
Study from the comfort of your home and update your knowledge online with TECH Global University, the biggest online university in the world” 


Intelligent Systems provide teachers with the ability to design educational resources in a personalized and efficient way. For example, thanks to Artificial Intelligence they can create didactic materials to boost student learning. Teachers use Machine Learning to create individualized activities, design interactive lessons through the inclusion of multimedia content and create personalized readings, depending on the level of understanding of each student. In line with this, Artificial Intelligence can be used to generate visual examples for students to understand complex concepts, in areas such as Physics, Chemistry or Biology. 

In this context, TECH has implemented a pioneering program, which will address in detail the creation of didactic content through Artificial Intelligence. In this way, the syllabus will delve into the development of evaluation tests, as well as the correction of activities and evaluative tests. Likewise, multiple strategies will be offered to produce teaching quality evaluation surveys. 

Moreover, the expert will examine how to develop effective evaluations, taking advantage of the effectiveness of generative Artificial Intelligence in Education. In addition, to strengthen the knowledge of the graduates, the program will include the analysis of several real case studies, using simulated learning environments. 

On the other hand, the program is based on the innovative Relearningmethod, of which TECH is a pioneer. This teaching system uses the reiteration of key contents in a natural way, guaranteeing that they remain in the professionals' memory without the need to memorize. 

It should also be noted that all that is required to access the Virtual Campus is an electronic device with Internet access (cell phones, tablets or computers). In addition, students can access a digital library full of additional didactic materials, including interactive summaries, to enrich their educational experience. 

Do you want to have at your fingertips the most effective pedagogical strategies to provide quality educational experiences? Achieve it in just 6 weeks thanks to this program”

The postgraduate certificate in Teaching Practice with Generative Artificial Intelligence contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of practical cases presented by experts in Teaching Practice with Generative Artificial Intelligence 
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide theoretical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will get the most out of feedback to improve your teaching practice, through an extensive library of the most innovative multimedia resources”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

You will master Artificial Intelligence and use it with agility for the correction of evaluative tests, all thanks to this 100% online postgraduate certificate"


You will have access to a learning system based on repetition, known as Relearning, with a natural and progressive teaching throughout the entire syllabus"


Upon completion of this academic itinerary, teachers will obtain a comprehensive vision of the application of Machine Learning in the educational area. In this way, they will develop new competences to elaborate personalized educational materials adapted to the particular needs of the students. In this sense, professionals will use Artificial Intelligence tools to improve evaluation, taking advantage of feedback from educational platforms. In addition, specialists will stand out for their ethical awareness and moral values during their teachings.


The best teaching methodology and multimedia will be at your fingertips in this complete and innovative 100% online program"

General Objectives 

  • Understand the fundamental ethical principles related to the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings. 
  • Analyze the current legislative framework and the challenges associated with the implementation of AI in educational settings 
  • Develop critical skills to evaluate the ethical and social impact of AI in education. 
  • Encourage the responsible design and use of AI solutions in educational contexts, considering cultural diversity and gender equity 
  • Train in the design and implementation of AI projects in the educational environment 
  • Provide an in-depth understanding of the theoretical foundations of AI, including machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing 
  • Develop skills to integrate AI projects effectively and ethically into the educational syllabus. 
  • Understand the applications and impact of AI in teaching and learning, critically assessing its current and potential uses 
  • Apply generative AI to personalize and enrich teaching practice, creating adaptive educational materials. 
  • Identify, evaluate, and apply the latest trends and emerging technologies in AI relevant to education, reflecting on their challenges and opportunities

Specific Objectives

  • Master generative AI technologies for their application and effective use in educational environments, planning effective educational activities
  • Create didactic materials using generative AI to improve the quality and variety of learning resources, as well as to measure student progress in innovative ways 
  • Use generative AI to correct activities and evaluative tests, streamlining and optimizing this process 
  • Integrate generative AI tools in pedagogical strategies to improve the effectiveness of the educational process and design inclusive learning environments, under the universal design approach
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of generative AI in education, analyzing its impact on teaching and learning processes

TECH’s learning system follows the highest international quality standards”

Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Practice with Generative Artificial Intelligence

Explore new frontiers in education with the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Practice with Generative Artificial Intelligence, a disruptive educational proposal from TECH Global University. This program not only introduces you to the latest trends in artificial intelligence, but also redefines the way you conceive and carry out teaching, merging the teaching experience with technological innovation. In a world where online education has become the norm, we give you the opportunity to advance your career from the comfort of your home. Our online course is designed to fit your schedule, allowing you to maintain a balance between your professional and academic life while immersing yourself in the cutting edge of teaching. The focus of the Postgraduate Certificate goes beyond conventional theory. This program is aimed at education professionals who are looking to revitalize their pedagogical approach and embrace the technological revolution in the classroom.

Learn artificial intelligence applied to pedagogy

Throughout the course, you will explore in depth how generative artificial intelligence techniques can personalize the learning experience, dynamically adapting to the individual needs of each student. At TECH Global University, we believe in hands-on learning. You will participate in case studies and projects that will challenge you to directly apply generative artificial intelligence techniques in your educational environment. This hands-on experience will prepare you to meet current and future teaching challenges, equipping you with skills that go beyond the traditional. After completing our Postgraduate Certificate, you will not only have acquired advanced knowledge in artificial intelligence applied to education, but you will be ready to lead the transformation in your educational institution. Discover how artificial intelligence can empower your teaching practice and join TECH Global University to boost your career with this exceptional educational offer. Enroll today!