
At TECH we offer you the possibility of accessing the most complete specialization of the moment on school coexistence in Primary Education so that you will be able to improve your training in this field”


Family and school are two closely related concepts, since the education of the child cannot be understood without the union of both. For this reason, in this postgraduate certificate the educational relationship between the family and society is discussed, locating the two educational contexts and addressing the importance of family education. In addition, a distinction is made between the programmed education carried out by the school and the spontaneous education carried out by the family, thus analyzing formal, non-formal and informal education and studying the relations between the family and the school.

On the other hand, education and guidance are linked given the purpose of both of them to educate people as protagonists of their educational process and capable of continuing with their own life project. For this reason, guidance should be the axis of school organization and planning, from the most specific actions, such as tutorial action, to more global ones, such as the center's educational project.

In the design of this postgraduate certificate, the order and distribution of the subjects and their topics is specially designed to allow each student to decide his or her dedication and self-manage his or her time. Additionally, they will have at their disposal theoretical materials presented through enriched texts, multimedia presentations, exercises and guided practical activities, motivational videos, master classes and practical cases, where they will be able to evoke in an orderly way the knowledge and train the decision-making that demonstrates their training within the field of teaching.

This education is distinguished by the fact that it can be taken in a 100% online format, adapting to the needs and obligations of the student, in an asynchronous and completely self-manageable manner. The student will be able to choose which days, at what time and how much time to dedicate to the study of the contents of the program. Always in tune with the capabilities and skills dedicated to it.

TECH provides you with the main educational tools to train you to develop your work in the field of teaching”

This postgraduate certificate in Social and Family Coexistence in Primary School contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented in simulated scenarios by experts in the field of study, where the student will evoke in an orderly manner the knowledge learned and demonstrate the acquisition of the competencies
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest developments on the educational task of the primary school teacher
  • Practical exercises where the students undergo the self-assessment process to improve learning, as well as activities at different skill levels
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies and teaching research
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

To access our content all you need is a computer or mobile device with an internet connection”

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of Primary Education, who pour into this education the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the specialist will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned and experienced experts in social and family coexistence in schools.

The program invites us to learn and grow, to develop as teachers, to learn about educational tools and strategies in relation to the most common needs in our classrooms"


We offer you the best teaching methodology in the market and a complete theoretical and practical material that will help you to carry out an immersive study of this subject"


The postgraduate certificate in Social and Family Coexistence in Primary School is oriented to develop in students the skills required for the exercise of their profession. For this purpose, we offer you the most complete education from the leading experts in the field.


Increase your training as a primary school teacher thanks to the opportunity offered by TECH, the world's leading online university”

General Objectives

  • Design, plan, deliver, and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals of the center
  • Recognize the importance of rules in all educational processes
  • Promote participation and respect for the rules of coexistence
  • Foster educational skills in teachers that will enable them to improve the way they teach their lessons

Specific Objectives

  • Know the relationship that exists between school and family
  • Acquire tools to differentiate between programmed (school) and spontaneous (family) education
  • Analyze formal, non-formal and informal education
  • Analyze the role of the media in communication and educational influence
  • Highlight the possibilities that educational institutions can offer to the participation of families
  • Identify the different family characteristics
  • As a task for teachers, take on the guidance and tutorial action of their students
  • Promote the knowledge of the students' own characteristics, assuming that each student is unique
  • Personalized follow-up of students with a preventive approach
  • Adapt programming, teaching and evaluation to the diversity of the student body
  • Involve families in the education of students in order to unify criteria and educational guidelines that result in greater coherence between school and family

An education of great educational value that will allow you to train your students in the promotion of healthy activities”

Postgraduate Certificate in Thoracic and Airway Surgery in Pediatrics

Pediatric surgery is a specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases affecting children. Within this branch, pediatric chest and airway surgery is fundamental for the prevention and treatment of diseases that affect children's breathing. At TECH Global University, we offer a Postgraduate Certificate in Thoracic and Airway Surgery in Pediatrics, aimed at pediatric surgeons who wish to update and deepen their knowledge in this field. This course will address the latest surgical techniques and advances in medical technology, so that professionals can apply them effectively in their daily practice.

This Postgraduate Certificate in Thoracic and Airway Surgery in Pediatrics is designed to provide a comprehensive education in this specific field to pediatric surgeons. During the course you will delve into the anatomy and physiology of the thorax and airway in children, as well as the most common diseases affecting these areas. In addition, the newest and most up-to-date surgical techniques will be addressed with the aim of providing participants with the necessary skills to offer effective and safe surgical treatment in diseases affecting the thorax and airway in children.