González Sancho, Lourdes
Veterinarian in the Public Administration
Veterinary Medicine
Lourdes González Sancho is a professional who has developed most of her career linked to the world of Pharmacy. Thus, she has worked as a pharmacist of Health Administration in public entities such as the Department of Health or Health and Consumption of Autonomous Communities.
Her tireless desire to keep herself constantly updated and expand her knowledge in her discipline has led her to take a large number of programs related to subjects such as the legislative framework of additives, labeling and claims in the composition of food or veterinary certification for exporting food of animal origin, among other issues.
- Pharmacist of Health Administration in the Health Department
- Health Administration Pharmacist at the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs.
- Pharmacist in Pharmacy Office
- Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Valencia.
- Numerous training programs related to the pharmaceutical field.