
A 100% online postgraduate certificate that will allow you to prosper in the industrial sector thanks to the exhaustive knowledge it offers you on Basic Thermodynamics"


The steam engine is undoubtedly the first clear and easily understandable example of the use of the laws of thermodynamics. Today, however, these principles are being used to make more efficient use of natural and renewable energy sources. This is why photovoltaic systems, improved air-conditioning systems and thermal machines have gained enormous momentum

At the same time, there is stiff business competition, especially in the industrial and technological fields, which seek greater efficiency, innovation and the design of new machines that favor production. This is a scenario where highly qualified engineering professionals are in an unbeatable position to prosper thanks to their multidisciplinary technical capabilities. Faced with this reality, TECH has created this postgraduate certificate in Basic Thermodynamics, which offers students the most comprehensive knowledge in this field through multimedia resources, in which the latest technology applied to academic teaching has been used

A program, where in just 6 weeks, the students will delve into calorimetry, Joule's law, ideal and real gases or the kinetic-molecular theory of gases. All this with a theoretical and practical approach, thanks to the case studies developed by the teaching team that is part of this program

Also, thanks to the Relearning method, used by this academic institution in all its teachings, the person who takes this program will be able to advance in a much more natural and progressive way through the content of this instruction. In addition, this system even allows you to reduce the long hours of study

TECH offers a 100% online and flexible education, ideal for those students who wish to access a quality university degree whenever and wherever they want. All you need is an electronic device with an Internet connection to be able to view, at any time, the courseware hosted on the Virtual Campus

Enroll now in a university program that uses the latest technology in its didactic resources"

This postgraduate certificate in Basic Thermodynamics contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical case studies are presented by experts in Physics
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

An academic option that allows you to distribute the course load according to your needs"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts

This university program will take you deep into the operation of real thermal machines and the Clausius theorem"


Enroll now in an academic option that you can access whenever you want to deepen your knowledge of the most relevant aspects of calorimetry"


At the end of the 150 teaching hours of this postgraduate certificate, students will have obtained the knowledge they need about Basic Thermodynamics to be able to advance in the field of engineering. Thus, they will be able to understand the main laws and functions, which will lead them to solve any problem by applying the concepts that are part of this physics, focused on the mechanical action of heat and the other forms in which energy manifests itself. The specialized teaching team that integrate the program will support the students to successfully achieve these goals


The case studies provided by specialized professionals will allow you to approach situations and direct applications of thermodynamics"

General Objectives

  • Solve problems effectively in the field of thermodynamics
  • Acquire basic notions of statistical mechanics
  • Introduce students to the principles and laws that make up thermodynamics
  • Understand the relevance of the kinetic-molecular theory of gases

Specific Objectives

  • Be able to analyze different contexts and environments in the field of physics based on a solid mathematical foundation
  • Understand and use mathematical and numerical methods commonly used in thermodynamics
  • Knowing thermodynamic functions

Thanks to this course you will be able to solve industrial machine failures by applying the key concepts of thermodynamics"

Postgraduate Certificate in Basic Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is a fundamental branch of physics that deals with the study of the laws governing energy processes and the transformations of energy in its various forms. The importance of this discipline in today's world is unquestionable, as it is applied in numerous fields of science and technology. At TECH Global University, we offer you the possibility of acquiring basic knowledge in thermodynamics through our Postgraduate Certificate. In this program, the fundamental concepts, the laws of thermodynamics and their application in solving energy problems will be addressed.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Basic Thermodynamics is an opportunity for students to acquire a solid foundation in this discipline and to be able to apply this knowledge in their professional development. The program focuses on teaching the concepts and tools necessary to understand thermodynamics and its application in today's world. This course will address topics such as internal energy, work, entropy and heat capacity, among others. Enroll in our Postgraduate Certificate in Basic Thermodynamics and start developing yourself as a professional!