
Dr. Nurka Cristina Torres Vargas is a Digestive System Specialist with more than 10 years of experience in private and public hospitals, starting her Specialization in Liver Transplantation in an External Rotation at the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla in Santander. 

Her outstanding performance in Health Services in the Basque Country and in the Balearic Islands has allowed her, from her own experience, to carry out studies and publications published in specialized journals and to participate, in turn, in medical and scientific congresses in her field, as an invited guest. 

  • Digestive System Specialist 
  • Specialist in the Digestive System, Osakidetza Basque Health Service 
  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System, Grupo Policlínica Ibiza 
  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System Service of the Hospital Can Misses, Servei de Salut, Illes Balears 
  • Medical Specialist in the Digestive System Service at Policlínica Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Illes Balears  
  • Undergraduate degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru
  • Postgraduate in the Digestive System at the San Millán-San Pedro de Logroño Hospital Complex
  • MIR Digestive System (R4) in the Specialty of Digestive System (Liver Transplant), with an External Rotation at the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander. 
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