Mateo Martín, Ignacio
Web application developer at ATOS
Journalism and Communication
Journalist and Communicator Ignacio Mateo Martín has a perfect command of the media and Institutional Relations. Thanks to his experience in several newspapers and communication agencies, Mateo Ignacio is an expert in Economy, Environment, International Politics and Sports.
The entrepreneurial spirit always accompanies this freedom of information enthusiast. This encouraged him to create the digital magazine La Paradinha dedicated to soccer. A lover of new technologies, Mateo Martín is a web application developer, contributing in this field his deep knowledge of general and specific information to customers.
- Web applications developer at ATOS
- Founder of the digital magazine La Paradinha
- Editor at ABC de Sevilla in the Economy section and in the Andalusia section.
- Editor at Europa Press Andalucía
- Editor in the press office of Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía.
- Editor at Estadio Deportivo
- Graduate in Journalism from the University of Seville.
- Superior Technician in Web Applications Development at IES Jacarandá
- Master's Degree in International Relations from the Pablo de Olavide University in conjunction with the International University of Andalusia.