
Learn about the characteristics of oral tumors in great depth, so that you will be able to apply effective treatments that allow their cure"


Diseases of the oral cavity are wide ranging. For this reason, continuing education for dental professionals is essential to achieve a profound knowledge of each one of them, so that they can approach them with total safety in medical consultations. Specifically, this postgraduate diploma provides information on bone lesions, cysts and the different types of tumors that patients may present.

In particular, the educational program covers the different types of bone lesions, as well as cysts and neoplasms in an advanced level extension for the professional to fully cover a field of vital importance and that, especially in the treatment of patients with bone problems (osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, etc.) are frequent.

Likewise, an intensive study and classification of the etiopathogenesis and various strains (epithelial, connective, vascular, nervous and adipose) of existing benign tumors will be carried out so that the professional is able to describe, locate and correctly diagnose this type of lesions based on contrasted information through clinical seminars and scientific articles. 

The classification and differential diagnosis of the different lesions that may become malignant will also be a strong point of this education, differentiating between states and lesions, being the main competences of the professional in early detection, maintenance protocol and monitoring, having to promote their diagnostic ability, clinical skills and lastly, acuity, in preventing a lesion from becoming malignant by raising awareness to the patient. 

Finally, this postgraduate diploma will study in depth all types of malignant tumors, while showing the importance of a good diagnosis, speed and effectiveness. At the same time, the therapeutic advances and the most advanced techniques will be investigated, as well as the origin of these tumors at an anatomopathological level so that the physician can establish in a conceptual and pragmatic way a useful classification applicable to working life. 

Only with proper education, will you know the best way to advise your patients in oral medicine cases"

This postgraduate diploma in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine contains the most complete and up to date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in oral medicine
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the course are designed to provide all the essential information required for professional practice
  • Exercises where the self assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision making for the orally impaired patient
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make in the selection of a refresher program for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine, you will obtain a degree from TECH Global University"

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the field of oral medicine, who contribute their work experience to this education, as well as renowned specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced postgraduate diploma experts in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine.

This 100% online postgraduate diploma will allow you, to combine your studies with your professional work while expanding your knowledge in this field"


Do not hesitate to take our training program and enhance your daily practice"


The program in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine is designed to facilitate the dentist's actions when dealing with patients with oral health problems, generating a sense of security that will allow them to be more effective in their daily practice.


This refresher program will provide you with a sense of confidence in your daily work, which will help you grow both personally and professionally”

General Objectives

  • Get an extensive theoretical update in a comprehensive framework covering injuries, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation
  • Encourage problem solving and critical thinking through practical cases applicable to working life, strengthening the professional's confidence when expressing themselves and their autonomy as a healthcare professional
  • Support empathy and multidisciplinary treatment, emphasizing that as a professional one must have a global vision of the patient's state of health in order to avoid possible repercussions secondary to misinformation
  • Promote evidence based knowledge and to learn to see beyond dental pathology by expanding its diagnostic protocol for the early detection of serious pathologies such as oral cancer
  • Integrate a technical and theoretical practice in the daily treatment knowing how to approach complex cases related to systemic diseases or adjacent pathologies of the patient through sessions and clinical cases mediated by quality audiovisual means
  • Obtain advanced medical knowledge that will enable you excel in the healthcare field by correctly, interpreting data and tests through the understanding and application of knowledge that encompasses the patient's health holistically
  • Improve public speaking and communication skills so that the receiver of the message, regardless of whether or not they know the subject matter, is able to fully understand the professional's explanation, as well as prioritize ethics and a sense of morality when dealing with a case

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Bone Lesions and Maxillary Cysts

  • Learn the classification and characteristics of the different lesions
  • Understand the etiology and development of bone lesions, as well as the importance of their diagnosis
  • Know how to recognize the different types of epithelial cysts, both odontogenic and non-odontogenic, and their current prevalence
  • Gain in depth knowledge of other fundamental pathologies such as those derived from chemotherapy or radiotherapy (osteoradionecrosis)
  • Verify the importance of bisphosphonates and other drugs related to bone aspects and their interaction in clinical performance (osteonecrosis)
  • Delve deeper into the prevention, treatment and monitoring necessary to cope with these lesions
  • Verify essential patient bedside manner in every instance, as well as patient rights to information and adequate performance of medical interconsultations

Module 2. Benign Tumors

  • Specialize in the classification of benign tumors, making a clear distinction between benignity and malignancy
  • Delve deeper into the different predisposing factors to such pathologyies
  • Acquire the ability to act, reflect and be ethical when treating benign lesions
  • Select the most effective and appropriate techniques based on scientific learning through review articles and one's own clinical experience
  • Gain in depth knowledge of the different variants that may exist within benign tumors
  • Promote and encourage clinical reasoning and speaking skills, as well as communication with other professionals, since these patients may require multidisciplinary treatment
  • Distinguish the pharmacological and treatment dynamics in these cases

Module 3. White and Premalignant Lesions

  • Explain and classify the different premalignant lesions, as well as the importance of predisposing factors and etiology
  • Gain in depth knowledge of the different concepts and types of premalignant lesions
  • Adequately describe the anatomopathology of a lesion
  • Consider the changes and monitoring of a lesion to prevent trauma or malignization as much as possible
  • Specialize in the concept of dysplasia, its degrees and the protocols to be followed
  • Encourage a relaxed atmosphere toward patients by communicating in such a way as not to induce panic while making patients aware of their pathology
  • Interrelate dentistry with medicine to achieve a multidisciplinary field of action in order to improve patient health
  • Verify what clinical actions can be taken to prevent possible malignization

Module 4. Oral Cancer and Malignant Tumors

  • Recognize anatomopathologies and know the diagnostic protocols for oral cancer, as well as its etiology, prevention guidelines, monitoring and oral rehabilitation
  • Know how to make a clear distinction between the different types of tumors and the specific monitoring of those that do not follow the normal protocol
  • Specialize in disorders related to the lymphatic system and their potential consequences
  • Recognize the different surgical techniques and their fundamentals when applying them to malignant lesions
  • Reflect on research updates regarding malignant pathologies
  • Know how to interpret the side effects and collateral effects of cancer with respect to dental treatments in order to apply them responsibly and judiciously
  • Present updated monitoring of patients, and express empathic and humanitarian work, developing communication skills and expressive delicacy in professionals
  • Specialize in patient safety before making any health care decision
  • Gain a deep understanding of patients' right to information and professionals' duty to inform

Take the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine"

Postgraduate Diploma in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine

The profession of dentists is an essential pillar in human life, since they help maintain proper oral health in order to avoid possible problems that may arise in the future. As a result, the acquisition of new knowledge becomes essential to update their techniques and provide the best treatments to their patients. At TECH we have a Postgraduate Diploma in Bone Lesions, Cysts and Tumors in Oral Medicine, a high-level program that will allow you to provide early diagnosis and in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of oral tumors. You will specialize in offering effective healing procedures based on the most recent medical safety, in addition, you will learn about the different types of bone trauma, benign tumors and white and premalignant lesions. Add new skills to your career and increase your chances of employability by 99%.

Take a Postgraduate Diploma online

At TECH Global University we have the largest Faculty of Dentistry and a curriculum designed with the highest academic quality. You will be able to specialize in the etiopathogenesis and the various strains of benign tumors and anatomopathological level, including epithelial, connective, vascular, nervous and adipose. You will be an expert in locating and correctly diagnosing these types of problems by means of the most updated clinical and scientific information on the market. In addition, you will be trained in the maintenance and follow-up of lesions to facilitate their correct healing through completely advanced therapeutic techniques.

Obtain a postgraduate degree at the largest digital university in the world.

We have the latest educational technology and interactive systems focused on online teaching, through unparalleled methodologies you will take your career to the next level to acquire new skills and abilities in this medical field. At TECH you will be able to specialize for six months to provide the best treatments to your patients and maintain proper oral health in teeth, gums, periodontal and maxillary tissue, among others. Also, you will keep your learning curve constantly growing by developing clinical cases presented by experts in oral medicine, in addition to actively participating in forums and doing reflective work to complement your curriculum.