
Jorge Cabrerizo Pardo, a specialist in Actuarial and Financial Sciences, has a long career behind him. He has spent most of his career at Mapfre, where he has worked in the areas of individual life and solvency business development.  

In addition to this, he has extensive knowledge of Marketing and Big Data, which makes him an integral professional. His excellent management has allowed him to be a speaker at various conferences and round tables, including the IV Conference on Actuarial Research at ICEA.  

  • Insurance Actuary at Mapfre 
  • Senior Actuary of Life Solvency II/IFRS17 at Mapfre
  • Individual Life business development area at Mapfre
  • Speaker at the IV Conference on Actuarial Research at ICEA
  • Expert in business management techniques at the Francisco de Vitoria University
  • Advanced program in Big Data for business management and marketing at the CEF (CEF) 
  • Graduate in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad de Alcalá 
  • Postgraduate degree in Solvency II from the University of Barcelona
  • Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences from the Universidad Carlos III 
Programmes in collaboration with

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