which the specialist will find all the necessary information to perfect his medical skills in only 6 months and thanks to the use of the most avant-garde pedagogical methodology and the most advanced tools. You will be able to delve into surgical techniques and the diagnosis of pathologies from wherever you are and through a degree that is accessible 24 hours a day and from any device with an internet connection. 

You will acquire the most comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge on the epidemiology of apnea snoring and hypnoapneas, so that you can diagnose it more quickly” 

This Postgraduate diploma in Dento-skeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The examination of case studies presented by experts in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Are you up-to-date with the latest developments in dento-skeletal preoperative planning? With this Postgraduate diploma you will be able to delve into the specifications of its phases and its key aspects” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This Postgraduate diploma will allow you to learn in detail about the complications of dento-skeletal of dento-skeletal malocclusions, and the most innovative and effective strategies to act if necessary"


You will have a virtual classroom available 24 hours a day and from any device with internet connection, so that you can take advantage of your free time during the consultation"


The density that can arise from creating an agenda related to Dento-skeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology concerned TECH. For this reason, this university, together with its team of experts, worked to design a Postgraduate Diploma that would allow graduates to meet and surpass their academic objectives in less time than they expected. Everything, through the transfer of the most innovative and effective tools and techniques, as well as the achievement of a current, dynamic and quality agenda, perfect for perfecting your medical skills in just 6 months. 


If your objective is to handle videosomnoscopy in detail, this program will make you an expert in the latest techniques used by the best professionals” 

General Objectives

  • Review the cerviofacial anatomy, a basic starting point for the entire Professional Masters Degree program
  • Learn the anatomy and physiology of the relevant glands
  • Build a knowledge base on a highly prevalent disorder such as sleep apneas, in which maxillofacial surgeons are among the specialists who can offer therapeutic options
  • Update knowledge on facial traumatology, including its main causes and diagnostic techniques
  • Know about malignant pathologies divided by anatomical regions that can affect the head and neck
  • Know the different reconstructive techniques  

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Dento-Skeletal Malocclusion 

  • Perfect the diagnosis of the different types of malocclusions 
  • Provide examples, exploring preoperative planning to patient discharge
  • Introduce orthodontic concepts in the treatment of this pathology 
  • Learn about topical issues, including the latest planning techniques 
  • Provide the student with the tools to know how to oversee cases and the best surgical techniques for each patient 
  • Learn about the latest advances in orthognathic surgery 
  • Know the different support techniques to improve facial profilometry 

Module 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome 

  • Know how to interpret a polysomnography, polygraphy or videosomnography report, in order to diagnose and offer individualized therapeutic options for patients 
  • Be aware of other non-surgical treatments for sleep apneas, in order to be able to offer them to patients, as appropriate: mandibular advancement devices, positional therapy, positional therapy
  • Know the different surgical techniques available. Pharyngoplasty Avance Gene XII Pair Stimulator Maxillomandibular Advancement 
  • Understand the systems and protocols for a multidisciplinary approach to these patients

Module 3. Temporomandibular Joint Pathology 

  • To know the different exploration and diagnostic techniques, as well as indications for treatment 
  • Focus on pathologies affecting the temporomandibular joint, joint alterations due to problems in condylar development and growth 
  • Learn about the articular alterations related to the different dentofacial deformities 
  • Focus on the management of this disease and the different treatments currently available, their indications, contraindications, techniques and complications 
  • Explore pathologies unrelated to disc displacement (dislocations, tumors, rheumatologic diseases...) which which are requisite knowledge for any specialist who is going to work with the temporomandibular joint

You will be able to delve into the diagnosis of the pathology of the Temporomandibular Joint and its specifications through a module specifically dedicated to this section” 

Postgraduate Diploma in Dentoskeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology

If you are a dentist looking to expand your knowledge in the field of dentoskeletal and temporomandibular joint pathology, the Postgraduate Diploma in Dentoskeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology from TECH Global University is the ideal option for you. With this virtual training program, you will be able to access complete and updated content from the comfort of your home, without having to travel to a physical classroom. During the Postgraduate Diploma in Dentoeskeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology, you will learn the most relevant aspects of dentoeskeletal and temporomandibular joint pathology, from diagnosis to treatment. In addition, you will learn how to handle the most advanced technology to address complex clinical cases.

Specialize with the advantages of a quality virtual program at TECH .

This program has a highly qualified faculty, who will be at your disposal to answer your questions and accompany you at all times during your learning process. You will have access to extensive bibliographic and audiovisual material, which will allow you to delve deeper into the topics of your interest. At TECH Global University, we know how important it is for you to be up-to-date on the latest trends and advances in the field of dentistry. Therefore, our Postgraduate Diploma is designed to offer you a quality continuing education tailored to your needs, allowing you to improve your clinical practice and offer your patients the best possible treatments. Enroll now in the Postgraduate Diploma in Dentoeskeletal and Temporomandibular Joint Pathology at TECH Global University!"