With this Professional Master's Degree, you will get a complete overview of the Medical Expertise and Valuation of Bodily Injury.
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professional master’s degree
Advances in Applied Phytotherapy
This Professional Master's Degree will show the limits of the use of phytotherapy in order to take the appropriate decisions to use it in a preventive and therapeutic way.
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professional master’s degree
Therapeutic Yoga
Improve your Yoga Therapy skills with this Professional Master's Degree.
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professional master’s degree
With this Professional Master's Degree you will be able to deepen in all the processes related to Telemedicine management.
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professional master’s degree
Medical Affairs
Professional Master's Degree in Medical Affairs, update your scientific knowledge and develop leadership skills.
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professional master’s degree
Advanced Integrative Medicine and Health
In recent decades, advances in nutritional genomic medicine, ozone therapy or neuropsychiatry have improved both the knowledge of pathologies and disorders and the approach to the patient through individualized and complementary treatments to traditi ...
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Professional master’s degree
MBA in Hospital and Health Services Management
Prepare yourself to lead and manage Hospitals and Health Services through this updated Professional Master's Degree.
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Professional master’s degree
Aesthetic Medicine
Professional Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine, update yourself and discover the most advanced techniques and tools in the sector.
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professional master’s degree
Clinical Analysis
Get trained in Clinical Analysis through this postgraduate course developed by recognized experts in this field.
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professional master’s degree
Therapeutic Pilates
Learn everything related to Therapeutic Pilates through this Professional Master's Degree.
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Professional master’s degree
Clinical Management, Medical and Healthcare Administration
This Professional Master's Degree is aimed at training Heads of Service and those responsible for the medical management of hospital centers.