
This internship program is designed to strengthen project managers' management and leadership skills”


change, globalization, and adaptation to customer tastes. A scenario that has led professionals to have to update their knowledge and skills to be able to lead projects in times of uncertainty and response to the new organizational characteristics of companies.

That is why it is not strange to find a large number of entities that only have businesses in digital environments and where their workers telework in different parts of the world. A scenario that requires software and strategies that allow better coordination and control, as well as a Project Management with a much more current vision.

In this context, this internship program is born, which provides professionals with a practical stay in a first-class company with a long trajectory in the management, consulting, and execution of projects of a diverse nature. A space where the graduate will be next to a real expert in the management of large-scale initiatives.

In addition, this unique experience will allow you to learn about the procedures, techniques, and tools used to assess the scope of a project, the financial scope of the project, and the management of both material and human resources. An excellent opportunity to advance professionally through 120 hours of first-class professional practice.##IMAGE##

"Make the most of this opportunity to learn about the latest advances in this subject to apply it to your daily practice" 

Why our program?

Business strategies alone do not achieve success; it is necessary to implement well-directed projects that adapt to the changes that need to be made. This is why TECH has designed this internship program in Project Management, which provides the professional with a face-to-face stay in a company, which will allow them to test the methods used to address the management of any project, taking into account its scope, time, costs, risks, purchasing, communication, and resources. A practice that responds to the real needs of those professionals who wish to update their knowledge in this field.vocational apprenticeships project management TECH Global University

TECH is the only university that offers you the chance to join a top-tier company that has advised or led large-scale projects”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

Digital tools for communication between work teams, software for tasks, or time control of a project are nowadays indispensable in any business environment. That is why TECH in this internship program brings the professional closer to the most cutting-edge technology a first-class company uses in innovation projects. In this way, they will be able to integrate the technical advances achieved in this area into their daily work. 

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

Throughout the practical aspects of this program, the professional will be accompanied by an expert with experience in the management and direction of projects. A specialist's knowledge will allow them to integrate the most effective methods and procedures according to the characteristics of each initiative. An opportunity to check in situ and from the hand of the best how is the day-to-day of a Project Management.

3. Entering first-class professional environments 

TECH carries out a careful selection of all the centers available for the Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the professional will have guaranteed access to a prestigious space in the direction and management of projects.
In this way, the graduate will be able to obtain a much more direct vision of the processes used by the best companies in the business sector.Thanks to this, the professional will have guaranteed access to a prestigious Spaces in the area of Project Management. 

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

This academic institution has focused with this proposal on offering students a much more real vision, with a focus on professional progression either nationally or internationally. To this end, it has designed a program that is 100% face-to-face in a company where they will be able to develop 120 hours of practice. This experience will allow you to take charge of top-level projects, applying the most successful leadership and management methodologies, tools, and techniques.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

With this proposal, TECH offers the opportunity to spend time not only in national but also in international entities. In this way, the professional will be able to expand their frontiers and acquire new skills from experts who have extensive experience in high-impact projects. A unique experience that only this academic institution can offer.

professional practices project management TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Internship Program in Project Management

In a highly competitive and constantly evolving business world, effective project management has become a fundamental skill for the success of any organization. At TECH Global University, a global leader in higher education, we understand the importance of having qualified professionals in project management and, for this reason, we have developed our Internship Program in Project Management, which will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to plan, execute and control projects efficiently, guaranteeing their success. One of the advantages of our program is that it is taught in person, which will allow you to interact with experts in the field and learn from their vast experience. In addition, you will be able to meet professionals interested in project management, which will give you the opportunity to establish contacts and expand your professional network. Our practical approach will allow you to apply the knowledge acquired in real cases, which will prepare you to face real situations in the work environment.

Train yourself in project management

The TECH Global University's Project Management Internship Program focuses on developing leadership, decision-making, time management, effective communication and problem-solving skills, among others. In addition, we will address the main frameworks and methodologies used in project management, such as PMBOK, Scrum and Kanban. Our experts will guide you through the development of a real project, from its conception to its closure, so that you can apply the knowledge acquired in a practical way. Become a highly skilled project management professional with our Project Management Internship Program. Expand your job opportunities and stand out in the market with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead successful projects. Enroll in TECH Global University and start your path to success in the business world!