
Dr. Sharon Ball Burstein is a medical specialist in Ophthalmology with extensive experience in the orbit, eyelids and tear duct. In this sense, she has established herself as a reference in this field thanks to her work in health centers such as the ABC Medical Center or the Ophthalmology Institute Conde de Valenciana Foundation. 

This doctor has combined her medical activity with meritorious research work, her areas of interest being Oculoplastics, Endoscopy of the Tear Duct, Ocular Oncology or Orbit Surgery. In fact, he has made great contributions in this line, deepening on the usefulness of Conjunctival and Nasal Cytology in patients with Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis or on the standardization of Schirmer type I tests and tear film rupture time. All these articles have been published in high impact scientific journals. 

  • Assistant physician of the Oculoplastic Service at the Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación Conde de Valenciana
  • Medical Degree from Anahuac University
  • Specialty in Ophthalmology from the Instituto de Oftalmología Fundación Conde de Valenciana  
  • Sub-specialty in Surgery of the Orbit, Eyelids and Tear Duct by the National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Rotation at MD Anderson in Periocular Oncology
  • Rotation in Rosario Argentina in Endoscopy of the Tear Duct
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