Why study at TECH?

Enroll in this program and get up-to-date on the main innovations for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the internal genital tract and HPV" 


Prophylactic vaccines against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and other innovations for the pharmacological management of warts in the oropharyngeal cavity are an example of the constant scientific and technological evolution of lower genital tract diseases. However, it is difficult for specialists to keep up with all these new aspects.  

TECH stands out in the educational panorama by implementing a study modality adjusted to the needs of the physician. Therefore, this Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Lower Genital Tract Disease and HPV was created. In this program, graduates will complete their updating through two correctly framed periods. Firstly, students will undergo a theoretical phase, with 1,800 hours of extension, where they will analyze the most recent tools for the detection of VHP and the monitoring of tissues affected by this disease and which may develop tumor lesions. In addition, they will explore the latest trends in the management of cervical tumors and their aggressiveness. For all this didactic process, the student will have a fully interactive and online platform, as well as innovative learning methods such as Relearning. 

Students will delve into the field of Gynecological Cancer thanks to 10 exclusive Masterclasses, which are part of the most innovative teaching materials. In this way, the students will be updated with the latest scientific evidence by the hand of an internationally renowned specialist. A unique opportunity for physicians to broaden their professional profile. 

Upon completion of these theoretical studies, you will have at your disposal a practical and on-site internship in prestigious health centers. Your transit through these institutions, over 3 weeks, will allow you to apply the skills learned directly in real cases. In addition, you will be guided by internationally renowned experts who will supervise your educational progress while facilitating the management of complex tools that nowadays distinguish the study of Lower Genital Tract Diseases. 

You will learn more about Gynecologic Cancer thanks to the Masterclasses developed by an internationally renowned specialist” 

This Hybrid professional master’s degree in Lower Genital Tract Disease and HPV contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of this program include:

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by Gynecology and Obstetrics professionals
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice.
  • Comprehensive systematized action plans for the main pathologies.
  • Presentation of practical workshops on procedures diagnosis, and treatment techniques.
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Practical clinical guides on approaching different disorders
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best hospital centers

Learn about the most modern surgical, chemotherapeutic, and radiotherapy criteria for the approach to tumor diseases associated with HPV infection"  

In this Hybrid Professional Master's Degree, with a vocational nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating nursing professionals who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in an educational way to integrate theoretical knowledge into practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate knowledge update and decision-making in patient management.

Thanks to the multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, health professionals will benefit from situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the physician must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This syllabus is all you need to expand your practical skills in the management of anal tumors in patients previously diagnosed with HPV"


This Hybrid Professional Master's Degree includes the most up-to-date state of the art on the comorbidities associated with HPV infection and how to prevent them"

Teaching Planning

The syllabus of this Hybrid professional master’s degree program is composed of several educational modules where the most up-to-date criteria for the management of HPV infection are discussed in depth. At the same time, it explores the prophylactic alternatives against this severe condition. It also analyzes the main types of tumors that are associated with people convalescing from this sexually transmitted disease and what new criteria are applied for their treatment. These teaching materials will be accessible from TECH's innovative 100% online platform, which also integrates rigorous learning methods such as Relearning. 

maestria patologia tracto genital inferior vph TECH Global University

The updated syllabus of this degree will be available anytime, anywhere, thanks to the features of TECH's 100% online platform." 

Module 1. Pathogenesis of HPV and Immune Response: Intraepithelial Neoplasia

 1.1. Infection Routes

1.1.1. Sexual Contact
 1.1.2. Objects
 1.1.3. In Medical Consultation
 1.1.4. Role of Condoms
 1.1.5. Vertical Transmission
 1.1.6. Protection of Surgeons during Vaporization

 1.2. Effect of the Immune System on HPV

 1.2.1. Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity
 1.2.2. General and Local Antibody Response
 1.2.3. Inhibition of the Immune Response
 1.2.4. Cellular Immunity against the Lesion
 1.2.5. Immunosenescence

 1.3. Viral Production and Genome Integration

 1.3.1. Difference between High and Low Risk Viruses
 1.3.2. Early and Late Gene Expression
 1.3.3. Viral Persistence and Quiescence
 1.3.4. Viral Clearance according to Age and Genotype

 1.4. Role of Vaginal Microbiota

 1.4.1. Definition of the Status Types of Bacteria Communities
 1.4.2. Relationship between Lesions and Different Types of Status
 1.4.3. Role of Lactobacilli on Immunity

 1.5. Development of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasms and Genital Warts

 1.5.1. Dysregulation of Cellular Mechanisms by Viral Proteins
 1.5.2. Progression
 1.5.3. Regression
 1.5.4. Relapse

Module 2. The Human Papillomavirus: Characteristics and Epidemiology

 2.1. Structure and Composition of HPV

2.1.1. General Description
 2.1.2. Capsid
 2.1.3. Genome

 2.2. Genetic Map of HPV and its Biological Functions

 2.2.1. Long Control Region
 2.2.2. Early Gene Expression
 2.2.3. Late Gene Expression
 2.2.4. Replicative Cycle

 2.3. Genotypes and their Clinical Importance

 2.3.1. Concept of High and Low Risk
 2.3.2. Low-Risk Genotypes
 2.3.3. High-Risk Genotypes
 2.3.4. Geographic Variations

 2.4. HPV Detection Techniques

 2.4.1. HPV Detection Techniques
 2.4.2. DNA-VPH Detection Technique with Hybrid Capture
 2.4.3. DNA-VPH Detection Technique with Partial Genotyping
 2.4.4. DNA-VPH Detection Technique with Complete Genotyping
 2.4.5. RNA Detection Techniques
 2.4.6. FDA Validation for Screening and Diagnosis

 2.5. Distribution of Genotypes in the World and in Our Environment

 2.5.1. Epidemiology in Relation to the Burden of Disease
 2.5.2. Geographic Variations
 2.5.3. Genotype Distribution in Spain BORRAR

 2.6. Prevalence According to Age

 2.6.1. In Women
 2.6.2. In Men

2.7. Disease Burden of HPV

 2.7.1. Pathology Associated with Genital Infection in Women (Cervix, Vagina, Vulva)
 2.7.2. Pathology Associated with Genital Infection in Men (Scrotum, Penis and Gland)
 2.7.3. Pathology Associated with Anal Infection
 2.7.4. Pathology Associated with Oropharynx Infection
 2.7.5. Pathology Associated with Other Areas

Module 3. Primary Prevention: Preventative Vaccines for Cervical Cancer

3.1. Characteristics of Available Vaccines

 3.1.1. Divalent Vaccine
 3.1.2. Tetravalent Vaccine
 3.1.3. Non-Avalent Vaccine
 3.1.4. New Vaccines

 3.2. Immunogenicity

 3.2.1. Seroconversion and Antibody Level
 3.2.2. Correlation between Antibody Level and Efficacy
 3.2.3. Differences between the Available Vaccines and Possible Relevance
 3.2.4. Estimation of the Protection Duration

 3.3. Vaccine Efficacy and Effectiveness

 3.3.1. Long-Term Efficacy Studies
 3.3.2. Medium-Term Effectiveness Studies

 3.4. Immunization in Special Groups

 3.4.1. HIV+ Patients
 3.4.2. Transplant Recipient
 3.4.3. Immunosuppressed Patients
 3.4.4. Men
 3.4.5. Patients with HPV Lesions and/or Treated Patients

 3.5. Safety of the Vaccine against HPV

 3.5.1. Safety Profile
 3.5.2. Most Frequent Adverse Events
 3.5.3. Pharmacovigilance

 3.6. Current Status of Vaccination in the World

 3.6.1. Worlwide Vaccine Coverage
 3.6.2. Vaccine Coverage in Spain BORRAR
 3.6.3. Perspectives of Eradicating the Burden of Disease

 Module 4. Cervical Cancer Screening

4.1. Screening

4.1.1. Concept
 4.1.2. Need, Benefits and Limitations
 4.1.3. Population Screening
 4.1.4. Opportunist Screening
 4.1.5. Health Care Screening

 4.2. Cytology in Screening

 4.2.1. Conventional Cytology
 4.2.2. Liquid-Based Cytology
 4.2.3. Automatic Cytology
 4.2.4. Sensitivity and Specificity

 4.3. HPV Test

 4.3.1. Evidence on the Use of VPH in Screening
 4.3.2. HPV as a Screening Test Efficacy as a Primary Test Efficacy as a Secondary Test Most Efficient Screening Model with HPV

 4.3.3. HPV Test Selection for Screening

 4.4. Screening Strategies

 4.4.1. Starting Age
 4.4.2. Finishing Age
 4.4.3. Screening Women Under 35
 4.4.4. Screening Women Over 35
 4.4.5. Special Population Screening The Immunosuppressed Screening in the Era of Vaccination

 4.4.6. Population Screening in Spain. Recommendations 

 4.5. Other Complementary Techniques

 4.5.1. Use of Viral Genotyping
 4.5.2. Use of Biomarkers

 4.6. Established Screening Systems and their Differences

 4.6.1. Cytology as a Primary Strategy
 4.6.2. HPV Test as a Primary Strategy
 4.6.3. Biomarkers

Module 5. Dealing with Abnormal Screening Results

 5.1. Action Protocols in the Event of an Abnormal Screening

 5.1.1. Positive HPV Test
 5.1.2. Altered Cytology Non-Satisfactory ASCUS ASC-H LSIL HSIL Atypical Cylindrical/Glandular Cells (AGC)

 5.2. How to Establish a Correct Diagnosis?

 5.2.1. The Importance of Using Up-to-Date Nomenclature
 5.2.2. Use of Biomarkers as Characterization of Questionable Results

 5.3. Management of Vaginal Microbiota in Treatment

 5.3.1. Impact of Microbiota in Lesional Evolution
 5.3.2. Use of Probiotics in during Monitoring

 5.4. When to Treat and When to Continue: Management of Histological Results

 5.4.1. LSIL
 5.4.2. HSIL
 5.4.3. The CIN II Enigma
 5.4.4. Monitoring HSIL in Special Circumstances

 5.5. Treatment of Cervical Lesions

 5.5.1. Preference for Excisional Methods
 5.5.2. Destructive Methods: Indications

 5.6. Post-Treatment Monitoring

 5.6.1. Post-Treatment HPV Determination
 5.6.2. Monitoring Frequency

Módulo 6. Colposcopia

6.1. Colposcopy Terminology

 6.1.1. Importance of Unified and Up-to-Date Terminology
 6.1.2. Rio 2011 Terminology

 6.2. How to Perform a Colposcopy?

 6.2.1. Basic Concepts
 6.2.2. Materials
 6.2.3. Staining
 6.2.4. Description of the Different Transformation Zones
 6.2.5. Satisfactory Colposcopy
 6.2.6. Unsatisfactory and Non-Adequate Colposcopy

 6.3. Normal Findings

 6.3.1. Original Squamous Epithelium
 6.3.2. Glandular Epithelium, Ectopia
 6.3.3. Squamous Metaplasia
 6.3.4. Deciduous Cervix

6.4. Low Grade Pathological Findings

 6.4.1. Weak Acetowhite Epithelium
 6.4.2. Fine Punctation
 6.4.3. Fine Mosaics

 6.5. High-Grade Pathological Findings

 6.5.1. Strong Acetowhite Epithelium, White on White
 6.5.2. Coarse Punctation
 6.5.3. Coarse Mosaics
 6.5.4. Irregular Crypts
 6.5.5. Other Suspicious Signs of High Grade

 6.6. Normal and Abnormal Vascularization

 6.6.1. Arboriform Structure Vessels
 6.6.2. Pathological Vessels

 6.7. Cancer Colposcopy

 6.7.1. Necrosis
 6.7.2. Exophytic Tumor
 6.7.3. Bleeding Ulcers

 6.8. Miscellaneous

 6.8.1. Polyps
 6.8.2. Leukoplakia
 6.8.3. Erosions
 6.8.4. Iodonegativity

 6.9. Colposcopy in Special Conditions

 6.9.1. Colposcopy in Pregnancy
 6.9.2. Colposcopy in Post-Treatment
 6.9.3. Colposcopy in Menopausia

 6.10. Vulvoscopy

 6.10.1. Description of the Lesion (Type, Colour and Secondary Morphology)
 6.10.2. Miscellaneous Findings (Traumas and Deformities)
 6.10.3. Malignant Suspicion (Ulcers, Exophytic Lesions, Necrosis, etc.)
 6.10.4. Abnormal Magnified Findings

 Module 7. Therapeutic Vaccines for Cervical Cancer

7.1. Biological Basis of Therapeutic Vaccines

7.1.1. Concept of Therapeutic Vaccines
 7.1.2. Cytotoxicity Analysis of the Immune System
 7.1.3. Target Antigens

 7.2. Types of Therapeutic Vaccines

 7.2.1. Based on Proteins and Peptides
 7.2.2. Based on DNA
 7.2.3. Based on Nanoparticles
 7.2.4. Based on Cells Activated Dendritic Cells Processed Tumor Cells

 7.2.5. Based on Bacterial Vectors and Living Viruses

 7.3. Vaccines Against Low Grade Lesions

 7.3.1. Design of Vaccine Against ASUS-LSIL
 7.3.2. Clinical Trials and Results
 7.3.3. Security

 7.4. Vaccines Against High Grade Lesions

 7.4.1. Design of Vaccine Against ASUS-LSIL
 7.4.2. Clinical Trials and Results

 7.5. Vaccines Against Cancer

 7.5.1. Design of Vaccine Against ASUS-LSIL
 7.5.2. Clinical Trials and Results
 7.5.3. Immunotherapy

 7.6. Safety of Therapeutic Vaccines

 7.6.1. Safety Profile
 7.6.2. Most Frequent Adverse Events
 7.6.3. Vaccine Failure

 7.7. Future of Therapeutic Vaccines

 7.7.1. New Models
 7.7.2. New Target Antigens
 7.7.3. Other Ways of Stimulating the Immune System Against HPV

Module 8. Effect of HPV on the Anus and Perianal Area

8.1. Epidemiology of HPV Anal Infection

 8.1.1. Disease Burden of HPV
 8.1.2. Most Common Genotypes
 8.1.3. Associated Precursor Lesions
 8.1.4. Associated Tumoral Lesions

 8.2. Natural History of HPV Anal Infection

 8.2.1. Routes of Perianal Infection
 8.2.2. Role of Anal Intercourse. Are these Important?
 8.2.3. Associated Co-Factors
 8.2.4. Condylomas
 8.2.5. Viral Integration and Oncogenesis in the Anus and Perianal Area

 8.3. Anal Intraepithelial Lesion

 8.3.1. Development and Topography of Anal Lesion
 8.3.2. Low Grade Lesions
 8.3.3. High Grade Lesions

 8.4. Screening of HPV Anal Lesion

 8.4.1. The Role of Cytology
 8.4.2. The Role of HPV Determination
 8.4.3. Population Screening
 8.4.4. Screening Strategies

 8.5. Anuscopy

 8.5.1. Anuscopy Technique
 8.5.2. Normal Anuscopy and Benign Changes
 8.5.3. Anuscopy with Low Grade Lesions
 8.5.4. Anuscopy with High Grade Lesions
 8.5.5. Anal Biopsy. Technique

 8.6. Treatment of Anal and Perianal Lesion

 8.6.1. Concept of Anal and Perianal Lesion Treatment
 8.6.2. Treatment of Anal and Perianal Condylomas
 8.6.3. Management of Anal and Perianal Intraepithelial Lesions
 8.6.4. Medical Treatment
 8.6.5. Surgical Treatment

 8.7. Anus Cancer Due to HPV

 8.7.1. Prevalence of Anus Cancer
 8.7.2. Risk Factors
 8.7.3. Symptoms
 8.7.4. Diagnostic Techniques
 8.7.5. Staging
 8.7.6. Conservative Management
 8.7.7. Radical Management. Anus Cancer Surgery
 8.7.8. Monitoring After Treatment
 8.7.9. Control/ Screening for HPV Infection in Other Areas

Module 9. Effect of HPV on the Oropharynx

 9.1. Epidemiology of HPV Oropharynx Infection

 9.1.1. Disease Burden of HPV
 9.1.2. Topography of Oropharynx Lesions
 9.1.3. Most Common Genotypes
 9.1.4. Associated Precursor Lesions
 9.1.5. Associated Tumoral Lesions

 9.2. Natural History of HPV Oropharynx Infection

 9.2.1. Routes of Oropharynx Infection
 9.2.2. Role of Oral Sex
 9.2.3. Associated Co-Factors
 9.2.4. Oropharynx Condylomas
 9.2.5. Viral Integration and Oncogenesis in the Oropharynx

 9.3. Oropharynx Intraepithelial Lesion

 9.3.1. Development and Topography of Oropharynx Lesion
 9.3.2. Low-Grade Lesions
 9.3.3. High-Grade Lesions

 9.4. Screening of HPV Oropharynx Lesion

 9.4.1. Role and Technique of Cytology
 9.4.2. Role and Technique of HPV Determination
 9.4.3. Population Screening
 9.4.4. Screening Strategies

9.5. Visualization of the Types of Oropharynx Lesions Caused by HPV

9.5.1. Visualization Technique
9.5.2. Normal Oropharynx and Benign Changes
9.5.3. Oropharynx with Low-Grade Lesions
9.5.4. Oropharynx with High-Grade Lesions
9.5.5. Oropharynx Biopsy. Technique

9.6. Treatment of Oropharynx Lesions

9.6.1. Concept of Oropharynx Lesion Treatment
9.6.2. Treatment of Oropharynx Condylomas
9.6.3. Management of Oropharynx Intraepithelial Lesions
9.6.4. Medical Treatment
9.6.5. Surgical Treatment

9.7. Oropharynx Cancer Associated with HPV

9.7.1. Prevalence of Oropharynx Cancer
9.7.2. Risk Factors
9.7.3. Symptoms
9.7.4. Diagnostic Techniques
9.7.5. Staging
9.7.6. Conservative Management
9.7.7. Radical Management. Anus Cancer Surgery
9.7.8. Monitoring After Treatment
9.7.9. Control/ Screening for VPH Infection in Other Areas

 Module 10. Effect of HPV on the External Genitals

 10.1. Condylomas

10.1.1. Epidemiology and Burden of the Disease Prevalence and Types of Vulvar Condylomas Prevalence and Types of Vaginal Condylomas Prevalence and Types of Condylomas on Male Genitals

 10.1.2. Condyloma Risk Factors Vulvar Condylomas Vaginal Condylomas Condylomas on Male Genitals

 10.1.3. Screening for Cervical Lesions in Female External Genitalia Condylomas
 10.1.4. Medical Treatment of Condylomas
 10.1.5. Surgical Treatment Ablative Excisional

 10.2. Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN)

 10.2.1. Epidemiology and Burden of the Disease
 10.2.2. Types of VIN
 10.2.3. VIN Risk Factors
 10.2.4. VIN Screening. Is it feasible?
 10.2.5. VIN Management. Decision Algorithms
 10.2.6. Expectant Treatment
 10.2.7. Medical Treatment
 10.2.8. Surgical Treatment Ablative Excisional

 10.2.9. VIN Monitoring
 10.2.10. Risk of Recurrence and Malignancy of VIN
 10.2.11. Vulvar Cancer

 10.3. Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia

 10.3.1. Epidemiology and Burden of the Disease
 10.3.2. Types of VAIN
 10.3.3. VAIN Risk Factors
 10.3.4. VAIN Screening. Is it feasible?
 10.3.5. VAIN Management. Decision Algorithms
 10.3.6. Expectant Treatment
 10.3.7. Medical Treatment
 10.3.8. Surgical Treatment Ablative Excisional

 10.3.9. VAIN Monitoring
 10.3.10. Risk of Recurrence and Malignancy of VAIN
 10.3.11. Vaginal Cancer

 10.4. Premalignant Lesions in Male External Genitals (PIN)

 10.4.1. Epidemiology and Burden of the Disease
 10.4.2. Types of PIN
 10.4.3. PIN Risk Factors
 10.4.4. PIN Screening. Is it Feasible?
 10.4.5. PIN Management. Decision Algorithms
 10.4.6. Expectant Treatment
 10.4.7. Medical Treatment
 10.4.8. Surgical Treatment Ablative Excisional

 10.4.9. PIN Monitoring
 10.4.10. Risk of Recurrence and Malignancy of PIN
 10.4.11. Penile Cancer

 Module 11. Cervical Cancer (CC)

11.1. Epidemiology and Risk Factors of CC Development

 11.1.1. Worldwide Incidence and Mortality of CC
 11.1.2. Incidence and Mortality of CC per Region and Country
 11.1.3. Incidence and Mortality of CC in Spain BORRAR
 11.1.4. Tobacco and CC
 11.1.5. Hormonal Contraception and CC
 11.1.6. Effect of IDU on the Incidence of CC
 11.1.7. Diet and CC
 11.1.8. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Risk of CC
 11.1.9. Parity and CC
 11.1.10. Age of Starting Sexual Relations and Promiscuity.
 11.1.11. Couples At-Risk. Male Circumcision and CC

 11.2. Staging and Diagnosis of Extension

 11.2.1. Diagnosis through Biopsy or Conization
 11.2.2. FIGO and TNM Stages
 11.2.3. Transvaginal Ultrasound Assessment in the Diagnosis of Extension
 11.2.4. Magnetic Resonance Assessment in the Diagnosis of Extension
 11.2.5. Tumor Markers Assessment
 11.2.6. Clinical Staging vs. Post-Surgical vs. Imaging

 11.3. Basis of CC Treatment

 11.3.1. Conization as a Treatment. When It Is Indicated
 11.3.2. Types of Radical Hysterectomy
 11.3.3. Complications of the Different Types of Radical Hysterectomy
 11.3.4. Sentinel Lymph Node
 11.3.5. Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy
 11.3.6. External Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy
 11.3.7. Chemotherapy

 11.4. Routes of Surgical Treatment

 11.4.1. Laparotomy
 11.4.2. Laparoscopy
 11.4.3. Robotics
 11.4.4. LACC Studies: Open vs. Minimally Invasive

 11.5. Treatment Plans

 11.5.1. Decision Algorithms
 11.5.2. Treatment in Initial Stages Conization as a Treatment Need for Radicalism Parametrectomy in Previous Hysterectomy

 11.5.3. Treatment in Advanced Stages Role of Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy Access and Routes Role of PET-CT Against Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy

 11.5.4. Vaccine Therapies Against Cervical Cancer
 11.5.5. CCU Monitoring

 11.6. Fertility Preservation Treatment

 11.6.1. Indications of Fertility Preservation
 11.6.2. Expectant Care After Conization
 11.6.3. Simple and Radical Trachelectomy
 11.6.4. Most Appropriate Approach of Trachelectomy Open Vaginal Laparoscopy Robotics

 11.7. Alternative Therapies in Local Advanced CC

 11.7.1. Chemoradiotherapy
 11.7.2. Role of New Chemotherapies
 11.7.3. Immunotherapy

Module 12. Psychological Impact of HPV Infection

12.1 Effect of HPV on the Individual

12.1.1. Response of Individual After Finding Out They Have HPV
 12.1.2. Physiological Reactions to HPV Infection
 12.1.3. Pathological Reactions to HPV Infection
 12.1.4. Individual’s Sense of Guilt
 12.1.5. Effect on Sexual Activity
 12.1.6. Management of Psychological Alterations
 12.1.7. Access to Information on Social Media and the Internet
 12.1.8.Associations Affected by HPV

 12.2. Effect of HPV on the Partner

 12.2.1. Response of the Partner After Finding Out They Have HPV
 12.2.2. Physiological Reactions of the Partner to HPV Infection
 12.2.3. Pathological Reactions of the Partner to HPV Infection
 12.2.4. Behavior Towards Sexual Relations with the Partner
 12.2.5. Management of Changes in the Couple’s Relationship
 12.2.6. Preventative Behavior of the Infection and its Repercussions on Couple Sex Life

 12.3. Sexual Activity after HPV

 12.3.1. Psychological Stages after Finding Out They Have HPV
 12.3.2. Consequences on Sexual Behavior
 12.3.3. Breakup of the Couple
 12.3.4. When Only One in the Couple is Infected
 12.3.5. When Both are Infected
 12.3.6. Behaviors of the Infected Individual or Partner with Members of their Environment
 12.3.7. Sexual Orientation of the Infected Couple

 12.4. Depression and Mood Alterations after HPV

 12.4.1. Prevalence of Depressive Syndromes in Those Infected with HPV
 12.4.2. Effect of HPV on an Individual’s Depression
 12.4.3. Management of Depressive Syndromes Caused by HPV
 12.4.4. Management of Psychotic Syndromes Caused by HPV
 12.4.5. Management of Obsessive Syndromes Caused by HPV

 12.5. Individual Psychological Management

 12.5.1. Professional Attitude Towards a Patient with HPV
 12.5.2. How to Explain HPV Infection
 12.5.3. Cognitive-Behavioral
 12.5.4. Group Therapy
 12.5.5. Drug Therapy

 12.6. Couple Psychological Management

 12.6.1. Professional Attitude Towards the Partner of a Patient with HPV
 12.6.2. How to Explain HPV Infection to the Partner of an HPV Patient
 12.6.3. Professional Attitude Towards the Breakup of the Couple
 12.6.4. Couples Therapy. Reinventing Sex
 12.6.5. Adjuvant Drug Therapy

 12.7. Desire to get Pregnant in HPV Infections

 12.7.1. Professional Attitude Towards the Desire to Procreate of a Patient with HPV
 12.7.2. Recommendations for Indicating Pregnancy
 12.7.3. When Pregnancy Should Be Contraindicated
 12.7.4. Monitoring During the Period of Trying to Get Pregnant
 12.7.5. Attitude of the Partner During Pregnancy
 12.7.6. Psychological Alterations That Occur During the Period of Trying to Get Pregnant

Module 13. Special Conditions in HPV Infection

13.1. Pregnancy

13.1.1. Prevalence of HPV in Pregnant Women
 13.1.2. Natural History of HPV Infections in Pregnant Women
 13.1.3. Colposcopy during Pregnancy
 13.1.4. Condylomas and Pregnancy. Multiple Condylomatosis
 13.1.5. Control of Cervical Lesions during Pregnancy
 13.1.6. Transmission to the Neonatal During the Birth
 13.1.7. Evolution and Viral Clearance after Delivery
 13.1.8. Management of HPV Lesions During Pregnancy

13.2. Immunosuppression

 13.2.1. Prevalence of HPV in Immunosuppressed Patients
 13.2.2. Natural History of HPV Infections in Immunosuppressed Patients
 13.2.3. Colposcopy in Immunosuppressed Women
 13.2.4. Vulvar Condylomas and their Management. Multiple Condylomatosis
 13.2.5. Screening of HPV Cervical Lesions in Immunosuppression
 13.2.6. Vaccination of Immunosuppressed Patients
 13.2.7. Evolution of Lesions for Immunosuppressed Patients and Viral Clearance
 13.2.8. Management of HPV Lesions in Immunosuppressed Patients

 13.3. AIDS

 13.3.1. Prevalence of HPV in AIDS
 13.3.2. Natural History of HPV Infections in AIDS
 13.3.3. Colposcopy in Women with AIDS
 13.3.4. Vulvar Condylomas and their Management AIDS
 13.3.5. Vaccination Against HPV in AIDS
 13.3.6. Screening of HPV Cervical Lesions in AIDS
 13.3.7. Evolution of Lesions for Immunosuppression in AIDS. Accumulative Effect of Both Viruses
 13.3.8. Management of HPV Lesions in AIDS

 13.4. Skin Infections From HPV

 13.4.1. Prevalence of Skin Infections in the Different Types of HPV
 13.4.2. Topography of Dermal HPV Lesions
 13.4.3. Natural History of HPV Infections in the Skin
 13.4.4. Dermal Warts of Viral Origin
 13.4.5. Prevention of Dermal Conditions from HPV
 13.4.6. Management of Dermal HPV Lesions

 13.5. Associated Sexually Transmitted Infections

 13.5.1. Prevalence of STIs
 13.5.2. Association Between HPV and STIs
 13.5.3. Natural History of HPV-STI Co-Infections. Individual or Cumulative Effect
 13.5.4. Prevention of STIs
 13.5.5. Colposcopy and Vulvoscopy of STIs
 13.5.6. Management of STIs

 13.6. Uncommon Infections From HPV

 13.6.1. Distribution of HPV Genotypes
 13.6.2. Tropism of HPV Genotypes
 13.6.3. Low Prevalence HPV-Associated Conditions
 13.6.4. Management of Low Prevalence HPV Lesions

 13.7. Neonatal Infection from HPV and Recurrent Laryngeal Papillomatosis in Neonates

 13.7.1. Prevalence of Neonatal Conditions from HPV
 13.7.2. Consequences of HPV Infections in Newborns
 13.7.3. Management of HPV Neonatal Infection
 13.7.4. Recurrent Laryngeal Papillomatosis. Natural History
 13.7.5. Treatment of Recurrent Laryngeal Papillomatosis

 13.8. Infections From HPV in Children

 13.8.1. Prevalence of Conditions from HPV in Children
 13.8.2. Consequences of HPV Infections in Children
 13.8.3. Management of HPV Infection in Children
 13.8.4. Legal Considerations of Infections from HPV in Children

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'This academic itinerary is exclusive to TECH and you will be able to develop it at your own pace thanks to its 100% online Relearning methodology"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Lower Genital Tract Disease and HPV

Explore the fascinating field of Lower Genital Tract Disease and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) with the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree at TECH Global University. This cutting-edge program gives you the opportunity to become an expert in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with the lower genital tract and HPV. In today's society, knowledge in this field is essential due to the impact these diseases can have on people's health and quality of life. With the increasing incidence of HPV-related diseases, there is a growing demand for highly qualified professionals in Lower Genital Tract Disease.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in research studies and hands-on projects that will allow you to enhance your knowledge and contribute to the advancement of science in this field. You will also network with health professionals who share your interests and passion for Lower Genital Tract Disease and HPV.

Combine the best of both modalities

Our Hybrid Professional Master's program combines the flexibility of online education with hands-on interaction in on-site settings. Through our virtual platform, you'll have access to cutting-edge content and can study at your own pace. In addition, you will have on-site sessions in our state-of-the-art facilities, where you can interact with experts in the field and strengthen your practical skills. At TECH Global University, we are proud to have a highly qualified teaching team, made up of professionals with extensive experience in Lower Genital Tract Disease and HPV. They will guide you throughout your learning and provide you with the necessary tools to understand in depth the theoretical concepts and apply them in clinical practice.