
This Postgraduate certificate will allow you to delve into the most updated procedures for the design and planning of Animal Assisted Speech Therapy Interventions for people with ASD or ACD" 


People suffering from diseases such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, cerebral palsy or different types of acquired brain damage suffer numerous problems to communicate adequately with the people around them. This way, they have found an excellent ally in animal therapies, since the affective bond between dogs or horses and people with these pathologies favors the development of speech skills. Therefore, motivated by the benefit they provide in the communicative process of the individual, specialists must identify the most avant-garde therapies in this field in order not to be left behind with respect to the evolution of their sector.

For this reason, TECH has designed this program, through which the student will learn about the most recent advances linked to the area of Animal Assisted Speech Therapy Intervention to ensure their professional update. Throughout this academic period, the student will determine the recent benefits found by these practices in the approach to Specific Language Disorder or establish the sophisticated methods to carry them out in people with Autism. Likewise, they will be able to identify the impact of the movement produced in therapies with horses on the regulation of the nervous system, as indicated by the last evidence.

Because this degree is developed through a 100% online modality, the doctor will enjoy excellent learning without the need to make uncomfortable trips to a school. In the same way, you will have teaching resources present in formats such as readings, explanatory video or interactive summary. As a result, you will obtain a first-level education, effective and perfectly adapted to your personal and professional tasks.

Learn, through this program, the cutting-edge findings on the benefits offered by horse-assisted therapy on the regulation of the nervous system" 

This Postgraduate certificate in Animal Assisted Speech Therapy Intervention contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Speech Therapy
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical content with which they are created, provides scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

With this qualification, you will identify the sophisticated methods of Logopedic Intervention Assisted by Animals that allow optimizing the results with people who suffer from Specific Language Disorder" 

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

Make your personal and professional tasks compatible with exquisite learning thanks to the study facilities offered by TECH" 


This Postgraduate certificate, given its 100% online methodology, will allow you to learn without having to stick to uncomfortable pre-set schedules"


TECH has designed this Postgraduate certificate with the idea of providing the specialist with the most relevant and cutting-edge knowledge in the field of Animal Assisted Speech Therapy. In this way, it will delve into the updated neurological bases of the horse intervention or identify the most recent findings regarding the benefits offered by this practice. Such learning will be preserved by achieving the following general and specific objectives.


Adopt in your daily work routine the latest advances in Animal Assisted Speech Therapy Intervention in only 12 weeks"

General Objectives

  • Analyze the origin and evolution of human-animal relationships in order to justify the importance of the bond between them
  • Present the different lines of research being carried out in the field of Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI)
  • Establish the general foundations that justify the efficiency of therapeutic work in the field of Animal Assisted Interventions
  • Detect the main characteristics of the population groups susceptible to receive this type of intervention
  • Analyze the figure of the speech therapist in the field of Animal Assisted Intervention
  • Delimit the different fields of action of the speech therapist within the Animal 
  • Assisted Interventions
  • Design and plan Animal Assisted Interventions in the field of speech therapy
  • Examine the evolution and current lines of research
  • Substantiate the benefits and importance of animal-assisted therapies in different target populations
  • Generate specialized knowledge for the selection of the different species and breeds of animals that can intervene in the field of Animal Assisted Interventions. Animal Assisted Interventions
  • Substantiate the importance of a comprehensive training process for animals collaborating in animal-assisted interventions (AAI)
  • Establish parameters required to educate and train animals as co-therapists
  • Assess efficiency of specialists carrying out training process for animals as co-therapists 

Specific Objectives

  • Define and differentiate basic terminology in the field of speech therapy
  • Identify the different areas of Speech Therapy Intervention
  • Develop different methodologies and forms of intervention within the field of Speech Therapy through Animal Assisted Interventions
  • Know the main forms of communication and its ways of expression
  • Define the profile of the speech therapist within the Horse-Assisted Interventions as well as their main intervention objectives
  • Determine the profile of the speech-language pathologist in Dog Assisted Interventions and their main intervention objectives
  • Identify the speech therapy needs of the users and how they can be covered through Animal Assisted Interventions

Once you have completed this Postgraduate certificate, you will have a series of updated knowledge that will make you a reference professional in this health field"

Postgraduate Certificate in Animal Assisted Speech Therapy Intervention

At TECH Global University, we present you with the Postgraduate Certificate in Animal Assisted Speech Therapy Intervention, a unique opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in the field of speech therapy and discover the benefits of animal assisted therapy. Our online classes give you the flexibility to study from anywhere and reap the benefits of a quality education in the medical field. Animal-assisted speech therapy is a discipline that combines speech and language therapy with the presence of trained animals, such as dogs or horses. This innovative methodology has proven to be highly effective in the treatment of speech and language disorders, as well as in promoting communication and social interaction in people of all ages. In our academic program, we will provide you with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to understand the role of animals in speech-language intervention and to apply effective techniques and strategies in your professional practice. You will learn about the fundamentals of animal-assisted therapy, the most common speech and language disorders, and how to tailor therapy sessions to each individual's needs.

Learn about animal-assisted speech-language intervention.

The TECH Global University online classes offer you an enriching and accessible educational experience. You will be able to access the course content at any time and from any device, adapting it to your pace of life and schedule. In addition, you will have the support of our expert teachers, who will guide you through the program and answer your questions in a timely and accurate manner. At the end of the course, you will be prepared to integrate this innovative therapeutic modality into your speech therapy practice and provide a holistic and effective approach to your patients. You will be able to make a difference in people's lives, improving their communication, confidence and emotional well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge in the field of speech therapy and discover the benefits of animal-assisted speech therapy intervention. Enroll today at TECH.